
Sunday, March 26, 2017

US SENATE APPROVES THE MURDER OF BABY BEARS AND WOLF CUBS IN THEIR DENS, in a move to grant states the right to hunt previously protected wildlife - It also approves the use of steel-jawed leghold traps and wire snares - CONTACT PRESIDENT TRUMP!

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Humans with a twisted mind or a poor sense of their manhood derive pleasure from causing pain to these creatures and destroying their lives.  They call it a sport. 
  • The U.S. Senate just voted 52-47 to allow barbaric hunting tactics against previously protected wildlife.
  • They will be able to legally enter bear and wolf dens to kill mothers and their young cubs and pups.
  • Inhumane hunting methods have caused the overkilling of native predators in the past.
  • Changes to past protective regulations were passed in the name of "state rights," although Americans are strongly against such hunting practices.
  • To tell President Trump what you think about this bill, you can write to The White House or send him a message at @realDonaldTrump. 

The following article is from THE DODO
The U.S. Senate just voted 52-47 to allow barbaric hunting tactics such as killing hibernating bear families in their dens — and now the lives of countless animals on 76 million acres of federal wildlife refuges in Alaska are in President Donald Trump's hands.
Now the government is set to overturn previous U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) regulations that were put in place to protect our wildlife, allowing hunters to lure grizzly bears with food to shoot them at point-blank range.
They will be able to legally enter bear and wolf dens to kill mothers and their young cubs and pups. Hunters will also be allowed to shoot bears from airplanes. Steel-jawed leghold traps and wire snares will be allowed on these national lands.   The resolution, S.J.Res.18, was introduced by U.S. House Representative Don Young (R-AK), a former trapper.
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Even though a 2016 poll of Alaska voters showed that most people agree that these cruel hunting practices should be banned, the measure passed through the House 225-193 last month, with some congressmen citing states' rights as the reason for their vote in favor, despite the resolution being about federal lands.
Vasselin said it is unusual to see a female bear with three cubs in Alaska and made the experience particularly exciting  
"What the Senate did today should outrage the conscience of every animal lover in America," Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), said on Tuesday, after the Senate passed the resolution.
The regulations came from the Obama administration, but received some bipartisan approval at the time. "Inhumane hunting methods have caused the overkilling of native Alaskan predators; this rule takes a balanced approach allowing for traditional, permit-based hunting," then-Representative Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA) said last year after the cruel practices were banned.
But special interest groups have been seeking to strip the federal government of its authority over these lands. "Special interest groups are quietly working at the federal and state level to lay the groundwork for federally managed lands to be handed over wholesale to state or even private ownership," Dan Ashe, then-FWS director, wrote last year in an op-ed. "Unfortunately, without the protections of federal law and the public engagement it ensures, this heritage is incredibly vulnerable."
Now that these protections are being overturned, animal lovers all over the country are worried. "There are many, many people of both 'parties' that love animals and oppose this," one commenter wrote this week.

Before the vote, U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) said the bill contained "some of the most cruel and inhumane savage killing of animals."  "This is inhuman, it's inhumane," Booker said. "It is wrong."
To tell President Trump what you think about this bill, you can write to The White House or send him a message at @realDonaldTrump.

Soon we start a new year for bear cubs. Even though we may not be aware, somewhere in a secluded den under the snow a mother bear, black bear or brown bear (grizzly) will give birth to tiny, nearly hairless and definitely helpless babies known as cubs.

1 to 3 will be born and for the next 3 to 5 months the mother bear will heed to the constant needs for her babies while in her den.

She does not get to have her babies and go back to sleep for the balance of the winter. She will always be aware of where her cubs are, keeping them close to her so they stay warm. January is exciting because in the bear world, new beginnings start now.
See for more information.
Photo credit- WRI in Ely,MN

The perverted pleasure of killing innocent creatures.  
The last resort for finding your lost manhood:  murder helpless animals and then gloat about it.

It is officially wolf breeding season. In around 63 days, the first pups will be born, just around the time snow starts to melt to give pups the longest possible time to mature before the next winter. It is important for wolf pups to have the best start possible in order to navigate the challenges of being a wolf, such as surviving habitat destruction, hunting prey, and avoiding humans. Pups are born in the warmth of an underground den and protected by the alpha pair and other members of the pack. We wish all packs a safe and thriving breeding season.
Source: Living with Wolves

Gray wolf pups emerging from their den. Photo: Hilary Cooley, U.S Fish and Wildlife

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