
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

PRESIDENT OBAMA'S REACTION TO MASSACRE OF JEWS: Too many Palestinians have died...

By Frances Martel, BREITBART
President Obama has responded to today's terrorist attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem in which four Israeli Jews attending morning prayers condemning the attack, and stating that "the majority of Palestinians" want peace.
White House moral equivalence - Arab terrorists and Jewish victims are the same.  Calling on both sides for restraint.
In a statement delivered to the White House press pool, President Obama responded to the attack by declaring that "too many Palestinians have died," as well as Israelis, in the struggle between the state of Israel and the terrorist group Hamas and its affiliates, including the internationally active Muslim Brotherhood.

"At this difficult time," the President told reports, "I think it's important for both Palestinians and Israelis to try to work together to lower tensions and reject violence.  We have to remind ourselves that the majority of Palestinians and Israelis overwhelmingly want peace," the statement concludes, before the President begins remarks on the Ebola crisis in West Africa. The President did not take questions.
The President's remarks follow Secretary of State John Kerry's response to the terrorist attack, in which he called "on Palestinian leadership at every single level to condemn this in the most powerful terms.”
Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas, on his end, nominally condemned the attack while "stressing the need to end the causes of such attacks like tensions over what Jews call the Temple Mount and Palestinians call al-Aqsa Mosque."
Such a dismissal of the increasingly out-of-control terrorist activity by Palestinian extremists received the typical benefit of the doubt from mainstream media.
As previously mentioned, four were killed during the attack-- three, the New York Post reports, were American citizens. Photos released by the IDF office show significant bloodshed, indicating that the axes were used in killing those praying in the synagogue.
Those congregated there had assembled for morning prayers; the assailants were armed with both guns and axes. Both assailants were Arab Palestinians, and both were killed on sight.
This attack is the latest in a string in Jerusalem in recent months. Two such attacks perpetrated on Israeli Jewish residents of Jerusalem were done so using a car.

In one incident, a Palestinian assailant drove his car into a group of Jewish Israelis, killing a three-month-old Chaya Zissel, a US citizen. In the aftermath of that attack, a senior Palestinian Authority aide called the killer a "heroic martyr," and both Hamas and Fatah applauded the attack.
Palestinians' Celebration of Synagogue Massacre Abetted by Obama's Moral Equivalence


Breitbart - Horrific events like Tuesday’s savage terrorist attack on Jewish worshippers gathered in their neighborhood Jerusalem synagogue for morning prayers are sadly almost to be expected from a Palestinian society utterly consumed in the warped incitement and demonic celebration of violent blood lust. 

Outbursts of such mindless and murderous savagery are the evil but perfectly logical results of the blood curdling incitement, omnipresent throughout state-controlled Palestinian media. News of the massacre was met in Palestinian cities and towns not with denunciations, but with congratulations and celebration.

As difficult as it is to watch an entire society swallowed up by an unimaginable hatred, it is even harder to fathom how the West– and in particular the United States government– remains so adamant in their refusal to learn any lasting or correct lessons about the true aims and openly expressed goals of terror groups like Hamas and US funded Palestinian Authority.

While US Secretary of State John Kerry was quick to issue one of his finest defenses of Israel as America’s top diplomat as he condemned Tuesday’s Palestinian terrorist atrocity just a few hours later, it was all but negated by President Obama’s stunningly void remarks in which he doubled down on his morally bankrupt bromides about “cycle’s of violence,” calls for “mutual restraint,” and how most Palestinians want peace.

Of the many things that can be accurately said of the Palestinian people, that the majority of Palestinians want peace with Israel is obviously not one of them. 

Polls regularly show almost 90% of Palestinians openly support the murder of Israelis and Jews.

The three most obvious lessons that people not deluded by politically correct fantasies regarding the nature and source of the war against Israel would learn are:
  1. The much heralded “two-state solution”– never a realistic option to begin with– is even less so now. Two states cannot live side by side in “peace and security” when the very purpose of one of the states is the violent destruction of the other.
  2. Calling upon the US taxpayer to fund the corrupt, terrorist-enabling Palestinian Authority is a moral outrage of the first order. PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s so called “condemnation” of Tuesday’s terrorist attack was nothing more than a tactical exercise to insure the PA retains its Western funding so it can intensify its war against Israel. The US must stop funding the PA until and unless it embarks on a serious and verifiable campaign to reverse the incitement of its people against Jews and Israel.
  3. The single greatest catalyst for international chaos and global terrorism is the Islamic Republic of Iran. Preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear threshold state is the single most important task of the civilized world.
The world needs its leaders to acknowledge what is plain for anyone to see. The Palestinian Authority does not exist in order to create the world’s 22nd Arab Muslim state; its purpose, together with Hamas, is to destroy the world’s only Jewish state. Terrorists are not and must never be partners for peace. Terrorists are the enemies of peace and must be treated as such.



Obama's condemnation reveals
 a lack of respect for the victims

Here is President Obama's statement of condemnation for the terror attack yesterday:
I strongly condemn today’s terrorist attack on worshipers at a synagogue in Jerusalem, which killed four innocent people, including U.S. citizens Aryeh Kupinsky, Cary William Levine, and Mosheh Twersky, and injured several more. There is and can be no justification for such attacks against innocent civilians. The thoughts and prayers of the American people are with the victims and families of all those who were killed and injured in this horrific attack and in other recent violence. At this sensitive moment in Jerusalem, it is all the more important for Israeli and Palestinian leaders and ordinary citizens to work cooperatively together to lower tensions, reject violence, and seek a path forward towards peace.
The most obvious problem with this statement, of course, is the sickening implication that Jews in Israel are inciting violence and that they must limit their own human rights because Arabs react violently to Jews acting like equals.
 But there are a couple of other problems with this statement that indicate a lack of respect by the President towards the American murder victims.

Obama (or his aides) chose to call
Kalman Levine by a name that he hasn't used for at least three decades. Instead, he chose to call him by his birth name. (Kalman is a Yiddish name, probably from German.)

This would be no big deal, except that the President seemed to
go out of his way to call Peter Kassig "Abdul Rahman" in his condemnation of his execution.

Is an American who converted to Islam while in captivity more deserving of being called by his Arabic name than a Jew to be called by the Jewish name he's used since 1982?

It is also interesting that Obama didn't bother to dignify the terror victims with the title "Rabbi." That is basic etiquette, and it is a glaring omission.

The President's statement shows a disgraceful lack of respect for the victims, for Rabbi Levine in particular, and for Israeli Jews altogether.



Extended report on the terror attack at Jerusalem synagogue

The White House forces Abbas to issue a sort of condemnation of the attack
A way of continuing with the "peace hoax", otherwise known as "land for peace"

State Department spokesperson said that attacking Jews with firebombs is not terror
State Department sends condolences to family of terrorist who was killed in confrontation with police while Molotov cocktails at motorists.

Poll - Most Palestinians want all of Israel, not just a small state.
How could partitioning Israel ever achieve peace then?
Read more


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