
Thursday, March 9, 2017


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Our world is full of absurdities.  Here are a few examples of perfectly harmless ones.   

SMILE at more pointless signs.

A stop sign with a sign under it to remind you that the above stop sign is a stop sign - information overload?

Unless this sign is reserved for superhumans capable of defying the laws of physics, it's pretty redundant

Helpful instructions for anyone who needs a refresher course in the mechanisms of a door

You'd like to think that anyone capable of passing a driving test would be familiar with the basic principles of rain - but perhaps not?

It's hard to imagine why or how this sign came into existence, humans not being amphibious

How many times did shoppers try on condoms in the supermarket aisle before a warning notice was placed here?

Falling backwards off a cliff can indeed end in death - a good enough reason not to meander off the trail

Another example of advice which, although wise, doesn't really need to be spelled out

How many people took a pew on this sub-optimal fence before it required its own sign to discourage the practice? We can only wonder 

As most of us know, balconies very seldom are on the ground level - that would make them patios 

 Is this sign specific to this Xlerator hand dryer alone, or a broad statement regarding hand dryers in general?

A step-by-step tutorial in the act of operating a bin, which will possibly never prove helpful to anyone, ever

When judgement fails, will this sign prevail?

Whoever issued this mini science lesson even felt it necessary to colour-code the adjective

Just in case you failed to notice, this is a region in which sand is present, and it has the sign to prove it

The question is, what is it about this particular fence that requires us to exercise caution?

It is strange here that the very first thing you see upon removing a battery is a statement to inform you that you have just removed a battery

This sign, spotted in Florida, is so effective that even the local alligators take heed of it 
This sign is being displayed in Florida, USA.


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