
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

THE MYSTERY OF CAT CIRCLES - They just sit in circles and refuse to move

The great moggie mystery: It's the question that's got the internet purring... why DO cats sit in circles - then refuse to move? Smells fishy: Many of the internet theories have been rubbished by pet psychologists who instead believe the animals may be checking out the circles as they possess an unfamiliar aroma  
  • Internet users believe they have uncovered phenomenon in 'cat circles'.  Users claim felines will walk into circle on floor before refusing to move.  Pet experts are baffled - but say animals could be looking for safe space.  Others say that strange smells and natural curiosity could be to blame.
  • Ever since the Egyptians domesticated the cat 4,000 years ago, the relationship between humans and felines has been one of give and take.
As millions of pet owners can testify, humans give — and cats take. 
We may try to persuade ourselves that we are masters of our own homes, but deep down, both sides know exactly who is in charge.   Most cat owners would concede it’s all but impossible to teach a cat to beg, sit or roll over, as one might with a dog. But now all that could be about to change.  See more pictures
 Territorial: Internet users believe that a quirk of feline psychology means they will sit in circles because they identify it as new territory that requires protecting

A group of cat owners claims to have found a foolproof way to get moggies to do our bidding: simply by drawing a circle on the floor.   The cat, they say, instinctively feels compelled to go and sit inside it.
According to the theory, cats find circles or similar shapes on the ground irresistible. So if you mark one out — around 2ft across — using chalk, string, masking tape or flex, a cat will enter the circle and refuse to leave.
Confusing: Experts are baffled at the 'cat circle' phenomenon - where felines are apparently compelled to sit in circles placed on the floor 
This may sound implausible, but dozens of photos and videos of cats ‘stuck’ in just such circles have sprung up in recent weeks on the internet.  So can something so silly, and unlikely, be true?
Until scientists organise a proper controlled trial involving thousands of cats, there’s only one way to test this remarkable theory — and that’s with a roll of masking tape, a reluctant ‘volunteer’ and a lot of patience.

Enclosure: It is well known that cats like enclosed spaces - such as carrier bags and boxes - and some think that this desire is so strong it will even extend to sitting in circles on the floor
Curios: Because cats are naturally lone survivors, they are programmed to investigate anything new themselves to see if it is dangerous, which could also explain their fascination with circles
Mine: Some have suggested that cats' attraction to the circles could be to do with territory - but behaviour experts say cats already regard your whole home as their turf
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