
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

DOES TRUMP HAVE AN EVIL TWIN? He removes Steve Bannon from NSC, and keeps Obama holdovers in their jobs, thus self-sabotaging his agenda

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Is the real Donald Trump in charge, or his evil twin?
Inauguration Speech Video -
  • DRAINING THE SWAMP - Other than those fanatically loyal to the Democrats, those listening to Trump's speech at the inauguration realized that they were witnessing the start of a political movement like no other in the history of the USA - one that would destroy a corrupt political system from its roots.   
  • HOWEVER, in spite of Trump's many acts advancing his agenda, there are others that seem utterly perplexing, such as his strong advocacy for RyanCare, and his attack against the Republican Freedom Caucus, which represents the core of Trumpism. 
  • YOU APPOINTED WHO????  -  Then there are his appointments of Swamp dwellers to top positions in his administration, starting with RINO Reince Priebus as chief of staff, and James Mattis, an apologist for Islam, as Secretary of Defense.
  • KEEPING THE SWAMP DWELLERS IN PLACE - Furthermore, Trump has been slow to replace Obama holdovers in top positions all over his administration.  Worse, he has named some of them as permanent officials.
  • NO EXCUSE, DONALD - Trump's supporters are willing to cut him some slack, considering the many obstacles he has to overcome - including obstructionist Democrats and globalist Republicans.  But there is no excuse for some of his decisions.  And here a few selected articles exposing Trump's evil twin in action.

Report: Bannon’s Removal a Whipped-Up Controversy by Mainstream Media
* President Trump removes Steve Bannon from the Security Council.  No matter how the Trump administration spins this, his removal is the first step in weakening his influence.  Bannon has been the brain behind Trump's agenda and his victory.  This is definitely bad news for the country, but great news for the Swamp and Deepstate.

* Trump betrays border patrol agents - The Trump Administration rewarded Border Patrol agents for their support of Trump as president by picking Kevi McAleenan,  an Obama holdover whom they despise to be their boss.
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Trump chose the Obama-hired Customs and Border deputy who was tasked with enacting Obama’s open border vision to lead the parent agency of Border Patrol, Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
All of the Border Patrol agents who spoke with Breitbart Texas Managing Director Brandon Darby from all nine Southwest border sectors expressed feeling betrayed or otherwise hurt by Trump choosing a man who did so much damage to them to be their new boss. Many expressed regret for having supported Trump in the first place and for having believed he would actually listen to them and care about what they experienced while risking their lives for other Americans.
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Meet Obama Holdovers STILL in Trump's government

President Barack Obama, joined by the Easter Bunny, greets members of the audience on the South Lawn at the White House Easter Egg Roll at the White House in Washington, Monday, March 28, 2016. Thousands of children gathered at the White House for the annual Easter Egg Roll which features live music, sports courts, cooking stations, storytelling, and Easter egg rolling. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Despite his promises to “drain the swamp” and sweeping out the Barack Obama-era bureaucrats from all levels of the federal government, President Donald Trump and his administration have found it difficult to complete the process even after two months in office.

The status of Obama holdovers remains a source of tension within the National Security Council. Since the inauguration in January, Mr. Trump’s aides have pushed to get rid of many of them, in part because they question whether people who worked for Mr. Obama can be loyal to Mr. Trump.
It is unclear whether the new national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, is resisting these efforts, though he has made a point of meeting with the career staff.
The problem is compounded by severe delays at the White House in filling jobs. So far, it has nominated people for only 43 of 553 key executive branch positions, according to a tally by the nonpartisan Center for Presidential Transition at the Partnership for Public Service.
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* The McMaster Pick: Score One for the Swamp? NSA pick McMaster told the National Defense University that “the Islamic State is not Islamic.” 
However, the reason why ISIS attracts so many devout Muslims is that it adheres closely to the word and the spirit of the Koran and the Hadith, and its gruesome actions correspond to those Islam has adopted throughout its history when conquering new territory. 
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More Evidence That McMaster Shares Obama’s Views on Islam and Terror
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So much for draining the swamp

The people U.S. President Donald J. Trump has chosen to lead his foreign policy team may complicate efforts to fulfill his inaugural pledge to eradicate “radical Islamic terrorism” “from the face of the Earth” — a Herculean task even under the best of circumstances. Photo:  President Donald Trump appears with Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond “H.R.” McMaster, on February 20, 2017. 
  • The decision to select Army Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond “H.R.” McMaster to replace retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as national security advisor is setting into motion a cascade of other personnel decisions that, far from draining the swamp, appear to be perpetuating it.
  • Trump has decided to retain Yael Lempert, a controversial NSC staffer from the Obama administration. Analyst Lee Smith reported that, according to a former official in the Clinton administration, Lempert “is considered one of the harshest critics of Israel on the foreign policy far left.”
  • Sahar Nowrouzzadeh, who served as the NSC’s Iran director during the Obama administration, is now in charge of policy planning for Iran and the Persian Gulf at the Trump State Department.
  • Nowrouzzadeh, whose main task at Obama’s NSC was to help broker the Iran Nuclear Deal, is a former employee of the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC), a lobbying group widely believed to be a front group for the Islamic dictatorship in Iran.
  • “The people who are handling key elements of those conflicts now are the same people who handled those areas under Obama, despite the results of the last election. No wonder the results look equally awful.” — Lee Smith, Middle East analyst.
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McMaster told the National Defense University that "the Islamic State is not Islamic
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* Trump turns against his own, the Freedom Caucus, to defend RyanCare 

Gohmert to Trump: Work with Freedom Caucus, We Stood by When Priebus, Ryan ‘Abandoned’ You   On Fox News Channel’s "Sunday Morning Futures," House Freedom Caucus Member Sen. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) urged President Donald Trump to work with the freedom caucus instead of establishment Republican leaders like House Speaker Paul Ryan and White House chief of staff Reince Priebus. Gohmert explained how Trump and the Freedom Caucus came to agreement on two separate occasions during the Obamacare replacement negotiations, but establishment Republicans rejected them. "The president’s administration will either succeed or fail over the next 30 days," Gohmert stated. "He can work with people that got him there that defended him when others like Ryan and the establishment were running scared, or he can work with us to help him fulfill his promises."
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14 Obama Holdovers Still at the Pentagon
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MULTIPLE COMPLAINTS AGAINST CHIEF OF STAFF AND 'ESTABLISHMENT RINO' -  REINCE PRIEBUS - Choosing ambassadors, blocking access to Trump, control freak, inserting himself in all the meetings to gather info, appointing his own people 
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