
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

OUTRAGE AFTER NEW YORK SCHOOL ASKS STUDENTS TO DEFEND GENOCIDE AGAINST JEWS - The idea was supported by NY Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia - In the meantime IOWA State University asked students to write from the perspective of a jihadi

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Outrage after NY students instructed to defend Final Solution. 
  • NY Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia is no stranger to controversy in the Jewish community.
  • She recently came under fire for allowing the state education department to include an anti-Israel cartoon in a Regents examination.  The department later issued a public apology for using the cartoon.
  • In a related matter, Iowa State University asked students to write about 9/11 jihad attacks from jihadis’ perspective.
  • As you can see, your children's education has been hijacked by leftists and pro-Islam indoctrinators subscribing to ideologies steeped in anti-Semitism.
A scandal is brewing in New York state's education system following revelations that students in one school were instructed to defend Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and justify his plan to slaughter millions of Jews.
A high school teacher in Oswego County is facing backlash after instructing students to adopt the Nazi leader's views and defend Hitler's Final Solution, or the systematic murder of more than six million Jews across Europe.
The assignment only became public when some students objected to participating in it, saying they were concerned the lesson was anti-Semitic and offensive.
State lawmakers are now calling for the resignation of New York Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia (photo), who initially defended the assignment in a public forum last week, describing it as an exercise in critical thinking.
"I think it's certainly a question where you want students to think on both sides and analyze … which position a person is taking," Elia was quoted as saying by the Syracuse news organization. "That idea of being able to identify the perspective an article has or a writer has is a very important skill."
"The concept of having students identify a particular position is pretty critical, whether they can analyze a position, and then decide whether to agree or not," Elia said.
Continue reading this, and article on university assignment defending jihadis

A spokesman for the New York State Education Department told the Free Beacon on Tuesday that Elia was not familiar with the assignment when first questioned about it last week. Since that time, Elia called the school district in question.
"Since first learning of the assignment, I've done my homework to determine the facts in this situation," Elia said in a statement provided to the Free Beacon. "I spoke with district officials about this serious matter. We agree the assignment should not have been given. The teacher apologized and the assignment will not be used in the future."
Elia is no stranger to controversy in the Jewish community. She recently came under fire for allowing the state education department to include an anti-Israel cartoon in a Regents examination. The department issued a public apology for using the cartoon.
State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D.), who represents Brooklyn, is calling for Elia's resignation. Hikind told the Washington Free Beacon on Tuesday that the state education department is not moving quickly enough to hold accountable those responsible for the assignment.
"For the commissioner to initially defend it and say it's a healthy assignment for kids to ‘think critically,' something is terribly wrong," Hikind said, expressing further concern that anti-Semitism inside the state's schools is not being addressed properly.
"It's beyond outrageous," Hikind said. "Can you imagine taking a high school class and literally dividing the class, where half of the people are going to support the extermination of the Jewish people? It's beyond insanity. It's sickening. It really, to me, mocks the Holocaust."
"Can you imagine if this had been done about slavery?" Hikind asked, speculating that public outrage over such an assignment would dwarf the outcry over the Hitler assignment.
"I'm doing whatever I can to bring attention to this," Hikind said, questioning why the media has not covered the issue. "I don't know what it is when it comes to the Jewish people, not everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. Imagine if this was about slavery. Everyone would be jumping in. There should be repercussions, but whether there will be" is still an open question.
"It's a sad commentary of the state of education, especially here in New York," Hikind said.
Hikind added he is contacting the secretary of education about the matter.
"When I first saw the story, I thought it was a joke. I have never in all my years heard of anything like this."
The Anti-Defamation League also condemned the assignment as anti-Semitic and concerning.


Iowa State University asks students to write about 9/11 jihad attacks from jihadis’ perspective

Rob Schweers, ISU’s director of communications, said the assignment is simply an exercise in expanding critical thinking skills and analyzing international events through a ‘different lens.

A recent assignment in an international studies course at Iowa State University asked students to write a historical account of the 9/11 terrorist attacks from the perspective of Al-Qaeda.
“Write a paper that gives a historical account of 911 from the perspective of the terrorist network. In other words, how might Al-Qaeda or a non-Western historian describe what happened,” stated the assignment, a copy of which was obtained by The College Fix.
“Don’t worry about the fact you don’t agree with the terrorists, the point of the exercise is to consider completely different perspectives,” the assignment adds.
A university spokesman told The Fix the assignment doesn’t diminish the “tragic events” of 9/11 and equates the essay prompt to work undertaken by America’s diplomatic and intelligence agencies.
The assignment is part of an International Studies course taught by lecturer James Strohman, who’s taught multiple political science and public administration courses at Iowa State over the years.
The assignment aimed to view history from “different contexts.”
“Let’s focus on the 911 terrorist attack and how it might be interpreted differently by different people around the world,” the instructions read. “For this exercise, you have to ‘get out of the box’ of our thinking about what happened on 911 and view it from a completely different perspective.”
The assignment tells students this may be difficult to do, but that it’s an exercise examining the differences of people, cultures and historical perspectives.
Students were encouraged to use their imagination and make their papers as interesting as they’d like in the 500-word minimum assignment, and that there’s no correct answer, “just your ability to look at what we consider a heinous action from other perspectives.”
Strohman, a Democrat, former member of the Story County Board of Supervisors, and current member of the Iowa Employment Appeal Board, did not respond to The College Fix’s requests to discuss the pedagogical reasoning behind the assignment.
A university spokesman provided a statement on his behalf.
“As you can see, the assignment was in no way an attempt to diminish the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Nor was it designed to support the goals of Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations,” said Rob Schweers, ISU’s director of communications, in an email to The College Fix.
Schweers added the assignment is simply an exercise in expanding critical thinking skills and analyzing international events through a “different lens.”
“This is similar to the vital work being performed in our nation’s diplomatic and intelligence operations, such as the Central Intelligence Agency, or the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research,” he said….


UK DAILY MAIL COLUMNIST KATIE HOPKINS: Schools are supposed to teach kids HOW to think for themselves, not WHAT to think. So why are so many liberal teachers bullying and brain-washing children with their own intolerant views?

THE SURRENDER OF BRITAIN - School children told to respect terrorists and to write them letters so as to understand their idealistic motives



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