
Saturday, February 4, 2017

THE NEWS IN CARTOONS - February 4, 2017 - Not a dull moment in the Trump presidency - The Berkeley Riot against Free Speech

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Students at Berkeley protested in the 1960s to help bring about freedom of political speech and activities at their university. They forced the administration to acknowledge that such speech should not end on campus. 
Nowadays, students at Berkeley want to end free speech. They chased Milo Yiannopoulos off campus and then physically attacked those with whom they disagree. The students turned classical liberalism into the very fascism that they claim to despise.

President Barack Obama Iran terrorism terrorist terrorists Muslim Islam ISIS ISIL Boko Haram

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Dry Bones,Israel,Trump, demonstrations, migrants, immigrants, refugees,

BERKELEY CAMPUS ERUPTS IN FLAMES TO SILENCE GAY SPEAKER - LEFTISTS RIOT over visit by libertarian Jewish gay activist Milo Yiannopoulos - Student Union trashed - Milo is on a campus tour to expose political correctness, lslam's death penalty against homosexuals and violence against women, and the leftist-Muslim alliance that betrays women and gay rights.  READ MORE

Starbucks promised to hire ten thousand refugees.  PROBLEM:  ILLINOIS Coroner under fire for Facebook post re: Muslim toilet ‘etiquette’ and Starbucks pledge to hire 10,000 ‘refugees’

Democrat senator Chuck Schumer shed tears for the hundreds of thousand Muslims who were not allowed to enter the USA.  Will Schumer cry for the American victims of Muslim terror?

The Democrats and the radical left accuse Trump of hate and fascism, but it is the left that is being exposed as full of hate and violence.  Their alarming behavior is the best anti-Democrat propaganda Trump could wish for as he plans to run for a second term in 2020. 

The media's selective outrage.  Obama's lies never mattered, no matter how important for the nation.  But the media pounces on every single statement made by president Trump.

Dry Bones,Mothers,LGBTQ,Political Correctness,Pregnant, UK,transgender,

Teachers' unions are some of the most generous donors to the Democrat Party.  In return the Democrats fight against Trump's policy of giving parents vouchers  so that they can choose the best charter schools.

Gorsuch reflects Scalia

Profound shock

The British left, closely allied to Islam, finds Trump too radical to be allowed into Britain.

Dry Bones,Obama,Holocaust, Shoah,Ben Rhodes,President,America,






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