
Thursday, February 2, 2017

OBAMA'S TRUE LEGACY: A third world mentality of mass insurrection and violence, corruption and subversion of the voting process, and increased tribalism - A third world president who injected his hostility towards traditional America to masses of people

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Donald Trump has been in office for less than two weeks, and there have been multiple insinuations and outright calls for his assassination and - failing that - for his removal through a coup d'état. 
This would have been unthinkable during previous administrations, no matter how much opposition there was to the president's agenda.   There have been several attempts on Trump's life already.
Something very deep and fundamental has changed in the USA, and it may be irreversible.  While the opposition cries out in hysteria at what Trump "may do," or "may be thinking of doing in the future" - the real threat to the nation is how the American public's mentality has crossed an important line that differentiated the USA from third world dysfunctional nations. 
It is extremely alarming how those who are not calling for insurrection and murder, tolerate those calls in silence, thereby becoming complicit with treason and the unraveling of America.
Continue reading, and see links to treasonous calls for violent regime change in the US by celebrities and reputable writers and officials.

Barack Hussein Obama has deep racial and cultural roots in Africa and the Muslim world.  He attended Muslim schools as a child in Indonesia, and as a young man in the US he had years of personal indoctrination by radical ideologues who hated America. 
For many years he faithfully attended a 'church' headed by pastor Jeremiah Wright, who preached black supremacy, anti-Semitism, and hatred for America.  The future president claimed to have never noticed any of it.  Wright was like a father for Obama so they must have had many intimate conversations.   
Although elected by the white population, Obama turned on them with full contempt for their values and their dignity.  He characterized them as folks who cling to their guns and religion. 
Ironically, it is Obama's cherished Muslims migrants who often place their religion and armed Jihad above American law and traditions. 
Naïve white liberals have stood by Obama and liberal dogma in a pathological display of terminal virtue signaling.
An illustration of white liberal pathology is Jewish Senator Chuck Schumer who, with his voice choked by tears,  spoke recently on behalf of unlimited Muslim migration into the USA. 
Those could be the same Muslims who will persecute and even assault Jewish students in American campuses (maybe his own grandchildren); the same Muslims who may either plot or quietly support jihad against innocent American people.  Will the senator shed tears for the victims of the next terror attack?
But Chuck Schumer will continue to defend unlimited Muslim immigration because the prospect of seeing his offspring or his compatriots murdered by jihad is not as scary as that of being called a racist.   
This confluence of naïve white liberalism, the rabid radical left, and Islam is dangerously undermining the now fragile political stability of the USA, and transmogrifying it into just another third world country where the rule of law is subverted by violent mass demonstrations, and where presidents can be toppled by angry mobs or a military coup d'état.
Let's remember how the women's march was organized by a Muslim activist who believes in Sharia law.  Both the feminist movement and the Black Lives Matter movement are thoroughly infiltrated by radical Islam.
South Africa - Ongoing violence
Nigeria - Post-election violence
Islam in the West
Settling ethnic and religious differences in Pakistan
February 1, 2017 - USA - Berkeley campus
Mobs riot to prevent speech by libertarian activist
January 2017 - USA - Not My President
Mobs riot, destroy property, attack Trump supporters and random white people
There is still a heartland in America that knows how badly things have deteriorated, but people keep their thoughts to themselves out of fear of discrimination and violence.  That's why the pre-election polls got it so wrong.  Trump supporters kept their opinions to themselves until voting day. 
That is how deep American society is sinking:  there is genuine fear of expressing opinions that go against the liberal dogma. 
For years activists with pro-life and pro-Israel views have been violently chased out of campuses.  
Just yesterday the Berkeley campus of the University of California erupted in flames and mob violence to prevent the scheduled lecture of anti-political correctness gay activist Milo Yannopoulos. 
Leftist fascism has taken over many institutions, and it is being supported by storm troopers who are often paid for by the George Soros organization.  These professional storm troopers are tasked with intimidating and assaulting the opposition, just like they did for European fascists a couple of generations ago. 
The following articles show a well organized leftist campaign to demonize Trump, and to characterize him as the next Hitler who must be removed by any means, including assassination.   They are psychologically preparing and prompting the population to engage in violence to get rid of Trump and to accept it once it's done.
Some of them are reputable journalists and bureaucrats.  Others are celebrities.  But the main point is that they influence different sectors of the population. 
Delegitimizing Trump, portraying him as the next Hitler:

OBAMA OFFICIAL CALLS FOR MILITARY COUP   In a blog post for Foreign Policy magazine, Rosa Brooks, a former Obama administration official, outlined four ways to "get rid" of President Trump, including declaring him mentally unfit for command or carrying out a military coup. Brooks is a Schwartz senior fellow at the New America Foundation, which funded by billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. She served from 2009-2011 as Counselor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and served as a senior adviser at Obama’s State Department. THIS IS TREASON 

Black Lives Matter Protesters: "WE NEED TO START KILLING PEOPLE"; Calls For Trump’s ASSASSINATION! (VIDEO)

Magnatone CEO Ted Kornblum Threatens Trump Assassination – Media Silent
Comedian Sarah Silverman calls for a military coup to overthrow Trump.
In a tweet written in all caps Wednesday, she called on people to "wake up & join the resistance" against Donald Trump and urged the military to help overthrow the "fascists."

NYT Columnist Pleads With Globalist Billionaires to Save Nation from Trump



President Trump surround by U.S. Secret Service agents during his inaugural parade. 
Over 12,000 tweets are calling for Trump's assassination.
Here's how the Secret Service handles it






Wednesday, February 1, 2017
download (6)
- LEFTISTS RIOT over visit by libertarian Jewish gay activist Milo Yiannopoulos 
 - Student Union trashed - Milo is on a campus tour to expose political correctness, lslam's death penalty against homosexuals and violence against women, and the leftist-Muslim alliance that betrays women and gay rights

Director Apatow Fired Up by Berkeley Riot: ‘This is Just the Beginning’


 - And the nefarious alliance between the Left and Islam for the destruction of western society



Media Matters founder David Brock plots the end of Trump.  Confidential memo Given To Big Money Liberal Donors

David Brock / AP

The founder of the far left wing group Media Matters, David Brock, gathered over 100 liberal donors last weekend at a high end resort in Florida according to a report by the Washington Free Beacon.


Donors were gathered at the resort to plan  their attack of how to “kick Donald Trump’s ass.” 

The Free Beacon obtained a copy of the private memo sent out by David Brock which outlines a plan of of attack for the next four years using “Media Matters, American Bridge, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and Shareblue.” While these groups sound moderate and centrist they are actually far left leaning with a strong track record of attacking everyone who doesn’t agree with their views.

From The Washington Free Beacon:

The memo contains plans for defeating Trump through impeachment, expanding Media Matters’ mission to combat “government misinformation,” ensuring Democratic control of the Senate in the 2018 midterm elections, filing lawsuits against the Trump administration, monetizing political advocacy, using a “digital attacker” to delegitimize Trump’s presidency and damage Republicans, and partnering with Facebook to combat “fake news.” 
Brock sought to raise $40 million in 2017 for his organizations, and hoped the retreat would lead to the creation of a liberal donor network to rival the network of the conservative Koch brothers.

 Yesterday The Gateway Pundit reported on another article from the Free Beacon that shows that David Brock’s Media Matters, which has received large donations from George Soros, has been secretly working with Facebook to filter ‘fake news’.  In an interview from 2015 with the MSNBC’s The Morning Joe David Brock claims that all scandals involving the Clinton’s are “fake scandals.”

George Soros, Big Banks And Google Fund Anti-Trump Resistance Group
The liberal think tank Center for American Progress (CAP), now fashioning itself as a powerful anti-Trump force, is funded by George Soros (pictured), big banks and several large corporations.
CAP, founded in 2003 by former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, has long been a prominent liberal think tank in Washington.
Now, they look to be the leader of efforts on the left to fight against Donald Trump’s incoming administration though their advocacy wing, the Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAPAF).
The action fund is funded by the main group, CAP, according to their “Our Supporters” page. Other funders of CAPAF are the big Hollywood group Motion Picture Association of America and the labor union Service Employees International Union.
The home page of CAPAF simply reads “Resist,” and has a button to “Join the Resistance.” On the actual page describing the resistance, posted Thursday, it says, “RESIST HATE. RESIST CORRUPTION. RESIST INJUSTICE. FORGE PROGRESS
WHAT RUSSIANS? - IT IS OBAMA who has undermined the electoral process by allowing Hillary supporters to riot, by remaining silent on death threats to Electors, by openly encouraging non-citizens to vote, and by forcing states to allow ineligible people to vote without ID
VIDEO:  Obama encourages non-citizens to vote

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