
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

DONALD TRUMP: WHERE DOES IT STOP? - SHOULD THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY BE DISMANTLED FOR SUPPORTING SLAVERY IN THE CIVIL WAR (while Republicans such as Lincoln fought against it) - History is full of slave owners, such as the prophet Muhammad and American Indians

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  • Donald Trump challenged proponents of the destruction of monuments of notable Americans with links to slavery to say where will they stop?  Will monuments of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson be next?
  • Identity politics has a hidden agenda that is not meant to redress present or past injustices, but to stir up hatred between groups and to benefit from it out of political opportunism.   
  • Making historical slavery in America an issue can be manipulative and very convenient because it elicits immediate feelings of guilt in a white population that has never owned slaves.   
  • Black and brown Americans and their white liberal friends, who are so outraged by a past of slavery in the USA, should take a good look at slavery as it is practiced TODAY in some Muslim countries, especially in Africa.
  • After all, Muhammad owned slaves, and the slavery of non-Muslims is sanctioned and encouraged by the Koran.  
  • Furthermore, Muslim Arabs were key participants in the old slave trade that captured and sold slaves to the British and to the American colonies.   If white Americans are expected to feel guilty, why not Muslims?    
  • Black Lives Matter (BLM) is closely associated with Muslim political groups in America.  It does not seem to matter to white-loathing and Islam-loving BLM that Islam not only captured and killed millions of Africans, but that to this day Muslims own African slaves.   
  • Now, what about the Democratic Party itself, which was pro-slavery during the Civil War and anti-civil rights for blacks for even longer than that?  Should it be completely dismantled to purify its members from their offensive historical association with slavery? 
  • The following VIDEO by Tucker Carlson briefly outlines how complicated it is to find American historical figures and ethnic groups that are completely pure and free from association with slavery and other racial crimes.
VIDEO  "George Washington Was Racist!!" Tucker Carlson OWNS Al Sharpton, CNN on Statue Debate
More videos with Tucker Carlson
The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, funded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against Civil Rights Acts of the 1950s and 1960s.  In contrast the Republican Party was funded as an anti-slavery party.    
Old political poster that summarizes the true agendas of the Democratic and Republican platforms
VIDEO The Inconvenient Truth about the Democratic Party - the Party of Slavery

More videos by Prager University

VIDEO -  Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?

Short Video about today's Muslim practice of slavery in Mauritania

EXTENDED VIDEO - The Untold Story of
Arab Slave Trade of Africans 
This Muslim slave trade goes on to this day.



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