
Monday, August 28, 2017


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INDIGENOUS BRITISH CITIZENS now officially second class when it comes to getting policing service, says the Deputy Commissioner of Scotland Yard.  Non-English speaking people will have priority over old stock Brits.  And white Christian children can be placed with a Muslim foster family. 

A white, Christian, five-year-old girl has been forced to live with Muslim foster carers who removed her cross, encouraged her to learn Arabic, and disparaged English women and Christian traditions.  Her carers are completely covered by black burkas.  

The little girl begs to live with her own family, but authorities have refused to do what is best for the child.  If she feels sick, or is in any kind of trouble, how can she communicate with these adults?
The five-year-old girl was put into the foster care system by scandal-ridden Tower Hamlets borough council, and has spent six months in two Muslim households against the parents’ wishes, reports The Times.
In local authority reports seen by the newspaper, a social services worker describes the sobbing child begging to not be returned to the foster home, saying “they don’t speak English”.
Continue reading and see related articles and references

Another report, which describes the girl as “very distressed”, reads that the girl was not allowed to eat a carbonara meal because it had bacon in it (forbidden in Islam), and recorded claims she had her necklace and Christian cross pendant removed by one carer, and was allegedly encouraged to learn Arabic.

During a visit with her mother, the girl said she was told that “Christmas and Easter are stupid” and that “European women are stupid and alcoholic”.
Both of her female carers covered their faces with Islamic veils when they accompanied the child out of the house, indicators of a Salafi-influenced, puritanical form of Islam. The first foster carer, who she was with for four months, wore the niqab; the carer she is currently living with wears the burqa.
A friend of the child’s family told The Times: “This is a five-year-old white girl. She was born in this country, speaks English as her first language, loves football, holds a British passport and was christened in a church.”
“She’s already suffered the huge trauma of being forcibly separated from her family. She needs surroundings in which she’ll feel secure and loved. Instead, she’s trapped in a world where everything feels foreign and unfamiliar. That’s really scary for a young child,” they added.
Tower Hamlets
Tower Hamlets, known for widespread election fraud, was once controlled by Islamist-linked former mayor Lutfur Rahman who was banned from public office for five years in April 2015 after facing allegations of rigging elections, serious corruption, and using “undue spiritual influence” over voters.

In April 2017, care and education regulator Ofsted condemned Tower Hamlets children’s services as “inadequate”, with politicians and officials criticised for “widespread and serious failures in the services provided to children who need help and protection”.
 A five-year-old Christian girl was forced into Muslim foster careThe east London borough has a population that is only 31 per cent white British compared to 45 per cent on average across London.
But whilst it is common for children from ethnic minority backgrounds to be housed with white foster carers, the opposite rarely occurs as there are more white carers than ethnic minority ones.

When placing a child into care, local authorities must take into consideration a child’s background.

Schools run by the borough have also been found to be at risk of becoming hot-beds of Islamist extremism.  Inspectors found pupils at two state-run schools had been exposed to the sermons of senior al Qaeda recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki, and warned that pupils at six private Muslim schools might be “vulnerable to extremist influences and radicalisation”.
Two recent cases have highlighted a negative and prejudicial position by British social services to Christian carers and children in the care system after a Christian couple, who raised objections to the children they were fostering being adopted by a gay couple, were told that they cannot adopt the children themselves because of their “concerning” views.
Breitbart London reported in April that a Christian couple were told by a social worker that christening their infant son would lessen the chances of him being adopted.


UK Labour MP Sarah Champion has resigned from the shadow cabinet after she was criticised for penning an article in The Sun acknowledging the fact Pakistani Muslim men target white girls for sexual grooming.
The article, headlined, “British Pakistani men ARE raping and exploiting white girls – and it’s time we faced up to it”, read:
“Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls. There. I said it. Does that make me a racist? Or am I just prepared to call out this horrifying problem for what it is.”

She also told the BBC on August 10th that fear of being called racist is preventing authorities investigating grooming after a government report found the abuse in Rotherham had gone on for so long for that reason.
However, left-wingers and supporters of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn quickly attacked her for writing the article, accusing her of “racism” and “Islamophobia”, and demanded she resign.
The MP initially defended herself by claiming she did not pen the opening sentence and editors had stripped the article of “nuance”. She insisted the article should not have been put out “in my name”.
The Sun decided to make the headline and opening sentences highly inflammatory and they could be taken to vilify an entire community on the basis of race, religion or country of origin,” she said.

However, emails later revealed her team had reviewed the article before publication and her assistant had emailed the paper to say she was “thrilled” with the final draft.


“Sarah Champion’s column, as it appeared on Friday, was approved by her team and her adviser twice contacted us thereafter to say she was ‘thrilled’ with the piece and it ‘looked great’,” a Sun spokesman said in a statement.
“Indeed, her only objection after the article appeared was her belief that her picture byline looked unflattering. Her office submitted five new pictures for further use.”
“I apologise for the offence caused by the extremely poor choice of words in the Sun article on Friday,” Ms. Champion said in a statement, announcing her resignation.

“I am concerned that my continued position in the shadow cabinet would distract from the crucial issues around child protection which I have campaigned on my entire political career.”
“It is therefore with regret that I tender my resignation as shadow secretary of state for women and equalities.”
Mr. Corbyn said he had accepted her resignation, commenting: “I look forward to working together in future.”


Just last week, 17 mainly Pakistani and Bangladeshi men were convicted of grooming, drugging, trafficking, and raping vulnerable white girls in Newcastle.
One of the convicted men had once said: “White women are good for only one thing – for people like me to fuck and use as trash.”

The operation identified more than 700 victims of abuse that spanned four years in the region and was the largest case of its kind since Rochdale and Rotherham.
There have also been similar cases in  BristolDerbyOxfordHuddersfieldPeterboroughTelford, and Keighley, with the overwhelming majority of groomers being Muslim men.   Ethnicity varies, however, with the Bristol gang being mainly Somali rather than South Asian.


UK 6,000 Child Abuse Allegations in Muslim Grooming Gang ‘Hotspot’ over Five Years



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