
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

PALESTINIANS CELEBRATE SYNAGOGUE MASSACRE while the US forces Abbas to issue a FAKE CONDEMNATION - Arafat's bodyguard reveals how Arafat was forced to lie by the US - The US MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE machinations geared at deceiving Israel and moving the partition process forward

Abbas's PA and 'moderate' Fatah Celebrate 'heroic' Jerusalem attack
But the White House forces Abbas to lie - Anything to achieve the partition and destruction of Israel. 
This is even more morally reprehensible because, unlike the Arabs, the US government calls itself an ally and a friend of Israel.
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  • Abbas's adviser calls attack 'heroic operation,' Fatah welcomes it and 'escorts the martyrs to paradise' as the candy is passed out.
  • Abbas forced to 'condemn' attack by US Secretary of State John Kerry.  But Abbas conditioned his condemnation by passing the blame on Israel with several random accusations.
  • Abbas' faction Fatah said that his condemnation had been done under international pressure.
  • A close associate of Arafat disclosed on a BBC interview that Arafat's condemnations too had been lies told under international pressure.
  • In other words, the US forces Palestinians to tell lies in order to move Israel's partition forward.
  • And considering that such partition would unleash the end of Israel, the US machinations are even more morally reprehensible.
Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's adviser and members of his Fatah faction have come out and directly praised the terrorist attack in Jerusalem on Tuesday in which five Israelis were murdered in a synagogue, after Abbas's office made a perfunctory condemnation of the attack.
Abbas's adviser Sultan Abu Al-Einen, who praised another terrorist as a "hero" last month, called the lethal attack with hatchets, knives and guns on Tuesday a "heroic operation" on his Facebook page, reveals Palestinian Media Watch(PMW).
In the post, Al-Einen put up pictures of pools of blood and Jewish victims on the ground in prayer shawls, as well as a photo of the dead terrorists with a bloodied butcher's knife beside them on the ground.
Al-Einen wrote "pictures from the scene of the heroic operation at the religious Zionist institute, in response to the assassination of martyr Yusuf Al-Ramuni 'Abu Jihad.'"
The reference to Al-Ramuni relates to an Arab Egged bus driver who committed suicide on Sunday night, as proven by an autopsy. Those results did little to dispel the incitement and riots encircling Jerusalem.
Al-Einen was joined by spokesperson Jamal Tirawi of Abbas's Fatah faction, who said in the name of his faction that they "welcomed the martyrdom-seeking operation in Jerusalem" and were "escorting the martyrs of the Abu Jamal family to paradise," PMW reported citing Donia Al-Watan News.
Fatah celebrated the attack, announcing on its official Facebook page that, like Arab residents of Gaza and the family of the terrorists in Jerusalem, people under their rule were passing out candy.
"Handing out candy in the cities of the West Bank in celebration of the Jerusalem operation, which was carried out to avenge the execution of martyr Yusuf Al-Ramuni and the violations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque," Fatah wrote on its official page.

Arafat lied too
The various celebrations were added to with a video on Fatah's Facebook page of a bodyguard of former PA Chairman Yasser Arafat. The bodyguard was interviewed by BBC Arabic in April, and explained that Arafat condemned terror attacks due to international pressure - but lied when he did so.
Fatah posted the following text with the video: "for those who argue with Fatah: Why the PA condemns self-sacrifice operations!" The content became unavailable shortly after it was posted, reports PMW.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday noted in his speech following the attack that while Abbas condemned the murder, he went on to spout incitement and demand "an end to the invasions of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the provocations of the settlers, and the incitement on the part of several Israeli ministers."
Speaking of incitement, PMW revealed on Tuesday that PA Supreme Sharia (Islamic law) Judge and Abbas's adviser Mahmoud Al-Habbash on PA TV on November 5 directly said that Abbas is inciting religious war.


The following is a longer excerpt of the interview with Arafat's bodyguard explaining how the condemnations of terror attacks were not sincere:
TV host: "How can someone be a radio and TV engineer and agree to be the bodyguard of a public personality, even if it is Yasser Arafat?" 
Arafat's bodyguard Muhammad Dayeh: "As far as I'm concerned, even if I was a doctor and he had asked me to work for him as a cook - I would have worked for Arafat. My father and mother taught me - I suckled love for Arafat from my mother's milk. We love Arafat passionately."
TV host: "[Former Israeli PM Ariel] Sharon called Arafat a pathological liar, and many politicians who knew Arafat say he excelled at lying."
Bodyguard: "[Our] religion permits lying in three cases: to settle between two people - religion allows you [to lie] in order to settle between two people."
TV host: "For reconciliation."
Bodyguard: "Someone whose wife isn't pretty, [can] say, 'You're the most beautiful woman in the world'; and the third [case] is in politics - you can lie."
TV host: "Do you agree with this?"
Bodyguard:"Yes, yes."
TV host: "He would lie in front of you."
Bodyguard: "Yes. Arafat, yes. For example, whenever an operation (i.e., terror attack) was carried out in Tel Aviv, Arafat would go out and say [he condemned it] - of course, after pressure. First and foremost [from Egyptian] President Mubarak. He would call brother Arafat and tell him: "Brother Arafat, go and condemn it, they'll screw you." [Arafat] would tell him: "But Mr. President, I have Martyrs - they [Israel] destroyed us, they massacred us." [Mubarak] would tell him: "Brother Arafat, go and condemn [it]. They'll screw you." Brother Arafat would go and condemn it in his special way: I am against killing civilians - and that wasn't true."
[BBC Arabic YouTube channel, April 1, 2014]
Arafat's bodyguard tells how the US government forces them to issue fake condemnations of terror.  - 

Continue reading and see photos of massacre and of Palestinian culture and celebration

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They were just praying, not hurting anyone - but they were slaughtered for just being Jews 
An old story being repeated even in their own homeland - this time by the descendants of Muslim invaders and conquerors.
A worshipper staggers out of the synagogue in shock after the brutal terrorist attack
Wounded Jew flees the horror of another massacre

palis candy
They have tried to exterminate Israelis in the wars of 1949, 1967, 1973. 
What part of it is it that the Land-for-Peace crowd don't understand?

A masked Palestinian distributes sweets as he celebrates with others an attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip November 18, 2014. Two Palestinians armed with a meat cleaver and a gun killed four people in a Jerusalem synagogue on Tuesday before being shot dead by police, the deadliest such incident in six years in the holy city amid a surge in religious conflictPublic celebration in Gaza - Four Jews murdered

A masked Palestinian distributes sweets as he celebrates with others an attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip
Sharing their joy in Gaza - All Palestinians put politics aside while united in hate

‘For you, al-Aqsa’ – a caricature showing a bloody meat cleaver with the writing ‘Jerusalem fights’ next to it
‘For you, al-Aqsa’ – a caricature showing a bloody meat cleaver with the writing ‘Jerusalem fights’ next to it / Free Beacon

A Palestinian woman scatters sweets as she celebrates with others an attack on a Jerusalem synagogue


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With the symbols of their culture.  What kind of country would they build?




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