
Friday, November 21, 2014


By forcing Abbas to lie and issue a fake condemnation of the slaughter of Jewish rabbis in Jerusalem, the United States government continues to be an active participant in a major land swindle aimed at depriving Jews of their ancient biblical heartland for the creation of a Muslim terror state.
That is not all.  The US government is fully aware that returning Israel to the 1967 indefensible borders (only 9 miles wide and with the country split in two to give Arabs a land corridor between Ramallah and Gaza) would result in the destruction of Israel.
That is the US and EU governments endgame: 
the destruction of Israel through partition. 

And to them all means
- including forcing Abbas to lie - 
 justify this end.



November 23 -
Fatah MP:  Abbas condemnation of terror is just diplomacy. He's forced to do it. 
Fatah MP during interview:  The MP explained to Quds Net News Agency that Abbas' movement Fatah "justified the statements of the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, who condemned the Jerusalem operation.
Fatah member of PA Parliament Najat Abu-Bakr said that those statements were made within a diplomatic context.... [he] is forced to speak this way to the world."
Fatah is Mahmoud Abbas' political party.
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Fatah official assures Palestinians that Abbas' condemnation was a scam.
Everyone supports killing rabbis

EOZ reports:  In response to the widespread Palestinian Arab anger at Mahmoud Abbas' reported "condemnation" of the terror attack in Jerusalem this week (that he was pressured to issue by the US,) a Fatah official has assured her people that he doesn't really mean it.

Qudsnet, November 19:
Fatah: President Abbas's Statements on the Jerusalem Operation for Diplomatic Purposes

The Palestine National Liberation Organization, Fatah, has justified Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas's statements in which he condemned the operation in Jerusalem yesterday. The organization considered these statements to be political diplomacy, according to a statement by Najat Abu-Bakr, deputy for Fatah in the Palestinian Legislative Council [PLC].

Abu-Bakr expressed her belief that President Abbas's behaviour under such conditions is the height of diplomacy because he is required to make statements like everyone else. He is responsible for the entire Palestinian people. She pointed out that the public diplomatic front does not accept bloody statements, but ones that are extremely balanced and well-thought out.

In an interview with Al-Quds radio today, Wednesday [19 November], Abu-Bakr said: "The Palestinian president is forced to speak this way before the world. These statements are responsible for the plight of the Palestinian people." She noted that the objective behind these statements is to light up all the diplomatic signs for the world to wake up to the importance of the Palestinian cause, which the settlers have encroached on through their practices against the Palestinians.

Five Israelis were killed yesterday morning, Tuesday [18 November], and others were injured in an operation of shooting and stabbing with cleavers against extremist Jews in a synagogue on the so-called Agassi Street in the western part of occupied Jerusalem. Two Palestinians were also martyred; they were the two who carried out the attack according to reports by Israeli media sources.

Deputy Abu-Bakr clarified that President Abbas is giving the world more time to resolve the Palestinian cause, which is now going through a state of push and shove, while the scale of confrontation with the occupation is increasing. She noted that President Abbas's statements contain a clear message addressed to those who are aspiring to make Jerusalem a city for the Jews only, that there are forces that will not show any mercy towards the settlers.

She indicated that Israel is currently using a Talmudic policy based on destruction, killing, and saturating the Palestinians with even more death, particularly since the settlers in the West Bank possess 60,000 pieces of weaponry. Yesterday, they had a similar amount added to the weapons they already have, which is a dangerous indicator. Abu-Bakr considered the Israeli victims to be extremist settlers who are storming Al-Aqsa.

Abu-Bakr clarified that the Palestinians today are facing a battle that is spearheaded by the extremists in Israel consisting of rabbis. This situation compels us to always remember that the real base for action is the West Bank, which Israel is desecrating on a daily basis with its crimes.
So all of the news articles that claimed that Abbas condemned the attack were missing most of the story -  something they should have known had they looked at the actual words in the statement he released.

And we also can see that the Palestinian Arab leadership is who is turning this into a religious war, essentially saying that rabbis are legitimate targets.

Abu Bakr just justified the synagogue murders in the name of Fatah and the
Palestinian Legislative Council - which is part of the PA government.
(Translation by BBC Monitoring via Asher)



while the US forces Abbas to issue a FAKE CONDEMNATION
Arafat's bodyguard reveals how the US forced Arafat was forced to lie when appearing to condemn terror while actually instigating it, the same as Abbas.

The US MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE machinations geared at deceiving Israel and moving the partition process forward
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