
Friday, November 21, 2014

CANADIAN VETERAN SOLDIERS JOINING KURDS TO FIGHT ISIS - THE WEST'S FAKE WAR ON ISIS - The West's shameful refusal to properly arm the Kurdish men and women who are the only ones putting up a real fight against ISIS

  • Kurds say the West is still denying them proper weapons
  • The reasons are political.  Kurds want an independent state.
  • But Mideast countries who are allies of the West don't want to give the 30 million Kurds a country of their own.
  • Thus the US would rather let the Kurds be massacred than to properly arm them.
  • The US bombings on ISIS so far are for show.  They haven't stopped ISIS and are NOT meant to stop it. 
  • The US still hopes ISIS may get to topple Syria's president Assad. 
  • US humanitarian aid continues to reach ISIS instead of the Kurds
  • Who truly deserves a state, the Palestinians or the Kurds?
  • ISIS commanders say they have Turkey's full cooperation for a Kurdish genocide.
  • The West knew about ISIS plans for the takeover of the Mideast a long time ago.  Kurds passed information on to Western governments, who did nothing.

CBC - A number of Canadian military veterans say they'll be enlisting with the growing ranks of foreign fighters who have joined the Kurdish battle against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
All for one: The snaps were posted on Twitter and captioned ‘Kurdish family vs Isis terorist (sic) in Kobane. Kurds in Kobane need help!’
Kurds defending Kobani from ISIS barbaric terror
CBC News has learned of a half-dozen former Canadian Forces personnel planning to join Kurdish troops in the following weeks and months, with some citing what they see as an insufficient military response by Canada to the ISIS onslaught.
The earliest any of them said they would head to Iraq, where the Kurdish effort is centred, is next month.
"I got put on this Earth to do one thing," said one of the men, who served in Afghanistan and who spoke with CBC on condition he not be identified. "I got this fire in me. I still want to soldier on."
At least three other Canadians are known or reported to have already joined the Kurdish forces.  A Kurdish commander told CBC News a Canadian military veteran had recently arrived and is currently on the front lines. 

Read more on how the West denies Kurds weapons,
and the shameful political reasons why they do so.

Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg became the first foreign woman to join the Kurds when she travelled to Iraq to train; she told Israeli radio last week she would go into combat in next-door Syria.
The National Post reported Friday that Dillon Hillier, a construction worker in Alberta and veteran of the Afghanistan mission, flew to northeastern Iraq last weekend.  

Turkey Syria Frontline Women
Women are part of Kurdish militia
Department of National Defence officials meeting at a security summit in Halifax had no comment on the matter when asked by CBC News.
It is not illegal in Canada to enlist in a foreign militant force, provided it is not a group the federal government designates as a terrorist entity and it is not engaged in hostilities against Canada or its allies. 
Kurds in the semi-autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq have been battling militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria group, also known as ISIL, for months, backed by the United States and the European Union.
Kurdish Peshmerga forces have also more recently entered neighbouring Syria to counter ISIS there, particularly around Kobani.
Canada began deploying fighter jets and support personnel to the Mideast last month as part of an aerial bombardment mission against ISIS.

Kurds say the West refusing them proper weapons

November 19 - (Reuters) - The president of Iraqi Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, accused Western countries on Wednesday of not providing enough heavy weapons to help his 'peshmerga' forces deliver a "decisive blow" against Islamic State militants.

kobane fighters obama dithersIslamic State (IS) has caused international alarm by capturing large expanses of Iraq and Syria, declaring an Islamic "caliphate" that extends across the border between the two.

Western powers see the Kurds as a vital bulwark against further IS advances. France, Britain, Germany and others have begun arming the Kurds, whose Soviet-era weaponry has proved ineffective against insurgents flush with hardware plundered from the Iraqi army after it abandoned its posts in June.

"We'd like to thank the members of the (anti-IS) coalition for the support they have provided, but ... all the support we have received so far is not up to the level that is needed," Barzani told France 24 in an interview aired on Wednesday.

"The heavy weapons systems that we need, especially in terms of quality and quantity, for example the APCs (armored personnel carriers), the helicopters, the artillery we need for a decisive war against them (IS) – we have not received these types of weapons," he said.

"Is there a ceiling on the heavy weapons systems that we should receive in terms of the quantity and quality? The answer is not very clear to us," he said.

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US Republican-dominated Congress taking initiative to arm the Kurds.

Congress on Thursday introduced legislation to directly arm Kurdish forces in the country’s north, a move likely to prompt alarm within the Iraqi central government,

Introduced by House Foreign Affairs Chairman Ed Royce, the legislation grants President Barack Obama temporary authority to provide weapons directly to Kurdish peshmerga fighters, which Royce said “have proven to be the most effective ground force currently fighting ISIL.”

“For months, I have urged the administration to urgently arm the Kurds. So too have many others in Congress,” he said in a statement emailed to reporters. “This important legislation will finally allow the 190,000-strong force to get the firepower it needs to effectively fight this brutal terrorist organization.”

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The West's fake war on ISIS
October 8, 2014 - Kerry said Kurdish city of Kobani, under threat of massacre, was not a US strategic objective. 
He at first refused all help to Kobani, thus leaving thousands of Kurds to be slaughtered by ISIS. 
He later changed his mind, in shame or embarrassment. 
The US has been bombing some ISIS supply depots and vehicles, but in such a manner as to allow ISIS to continue advancing in Kobani and elsewhere.
Read more
But little for KURDS fighting ISIS,
Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even clinics—going to ISIS, the distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on their payrolls.
The US and the world are also generously giving money to terrorist HAMAS.
Read more

Who truly deserves a state, the Palestinians or the Kurds?
Kurds do have distinct characteristics, and all 30 million of them now live as oppressed minorities in several Middle East countries.  
Why aren't their voices heard, while the Palestinians capture the world's loving attention? 
Perhaps because the world can't blame Israel for their plight.  
Read more

U.S. President Obama shakes hands with Turkey's PM Erdogan after a bilateral meeting in Seoul
Turkey and ISIS cooperating
November 15 - ISIS fighter says they have Turkey's full cooperation for a Kurdish genocide. 
Turkey is part of NATO.
Read more
And here

Turkey a secret ally of ISIS? 
September 23 - Experts see Turkey using ISIS as a tool to re-establish Ottoman Caliphate
Read more

Muslims don't go to heaven if killed by a woman
Read more

WND - October 12 - The alleged secret deal between the US and Muslim countries
for the massacre of thousands of Kurds at the hands of ISIS.
Read more

Report says Kurds passed information along to US and UK to no avail
Read more

More on the Kurds on this blog


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