
Friday, March 24, 2017

EUROPE THE MOST TERROR-PRONE PLACE IN THE WORLD, SECOND ONLY TO MIDEAST WAR ZONES, declares EUCOM chief - British people now on their knees, writes Katie Hopkins in aftermath of Westminster terror attack

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As Islam strikes innocent civilians in Europe and America, and Canadian Imams preach for the genocide of Jews and Christians, the Canadian government has passed a motion condemning Islamophobia. 
  • The Canadian government's motion is specific against Islamophobia, not against other forms of anti-religious bias.
  • It has been characterized as a sharia-inspired anti-blasphemy law, as it exists in Muslim countries.
  • It condemns the normal criticism of ideas regarding Islam - violating a long-held western tradition of freedom of expression.
  • The Canadian government's lack of definition of what exactly constitutes Islamophobia opens the way for the future criminalization of any form of criticism of Islam, as it already happens in many European Union countries. 
  • European activists have been arrested for publicly quoting Winston Churchill's dire opinion of Islam, for wearing a child piggy hat at a demonstration (pigs are offensive to Muslims), and for yelling personal, not religious, insults to a murderous jihadi who was in the act of killing people in Germany. 
  • The very act of proposing a limit to Muslim immigration into Europe is deemed by EU governments to be racist and therefore criminal in nature. 
  • Aside from the inability of conservative Muslims to fully integrate into a morally decadent western society, AUTOMATION is eliminating millions of jobs formerly done by people.  What will the future be for an idle, low-skilled, ideologically-driven population with large number of children, most of them surviving on benefits?
  • Many have suggested that our resources would be much better utilized by helping Muslim victims of war and poverty rebuild their countries and their lives, and educate their children in their own native societies, comfortable with their own social values. 
  • Characterizing criticism of Islam as racial intolerance is misleading.  Islam is not just a religion, but a political ideology with adherents belonging to all races. 
  • Islam's very nature is expansionist.  Large areas of Africa, Asia, and the Balkans are Muslim today because of violent invasions by Islamic armies starting in the seventh century, and the forced conversion of millions of people. 
  • Islam's nature is supremacist.  Countries with a Muslim majority have marginalized, persecuted, and often massacred other minorities, particularly Christians, for 1400 years. 
  • Today Islam expands into Europe and America through mass migration.  Criticism of this migration and its social consequences is now regarded as racist and can lead to criminal prosecution.  Sharia's blasphemy laws have now been officially adopted by western countries.
  • So, what happens as a result of mass Muslim migration into the West?
Terrorist threat higher in Europe than anywhere else except war zones – EUCOM chief 
  • The threat posed by violent extremism is higher in Europe than anywhere else in the world, apart from actual war zones and hotspots, US European Command head General Curtis Scaparrotti said, commenting on Wednesday’s terrorist attack in London.
  • The number of threat streams that we have of this type within Europe – it’s probably higher in Europe than any other part of the globe, with the exception of the places we’re actually physically fighting [terrorists], like Syria […] Afghanistan and Iraq, the senior US military leader in Europe, who is also NATO's Supreme Allied Commander, told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday.  He said that Europe is faced with a “difficult challenge” posed by extremists. 
This place is just like Sweden. Terrified of admitting the truth about the threat we face, about the horrors committed by the migrants we failed to deter — because to admit that we are sinking, and fast, would be to admit that everything the liberals believe is wrong.
To admit that multiculturalism has not worked. That it is one big fat failure and one big fat lie.
President Erdogan of Turkey said there is a war being waged between the crescent and the cross. But he is wrong. Because the cross is not strong. We are down on bended knee, a doormat to be trodden on, a joke only funny to those who wish us harm.  (Read Katie Hopkins' full column further on this page.) 
by Chris Tomlinson - BREITBART

The Canadian House of Commons has passed motion M103 which singles out the criticism of Islam as a form of “Islamophobia”. Critics condemn it as an attack on free speech.
Motion M103 was tabled by Pakistani-born Iqra Khalid, a Muslim member of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party. It states the government must “condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination”, was taken to vote on Thursday evening where a total of 201 MPs voted for it and only 91 voted against.

The text of the motion does not clarify what constitutes “Islamophobia” and has led many to speculate what that may mean in the future, with some critics fearing it could lead to Shariah law courts. This concern has led to the circulation of an anti-Shariah petition on the Parliament of Canada website, which has so far been signed by over 24,000 people.
Continue reading

Ms. Khalid, who was born in Pakistan and moved to the UK and then to Canada, said the definition of Islamophobia was: “The irrational hate of Muslims that leads to discrimination.”
When Conservatives asked her to remove Islamophobia from the motion, she said: “I will not do so, any more than I would speak to the Holocaust and not mention that the overwhelming majority of victims were six million followers of the Jewish faith and that anti-Semitism was the root cause of the Holocaust.”
Another part of the bill that has stirred controversy is the passage that asks the government to “recognise the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear”. It is currently unknown what measures the government will take to “quell” “hate and fear” as the motion is not classified as a law and has no effect on current criminal law.
The Conservative Party of Canada are currently holding leadership elections and many of the candidates have come out against M103 including one of the frontrunners, Quebecer Maxime Bernier. Mr. Bernier, a conservative with libertarian free market leanings, said he voted against the bill tweeting: “Free speech is the most fundamental right we have. I am opposed to #m103. Canadians should be treated equally regardless of religion.


Stage 2: The killer driver was seen speeding along Westminster Bridge mounting the pavement and running down 20 or more people

AS YOU READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE BY KATIE HOPKINS, please bear in mind that for decades the British government has knowingly used tax money to fund terror in Israel under the guise of  humanitarian aid to Muslim Palestinians. 
Terrorists and their families receive generous salaries paid for by the 'moderate' Palestinian Authority.  This money comes from the European Union, and Britain in particular.
Suicide bombings, massacres of women and children, ramming vehicles against civilians - all this and more happened in Israel before it happened in Europe - but it is still not considered terror because the victims are Jews and the perpetrators Muslim Palestinians.

UK taxpayers money has funded TERRORISTS, The Mail On Sunday can reveal

- The machete attack against Kay Wilson and Kristine Luken. 
 - The terrorists receive salaries paid for by British, European, and US taxpayers through generous funding of the Palestinian Authority



Welcome to London: We can say we’re not afraid, light candles and make hearts of our hands but the truth is that we can’t go on like this  
By Katie Hopkins for the UK Daily Mail

They stood in the centre of Brussels. Row on row.
Hands held high, making hearts to the heavens. Showing the slaughtered they were not forgotten. Reminding themselves they were here with love. Looking to show humanity wins. That love conquers all.
They lay in the centre of London, face down where they fell. Stabbed by a knife, rammed with a car, flung, broken, into the Thames, life bleeding out on the curb.
And the news came thick and fast.
An injured woman is assisted after a man drove a 4x4 into pedestrians along Westminster Bridge on Wednesday afternoon

A car rammed deliberately into pedestrians on the bridge. Ten innocents down.
A police officer stabbed at the House of Commons. Confirmed dead.
Another woman now, dead at the scene.
Shots fired. An Asian man rushed to hospital.
Bystanders stop to give people mouth to mouth after the driver mowed them down. Katie Hopkins says we are now a broken London
A woman, plucked from the water.
And I grew colder. And more tiny.
No anger for me this time. No rage like I’ve felt before. No desperate urge to get out there and scream at the idiots who refused to see this coming.
Not even a nod for the glib idiots who say this will not defeat us, that we will never be broken, that cowardice and terror will not get the better of Britain.
Because, as loyal as I am, as patriotic as I am, as much as my whole younger life was about joining the British military and fighting for my country — I fear we are broken.
Not because of this ghoulish spectacle outside our own Parliament. Not because of the lives rammed apart on the pavement, even as they thought about what was for tea. Or what train home they might make.
A police officer is led away from the scene after she tries to revive her colleague who was stabbed in the attack on Wednesday afternoon

But because this is us now.
This is our country now.
This is what we have become.
To this, we have been reduced.
People make hearts with their hands during a ceremony in Belgium to commemorate the first anniversary of the bomb attacks in BrusselsBecause all the while those forgiving fools in Brussels stood with their stupid hands raised in hearts to the sky, another mischief was in the making. More death was in the pipeline.
As the last life-blood of a police officer ran out across the cobbles, the attacker was being stretchered away in an attempt to save his life.
London is a city so desperate to be seen as tolerant, no news of the injured was released. No clue about who was safe or not.
Liberals convince themselves multiculturalism works because we all die together, too.
An entire city of monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Blind. Deaf. And dumb.
Immersed in a seething pit of hatred, hidden in pockets of communities plagued by old animosities and ancient strife.
These people may have left their lands. But they have brought every tension, every conflict, every bit of fight here with them.
The Afghans hate the Somalias who loathe the Eritreans. As it was before, it is now.
London is a city of ghettos behind a thin veneer of civility kept polished by a Muslim mayor whose greatest validation is his father's old job.
Son-of-a-bus-driver Sadiq. (Muslim mayor of London)
I see him now, penning a missive about how London is a beautiful and tolerant city, how we are united by shared values and understanding, and how we will not be cowed by terror.
Sure enough, there he was, saying exactly that, just now. Fool.
Turmoil: 20 people have been ploughed into by the car by the terrorist who was shot dead in the courtyard of Parliament
Even as mothers text to check their children are safe. Including my own, worrying about me as I sit overlooking the scene, feeling fearful of this place where monsters lurk and steal lives away in an instant. For nothing.
I would ask Sadiq to stop talking. Empty words. Meanwhile, banning pictures of women in bikinis on the Underground. How does that help?
Please, no hashtag, no vigil, no tea lights. I am begging you not to light up Parliament in the colours of the Union.
Because we are not united. We are wrenched asunder.
The car started its path of destruction on Westminster Bridge taking out pedestrians  before the assailant sprinted from the car and stabbed the police officer before being shot
The patriots of the rest of England versus the liberals in this city. The endless tolerance to those who harm us, (while the Home Office tries to shift the focus of public fear to white terror) — versus the millions like me who face the truth, with worried families and hopeless hearts, who feel the country sinking.
We are taken under the cold water by this heavy right foot in the south, a city of lead, so desperately wedded to the multicultural illusion that it can only fight those who love the country the most, blame those who are most proud to be British, and shout racist at the 52%. 
This place is just like Sweden. Terrified of admitting the truth about the threat we face, about the horrors committed by the migrants we failed to deter — because to admit that we are sinking, and fast, would be to admit that everything the liberals believe is wrong.
That multiculturalism has not worked. That it is one big fat failure and one big fat lie.
Stage one: Terrified witnesses today described watching a terrorist using a 4x4 as a weapon sending pedestrians flying like skittles including one victim who was thrown from Westminster Bridge (pictured) 
President Erdogan of Turkey said there is a war being waged between the crescent and the cross. But he is wrong. Because the cross is not strong. We are down on bended knee, a doormat to be trodden on, a joke only funny to those that wish us harm.
The war is between London and the rest of the country. Between the liberals and the right-minded. Between those who think it is more important to tip-toe around the cultures of those who choose to join us, rather than defend our own culture.
How many more times?
And how many more attacks must pass before we acknowledge these are no longer the acts of ‘extremists’? That there is no safe badge with which to hold these people at arm’s length, in the way the liberals casually use the term 'far-right' for anyone who has National pride.
These events are no longer extreme. They are commonplace. Every day occurrences.
These people are no longer extremists. They are simply more devout. More true to their beliefs. Beliefs which will be supported endlessly across our state broadcaster for the next few months until we buy into the narrative that one religion is not to blame.
That in fact we should blame Brexit supporters. For believing in a Britain. As it was before.
Prime Minister Theresa May speaks outside 10 Downing St after the attacks. Katie Hopkins says it is time to admit that multiculturalism has not worked
PM Theresa May:  Islamic terror has nothing to do with Islam

Anything but the truth.
This is why there is no anger from me this time, no rage. No nod for those who pretend we will not be cowed, even as they rush home to text their mum they are safe. No surprise that the city of which I was so proud is now punctured by fear, and demarcated even more formally by places we cannot tread; there were always parts in which a white woman could not safely walk.
Now I feel only sadness, overwhelming sadness.
I will walk over the river tonight and look to the Thames, to the Union flag lowered at half mast, and the Parliament below, and I will wonder, just how much longer we can go on like this.  



Toronto Masjid Mosque Calls for the Death of All Jews and Christians
  • The phrase "those who displaced Muslims" refers to the Jews.
  • Arab Muslims invaded Israel in the 7th century.
  • Although Jews have been living in Israel for thousands of years, they are regarded as "occupiers".
  • In 1948 a coalition of Arab armies invaded Israel to perpetrate a massacre of all Jewish inhabitants.
  • The Arab commanders told the Palestinian Arabs to flee so that the Arabs could more easily destroy the Jews.
  • The Palestinian refugees are the result of a failed Arab attempt to kill all Israeli Jews.
  • The Canadian Imam's call to kill those who displaced Muslims is a call for genocide of Jews.
  • This prayer is commonplace in several Canadian mosques, where it has been videotaped. 



Ayman Elkasrawy, imam of the Masjid Toronto mosque (front row, wearing white), said on video: “… slay them one by one and spare not one of them… Give us victory over the disbelieving people… Give victory to Islam… Purify Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews!” (Image source: Video screenshot from Masjid Toronto via The Rebel)
  • The mayor of Brampton, Ontario, Linda Jeffrey, was also seemingly unconcerned about the calls in Toronto to murder Jews.
  • The political establishment also does not seem concerned that imams are saying that the Islamic ruling allowing slaves is still in force. Meanwhile, statistics show that when it comes to hate crimes, Jews are by far the most targeted group.
  • No one — neither media, nor politicians — even bothered to ask whether there is a significant connection between the virulent Jew-hatred being preached in mosques and the disproportionately high occurrence of hate crimes against Jews. Instead, the entire Canadian parliament is preoccupied with banning “Islamophobia”.
Imams in Canadian mosques have been inciting the killing of “infidels”, primarily Jews, for years. This agitation appears to have had no visible impact on Canadian parliamentarians, evidently too busy with petitions and motions banning alleged “Islamophobia”.
In 2009, for example, Toronto-area imam Said Rageah, at the Abu Huraira Centre, called on Allah to “destroy” the enemies of Islam from within and “damn” the “infidel” Jews and Christians.
“Allah protect us from the fitna [sedition, affliction] of these people; Allah protect us from the evil agenda of these people; Allah destroy them from within themselves, and do not allow them to raise their heads” prayed the imam.
In 2012, Sheikh Abdulqani Mursal, imam at Masjid Al Hikma mosque in Toronto, explained that Jews are destined to be killed by the Muslims. Citing text from a hadith, he said:
“You will fight against the Jews and you will kill them… Muslims [will] kill them until the Jews [will] hide themselves… and a stone or a tree [will] say: Muslim… there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him….”
In 2014, imam Sayed AlGhitawi, at Al Andalous Islamic Center in Montreal, prayed for success in jihad and the total destruction of the Jews:
“O Allah, give victory to our brothers who engage in jihad… destroy the accursed Jews… make their children orphans and their women widows… kill them one by one… do not leave any of them [alive]”.
During the Muslim holiday of Ramadan in 2016, Imam Ayman Elkasrawy, of the Masjid Toronto mosque, said the following:
“…O Allah! Count their number; slay them one by one and spare not one of them… Give us victory over the disbelieving people… Give victory to Islam… humiliate the …polytheists… Destroy anyone who displaced the sons of the Muslims…Count their number; slay them one by one and spare not one of them… Purify Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews!”
Another imam in Toronto, Shaykh Abdool Hamid, recited similar prayers on at least eight occasions in 2015 and 2016.
In February 2017, after being exposed as an extremist by CIJ News, imam Ayman Elkasrawy apologized for his words, which, despite being posted on YouTube, were apparently not meant to reach non-Arabic speaking Canadians:
“Neither I, Masjid Toronto or the congregation harbour any form of hate towards Jews. And so I wish to apologize unreservedly for misspeaking during prayer last Ramadan… “
The head of the mosque, Dr. El-Tantawy Attia, assured the Toronto Sun that his mosque was not a radical mosque:
“It was a mistake. It was not authorized. It should not have happened and we have apologized and I have personally reached out to my Jewish friends… I was so upset. I was surprised. In 45 years here, I had never heard anything like that.”
He also assured the Toronto Sun that he and the mosque would “get to the bottom of this through their own investigation”. He also said that, pending the probe, the imam had been “suspended”. The head of the mosque, however, then said that he doubts if Ayman Elkasrawy “really meant it”. “We are about peace”, he added.
Of course they are.
Even more astonishing than the disingenuous, mock-shock apology from the imam, was the staggering willingness on the part of the public to believe it. Instead of waiting for the police investigation, the Toronto Sun reported that, “People of all walks of life, and faiths, formed a ‘ring around’ the mosque to protect it from ‘Islamophobia'”.
The mayor of Brampton, Ontario, Linda Jeffrey, was also seemingly unconcerned about the calls in Toronto to murder Jews. Instead, she found time to criticize parents who were protesting Muslim Friday prayer sessions — taking place on public school grounds, on school time and including prayers and sermons, usually in Arabic — as “purveyors of misinformation and hateful speech.”
While the political establishment is busy vilifying those who have legitimate reservations about the potential Islamization of the public school system, the University of Toronto at Mississauga employs a Muslim convert, Dr. Katherine Bullock, as a lecturer in the Department of Political Science. In November 2014, Bullock participated in a panel discussion organized by the Muslim Law Students Association at York University on counter-radicalization in Canada.
In her presentation, Bullock said that the West has it all wrong when it comes to the definition of Muslim radicals:
“So if you’re an Iraqi nationalist who doesn’t believe that the United States should be occupying your country and you fight against them, and you believe in the Caliphate, and you believe in Sharia, you are a radical, you’ve been radicalized. But from an Islamic point of view [there is] absolutely nothing radical about wanting Caliphate or wanting Sharia. These are completely normal traditional points of view”.
At least Bullock is being honest.
The political establishment also does not seem concerned that imams are saying that the Islamic ruling allowing slaves is still in force. Dr. Ewis El Nagar, head of the Islamic Edicts Committee of the Quebec Council of Imams and leader of dawah (outreach, “call to Islam”) at the Canadian Islamic Centre in Montreal, says that the Islamic ruling on marrying slave girls[1] was not abrogated and is applicable when “legitimate jihad” is launched against unbelievers.
Canada’s political establishment also does not seem concerned with prominent imams who advocate wife-beating. The Muslim chaplain of the Canadian army, Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Masood Al-Nadvi – who is also the Chairperson of the Canadian Council of Imams and the President of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Canada, a nation-wide organization with close ties to the terrorist group Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood — explained the Quranic verse on wife-beating[2] in February 2015:
 “This is the point where for example Quran says… and Hadith says, if you are doing this thing, you can beat or can leave [avoid sleeping with the wife]… Just keep the issue among each other”. In other words, it is fine to beat your wife, just keep it behind closed doors.
Meanwhile, statistics show that when it comes to hate crimes, Jews are by far the most targeted group in Canada. According to the Toronto Police Service Annual Hate/Bias Crime Statistical Report for 2015:
“The three most targeted groups since 2006 have been the Jewish community, the Black community and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community. In 2015, the Jewish community, followed by the LGBTQ community and the Muslim community were the most victimized groups. The three most reported criminal offences motivated by hate/bias in 2015 were mischief to property, assault and criminal harassment. The Jewish community was the most victimized group for mischief to property occurrences, while the LGBTQ community was the most victimized group for assault occurrences. The Muslim community was the most victimized group for criminal harassment occurrences”.
According to the most recently available national data, between 2011 and 2013 Canadian Muslims suffered 15.1 hate crime incidents per 100,000 people. Canadian Jews, on the other hand, were the victims of 185.4 incidents per 100,000 people. That means, Jews were 12 times more likely to be targeted in hate crimes than Muslims.
Not only are Canadian politicians evidently unconcerned about this, despite the longevity of the problem, but no one — neither media, nor politicians — even bothered to ask whether there is a significant connection between the virulent Jew-hatred being preached in mosques, such as those mentioned above, and the disproportionately high occurrence of hate crimes against Jews. Instead, the entire Canadian parliament is preoccupied with banning “Islamophobia”.
Judith Bergman is a writer, columnist, lawyer and political analyst.
[1] “O Prophet, We have made lawful for you your wives whose bridal dues you have paid, and the slave-girls you possess from among the prisoners of war…” — Quran 33:50.
[2] “Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them…” — Qur’an 4:34.
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CAUGHT: More “filthy Jew” talk in Montreal mosque

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