
Friday, November 21, 2014

JORDAN GOVT SENDS CONDOLENCES LETTER TO TERRORISTS' FAMILIES - Same terrorists who slaughtered four rabbis and a policeman in Jerusalem - Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty, and this is what a "peace treaty" with Arabs really means

Jordan’s Prime Minister, Abdullah Nsur, on Friday sent a letter of condolences to the families of Ghassan Abu Jamal and Uday Abu Jamal, the two terrorists who murdered five people in a synagogue in Jerusalem this week.
"I ask that Allah surround them with mercy, and give you all patience, solace and recovery from your grief,” Nsur wrote in the letter, according to Channel 2 News.
The letter from the Jordanian Prime Minister comes two days after Jordan's parliament offered a prayer in honor of “the spirit” of the two terrorists.
Jordan's Prime Minister Abdullah Nsur
Jordan's PM Abdullah Nsur
MP Khalil Attieh requested his fellow representatives to recite the Fatiha, the first chapter of the Koran, for the "spirit of the heroes."
Attieh further declared that the murders in the Jerusalem synagogue were a "natural reaction to the occupation crimes against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinians."
Jordan’s minister of media affairs had earlier issued a vague statement on the attack, saying that the government of Jordan "condemns the targeting of civilians, and denounce all acts of violence and terrorism against civilians, no matter who or why it is done."
Nsur has in the past ruled out the possibility that his country would cancel the peace deal with Israel, even when the mainly Islamist parliament demanded that Jordan do so.



Discrimination and abuse against Palestinians
-  By ARAB countries.

The case of Jordan

1967: Jordan refused to allow Gazans who came after the Six Day War to become Jordanian citizens. Today some 165,000 Palestinians in Jordan cannot become citizens and get no government services.

3500-5000 Palestinians killed and 20,000 Palestinians expelled, their camps demolished, in the Black September events.

revoked citizenship for millions of West Bank Palestinians as they declared "independence." As usual, this move was justified as being for their own good.

continued to revoke citizenship for thousands more Palestinians

2012: Jordan
passed an electoral law that effectively limits the number of Palestinian members of Parliament to less than 10%

2013: Jordan places Palestinian refugees from Syria in
special camps that they cannot leave, separate from other refugees, and turns hundreds or thousands back to a dangerous future in Syria.

2014:  Palestinians who are citizens of Jordan are still denied equal rights in the military, and on getting college scholarships, and on being admitted to some public universities, among other areas.
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while the US forces Abbas to issue a FAKE CONDEMNATION
Arafat's bodyguard reveals how the US forced Arafat was forced to lie when appearing to condemn terror while actually instigating it, the same as Abbas.

The US MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE machinations geared at deceiving Israel and moving the partition process forward
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