
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

HURRICANE HARVEY VICTIM TELLS CNN to get their microphone off her face. - Are CNN and other media crossing the line into DISASTER PORN with their INTRUSIVE COVERAGE of people's tragedy and distress during Hurricane Harvey?

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Conservative Review:  There is a delicate balance between covering a natural disaster and turning that coverage into disaster porn. The media is an invaluable tool in keeping people informed as danger approaches and during crisis. There is also value in the human interest stories of victims, especially when those stories are of heroism in the face of adversity. Knowing where the line is between that and exploitation is a tough balancing act. In one mother's estimation, CNN crossed the line, and she gave them a piece of her mind. 

Continue reading,  including transcript

REPORTER: Let me introduces to Danielle here. You just arrived. Share with us how you were rescued.
DANIELLE: Some guys had called our phone and asked where we were. We were waiting for police for, like, 36 hours and they never came. We were waiting at the home. We did the white flag and everything. Nobody came. But then somebody called the phone after we decided to leave the house. We walked to the gas station with the kids, and they picked up us. We had been there five days with no food, no lights, and nobody came. Like, nobody came.

REPORTER: You’re with your children. We heard stories of mothers trying to save their children from the rushing waters. Can you tell us how that was for you?
DANIELLE: We walked through four feet of water to get them food on the first day. Yeah, that’s a lot of shit. But you all are sitting here trying to interview people through their worst time. Like that’s not the smartest thing to do.  Like people are really breaking down, and you are all sitting here with cameras and microphones trying to ask us what the fuck is wrong with us. And you really trying to understand with the microphone still in my face with me shivering cold, with my kids wet and you are still putting a microphone in my face.
REPORTER: Sorry, sorry.
HOST JIM ACOSTA: It sounds like you’ve got a very upset family there. We’re going to take a break from that, and we’ll get back to you.



CNN Reporter Exits Bubble, Discovers Just How Much Texas Hates CNN


The bubble is real. The bubble explains so much. You need not live in DC or New York or Los Angeles to be bubbled. Out here in the wilds of North Carolina, you can still lose touch. Just stay online, watch cable news and monitor Twitter. This will completely warp your view of the way things really are.

I know this because it has happened to me. But never, not once, have I ever been so bubbled that I was unaware of just how much America freakin’ hates CNN. With that in mind, try to imagine just how out-of-touch CNN correspondent Nick Valencia is:
NICK VALENCIA:  I just walked on the tarmac to cover @realDonaldTrump' visit to Corpus and was heckled by a crowd shouting derogatory things. Unbelievable.
Awwww, is the little CNN snowflake gunna cry now?
What exactly did Valencia expect to find in, of all places, TEXAS?
Good heavens, he works for a hate network devoted to destroying everything most Texans stand for, live for, believe in and cherish: faith, family and freedom.
The last place-CNN has never even tried to disguise its unbridled hate for all things southern and Texan.
CNN’s cultural supremacists are constantly smearing Christians and conservatives and southerners as backwards bigots.
And everyone knows that the only reason CNN is even paying attention to a natural disaster in a Red State is in the hopes that the president they are hoping to oust through fake news will do something the leftwing network can turn into a “Katrina moment.”
Let me put it this way, Nick…
Texans don’t hate CNN.
Texans are hating CNN back.
There’s a difference.
You started it.
You built that.


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