
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

WIKILEAKS PUBLISHES LEAKED CIA DOCUMENTS of how US intelligence agencies can turn personal electronic gadgets into spying devices - How could the Trump team be so naive and careless about their vulnerability to Obama's Deepstate malevolence?

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*  One of the most stunning facts about #obamagate or #deepstategate is that the Trump team did not assume from the start that they would be under Democrat surveillance. 
Even technologically unsophisticated private individuals  know that there is no such thing as privacy anymore. 
*  Every keystroke on your computer can be hacked.  Even private activity within your home or office can be watched via your own electronic devices. 
For a long time there has been technology able to remotely (say, from a vehicle) see and listen through walls, with no need to enter your home. 
*  So why were Trump's appointees so careless, and why - oh, why - did they mislead Congress about instances of legitimate past contact with Russians, when they should have assumed that every one of their words and acts had been surreptitiously recorded by Obama's government officials? 
Particularly considering how Obama had politically weaponized government intelligence services against his enemies, and taking into accout  those agencies' own well known history of massive eavesdropping of national and foreign targets.
*  If  the Trump team has been so naïve and unsophisticated in failing to prepare and protect themselves against internal political enemies  - how can we expect them to properly protect the USA from foreign enemies?
THE UK DAILY MAIL  - CIA can and does hack almost EVERY device: Giant WikiLeak of agency's secrets reveals it infiltrates iPhones, smart TVs and Whatsapp and can even take over self-driving cars which could be programmed to kill 
  • WikiLeaks published 8,761 documents and files claiming to be from the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence on Tuesday
  • Leak details information on how CIA-developed malware can target iPhones, Android phones and smart TVs
  • WikiLeaks alleges some remote hacking programs can turn electronic devices into recording and transmitting stations to spy on targets
  • Documents also claims the CIA can bypass encryption of Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloakman by hacking smartphones
  • CIA investigated hacking control systems in cars and trucks, which would allow agency to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations  

WikiLeaks said in a lengthy statement that the files, mysteriously dubbed ' Vault 7', are the most comprehensive release of U.S. spying files ever made public

 Continue reading and see more images, cartoons, and links to related articles and videos

WikiLeaks has published thousands of documents claiming to reveal top CIA hacking secrets, including the agency's ability to infiltrate encrypted apps like Whatsapp, break into smart TVs and phones and program self-driving cars.
WikiLeaks said the files released on Tuesday - mysteriously dubbed ' Vault 7' - are the most comprehensive release of U.S. spying files ever made public. 
The leak purportedly includes 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virgina. 
It details intelligence information on CIA-developed software intended to hack iPhones, Android phones, smart TVs and Microsoft, Mac and Linux operating systems.
WikiLeaks alleges that some of the remote hacking programs can turn these electronic devices into recording and transmitting stations to spy on their targets.
It also claims the CIA can bypass the encryption of Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloakman by hacking the smart phones the applications run on. 
The CIA was also looking at hacking the vehicle control systems used in modern cars and trucks, WikiLeaks claims.

According to a document in 2014, CIA's Embedded Devices Branch met to discuss malware that could infect vehicle systems.
'The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations,' WikiLeaks said.
The documents could not immediately be authenticated, but WikiLeaks has a long track record of releasing top secret government documents. A spokesman for the CIA would not comment.
WikiLeaks, which had been dropping cryptic hints about the release for a month, said in a lengthy statement that the CIA had 'recently' lost control of a massive arsenal of CIA hacking tools as well as associated documentation. 
The organization said that 'the archive appears to have been circulated among former U.S. government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner' and that one of them 'provided WikiLeaks with portions of the archive.'
They said the archive of files - referred to as Year Zero - introduces the scope of the CIA's global covert hacking program and includes software that could allow people to take control of consumer electronic products. 
The documents cover a range of topics, including what appeared to be a discussion about how to compromise smart televisions and turn them into improvised surveillance devices. 
The alleged program called 'Weeping Angel' is said to have been developed in conjunction with the British spy agency MI5 and allows them to hack a Samsung smart TV when it is seemingly switched off.
'After infestation, Weeping Angel places the target TV in a 'Fake-Off' mode, so that the owner falsely believes the TV is off when it is on,' the files say, according to WikiLeaks.
'In 'Fake-Off' mode the TV operates as a bug, recording conversations in the room and sending them over the Internet to a covert CIA server.'  
WikiLeaks said the leaked data also included details on the agency's efforts to subvert American software products and smartphones, including Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows. 
The files claim the CIA  had developed numerous attacks to remotely hack and control popular smart phones. 
'Infected phones can be instructed to send the CIA the user's geolocation, audio and text communications as well as covertly activate the phone's camera and microphone,' the files state.
'A similar unit targets Google's Android which is used to run the majority of the world's smart phones including Samsung, HTC and Sony.' 
A 'substantial library' of digital espionage techniques borrowed from Russia and other countries is in the data as well, WikiLeaks said.  
WikiLeaks claims each technique the CIA has created 'forms a "fingerprint" that can be used by forensic investigators to attribute multiple different attacks to the same entity'. 

WikiLeaks, founded by Julian Assange has published thousands of documents that it says come from the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence
WikiLeaks, founded by Julian Assange has published thousands of documents that it says come from the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence

The leak purportedly includes 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virgina (above)



- A STASI-style abuse of power that threatens the country's foundations
Broadcaster Mark Levin's summary that prompted President Trump to explode this scandal via Twitter:

1. June 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration files a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several advisers. The request, uncharacteristically, is denied. 
2. July: Russia joke. Wikileaks releases emails from the Democratic National Committee that show an effort to prevent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) from winning the presidential nomination. In a press conference, Donald Trump refers to Hillary Clinton’s own missing emails, joking: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing.” That remark becomes the basis for accusations by Clinton and the media that Trump invited further hacking. 
3. October: Podesta emails. In October, Wikileaks releases the emails of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, rolling out batches every day until the election, creating new mini-scandals. The Clinton campaign blames Trump and the Russians. 
4. October: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons, Andrew McCarthy at National Review later notes. 
 The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using the high-tech surveillance powers of the federal intelligence services.  
5. January 2017: Buzzfeed/CNN dossier. Buzzfeed releases, and CNN reports, a supposed intelligencedossiercompiled by a foreign former spy. It purports to show continuous contact between Russia and the Trump campaign, and says that the Russians have compromising information about Trump.   
None of the allegations can be verified and some are proven false. Several media outlets claim that they had been aware of the dossier for months and that it had been circulating in Washington.
6. January: Obama expands NSA sharing. As Michael Walsh later notes, and as the New York Times reports, the outgoing Obama administration “expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.” The new powers, and reduced protections, could make it easier for intelligence on private citizens to be circulated improperly or leaked. 
7. January: Times report. The New York Times reports, on the eve of Inauguration Day, that several agencies — the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Treasury Department are monitoring several associates of the Trump campaign suspected of Russian ties.  
Other news outlets also report the existence of “a multiagency working group to coordinate investigations across the government,” though it is unclear how they found out, since the investigations would have been secret and involved classified information. 
8. February: Mike Flynn scandal. Reports emerge that the FBI intercepted a conversation in 2016 between future National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — then a private citizen — and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.   
The intercept supposedly was  part of routine spying on the ambassador, not monitoring of the Trump campaign. The FBI transcripts reportedly show the two discussing Obama’s newly-imposed sanctions on Russia, though Flynn earlier denied discussing them.  
Sally Yates, whom Trump would later fire as acting Attorney General for insubordination, is involved in the investigation. In the end, Flynn resigns over having misled Vice President Mike Pence (perhaps inadvertently) about the content of the conversation. 
9. February: Times claims extensive Russian contacts. The New York Times cites “four current and former American officials” in reporting that the Trump campaign had “repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials. The Trump campaign denies the claims — and the Times admits that there is “no evidence” of coordination between the campaign and the Russians. The White House and some congressional Republicans begin to raise questions about illegal intelligence leaks. 
10. March: the Washington Post targets Jeff Sessions. The Washington Post reports that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had contact twice with the Russian ambassador during the campaign — once at a Heritage Foundation event and once at a meeting in Sessions’s Senate office.  
The Post suggests that the two meetings contradict Sessions’s testimony at his confirmation hearings that he had no contacts with the Russians, though in context (not presented by the Post) it was clear he meant in his capacity as a campaign surrogate, and that he was responding to claims in the “dossier” of ongoing contacts.  
The New York Times, in covering the story, adds that the Obama White House “rushed to preserve” intelligence related to alleged Russian links with the Trump campaign. By “preserve” it really means “disseminate”: officials spread evidence throughout other government agencies “to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators” and perhaps the media as well. 

Image result for images hillary clinton got $2 million after selling uranium to russia

 - How John Podesta, Hillary's campaign chief, hid money received from Russia 
 - A Wikileaks revelation
-  Reported by Jerome Corsi



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Wikileaks Document Drop: CIA Used iPhones and Samsung TVs to Listen in on Conversations

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Blackmail? Did Comey Let Hillary Off The Hook Because She Knew About FBI Wiretapping?


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Report – FBI Director Comey Asked Justice Department To Publicly Reject Trump’s Wiretapping Claim

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Here’s the List: More Than a Dozen Proven Victims of Obama’s Many Wiretaps

Former AG: There Was Surveillance on Trump at the Behest of Obama Dept. of Justice (VIDEO)

Mark Levin on Trump Wiretapping Claims: ‘The Evidence Is Overwhelming







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