
Monday, August 14, 2017

THE KOREAN TWO STATE SOLUTION - HOW IS THAT WORKING OUT FOR YOU? - Some inconvenient truths by author Jack Engelhardt

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While the world was so busy condemning Israel, nuclear North Korea happened

By Jack EngelhardAuthor of the international bestsellers such as  “Indecent Proposal”.  He is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. 

Between North Korea and South Korea, that IS a two-state solution, and how is that working out?    Trump’s predecessors and the UN did not do much to stop North Korea. They were busy condemning Israel as the danger to world peace.  All along the real hotspot was in and around North Korea…or the 38th Parallel. But the world chose Israel as its focus because that’s where the Jews live. 

No Jews in North Korea, figured the nations, so let Kim Jong-un play with his toys; those nuclear-tipped missiles. We’ll worry about it another day.   But for Israel, it’s every day, or nearly so, that the UN finds some reason to condemn and obsesses over…and the price could be deadly.

That’s our champion at the UN, Nikki Haley, who says so, and she has warned that the obsession against Israel distracts from the real dangers coming from Hezbollah, Iran – and North Korea. Attention must be paid to tinhorn tyrants and madmen like Kim.    A day of reckoning is sure to arrive – and so it has. 

Israel is that tiny country in red.  Those in green are all Muslim nations, forced to convert after Arab invasions and occupation starting in the 7th century. And now the world wants to partition Israel, which has been Jewish for thousands of years, to create yet another Muslim Arab terror state. (Blogger) 

The Arab-Israel conflict has always been a sideshow. It got placed center stage because the Israelis were always willing to talk, concede and make deals for the sake of peace (though it never seems to be enough). No talks, no concessions, no deals, no peace from North Korea. 

We woke up one morning, just a few days ago in fact, to find that North Korea poses a real and present danger. Kim wants war. 

Talk about obsessive…

The NY Times takes pleasure at featuring Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “parasitic thug,” yes, another day at “the paper of record.”    Or more “news” like that “fit to print.”   Kim is the nightmare. But don’t tell the Times.

France's ex president Hollande loves arch terrorist
 Mahmoud Abbas, chief of the Palestinian Authority

Plus twice a year, France invites the leaders of the world to join in a summit to solve what it perceives to be the world’s greatest crisis.

North Korea? No. Israel. That’s where everybody has an answer…and a peace process…and a two-state solution.

Between North Korea and South Korea, that IS a two-state solution, and how is that working out?

Lately not so good. Kim wants to play. He is ready to use his toys against the United States. He has already pinpointed Guam. He threatens to bomb it days from now.     President Trump does not like the game but GAME ON if that’s the deal.

Was Trump correct to go rhetorically “fire and fury” against Kim? Absolutely. “In a place where there are no men, be a man,” goes the wisdom.   Trump chooses to be a man. 

As did Israel back on June 7, 1981, when the IDF said hello Saddam Hussein, goodbye Iraq’s nuclear facilities at Osirak.  (Israel bombed Iraq's incipient nuclear reactor, to the outrage of the USA and the rest of the world. Blogger.)

The entire world hollered at the Jewish State for taking such preemptive action, but later thanked Israel for stopping yet another rogue regime from developing nukes.   
Chutzpah like that would have been useful at some point against Kim and the nuts that preceded him.

Trump’s predecessors did not do much (certainly not enough) to stop North Korea. Therefore Trump is left with few choices. 
So he spoke his mind. He did not mince words when he warned Kim that Kim’s next move could be his last.

Leftists here in the US, and from around the world have been quick to censure and even ridicule Trump for speaking up with such boldness. 

They are the same people who are always wrong about everything.

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AUTHOR Jack Englehard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva. Engelhard wrote the international bestseller Indecent Proposaland the ground-breaking inside-journalism thriller The Bathsheba Deadline.” His latest isNews Anchor Sweetheart.” He is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence.


More articles by Jack Engelhard on Arutz Sheva


VIA Middle East and Terrorism

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Former President Barack Obama’s National Security Adviser Susan Rice has some dangerous advice for President Trump on how to deal with the North Korean nuclear threat, which she delivered in the form of a New York Times op-ed on August 10th under the title, “It’s Not Too Late on North Korea.”  
Now a private citizen, but still possessing a top-secret security clearance for no apparent reason, Ms. Rice recommended what amounts to a policy of appeasement toward the rogue regime, declaring that a nuclear-armed North Korea would not be so terrible.
 “History shows that we can, if we must, tolerate nuclear weapons in North Korea,” Ms. Rice wrote. In actually, history shows the opposite. When dealing with a megalomaniacal dictator armed to the teeth, a policy built around “peace in our time” does not work.

Israel's fault Palestinian men beat their wives : UNHRC
The UN, Dec 2011, holds a minute's silence for the death of the genocidal monster Kim Jong-il. (Kim Jong-il ran concentration camps and gas chambers.) This really sums up the UN.
Informative article on the UN and Israel



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