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The Israeli-Muslim conflict is too complex to explain in a single article. But a personal account can illustrate how it is perceived by both sides right there, in the land of Israel.
The following column was written by an American liberal and very pro-Palestinian journalist who one day took the trouble to experience life in Israel and see the situation from the Jewish point of view.
He tells how Palestinians have been indoctrinated with a narrative of hate and intolerance that results in relentless terror
As you read it, please keep in mind that the Jewish elite that controls the government - some of it often disguised as 'hawkish' or 'right wing' - has in fact been empowering the Palestinians by stealth, allowing them to build facts on the ground - both physically and ideologically. Examples abound. Here are two:
(1) While the media and human rights organizations condemn Jewish settlements, the fact is that Arabs build illegally and massively on both sides of the Green Line and with complete impunity.
The government routinely turns a blind eye to it, and very often ends up providing utilities, schools, and other facilities to the illegal towns and villages along with full legitimacy - particularly in cases of Bedouin illegal land takeover. (Bedouin are nomads from the Saudi peninsula who arrived in the land of Israel after the Muslim invasion and occupation of the land.)
(2) Palestinian textbooks and TV children programs have been spouting virulent anti-Semitic propaganda for decades, thus creating entire generations of Jew-hating Palestinians.
The Israeli government has done NOTHING about the textbooks used both in Palestinian and Arab Israeli classrooms, and even provides radio and TV frequencies to the Palestinians, who use them to indoctrinate Arab children with genocidal Jew hatred.
Even more disturbing, the Israeli government has NEVER upheld recognized international law that demonstrates the legitimacy of Israeli right to the historical Jewish ancestral land - today referred to as "occupied territory".
This silence is proof of their complicity with the Palestinians goal of partitioning the country as a first stage of a process that will inevitably lead to the end of Israel.
Does it all sound too hard to believe? There is a method to the madness. The Israeli elite's ultimate goal is to facilitate the partition of Israel for the creation of another Arab terror state, while denuding what would be left of Israel of its Jewish tradition and heritage, and its transformation into an Arab-dominated country. A more likely alternative is that a campaign of terror launched from a sovereign Palestine allied with Iran would lead to another Holocaust.
This is the Jewish left's vision, which has increasingly permeated all major centers of power in Israel, such as the media, universities, the courts, and the government itself.
Just as American centrist Republicans too often find common ground with Democrats, the Fake Right Wing in Israel secretly shares goals with the most leftist and pro-Palestinian sectors of the Israeli political landscape. They are hawkish in name only.
Actually the American political landscape right now reflects some of that leftist mindset, with its contempt for the national flag, calls for open borders, hatred of American traditional institutions, Christianity, and white people, and calls for the weakening of the Constitution and the country.
Israeli politicians can't just hand over the country to the Arabs because there would elicit a Jewish revolt. But they can do it by stealth, one step at the time.
The map to the right shows the Jewish kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The area today is referred to as Judea and Samaria. Those who want to avoid the link to Israel's ancient past call it the West Bank.
The Jewish legal right to Israel goes back thousands of years. Muslims from the Saudi peninsula invaded Israel during the Middle Ages, and now they call Jews the occupiers. The red line on the map indicates Israel after the 1967 war. Ever since Israel has shrunk after surrendering the Sinai peninsula to Egypt and Gaza to the Palestinians - both territories now in the hands of jihadists.
Netanyahu can't blame Obama for his own anti-Jewish policies anymore. Not with Trump, the most pro-Israel US president in history.
Trump would not interfere if Israel annexed Judea and Samaria and empowered Jewish heritage.
However, the Netanyahu administration told Trump NOT to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, to discourage Jewish expansion of settlements, and to continue to show support for Two States - all of them key parts of Netanyahu's pro-Palestinian agenda.
The first few weeks of the Trump administration have exposed the Israeli government's DUPLICITY.
PM Netanyahu's eloquent right wing speeches have allowed him and his Likud party to cling to power, while his actions consistently reveal his pro-Palestinian agenda. His calls for 'security' along the border with the Palestinian state are a fig leaf to sell this suicidal plan to the Israeli people.
An American Journalist Personal Experience in Israel
Hunter Stuart was a self-described Protestant liberal with the “pantheon of beliefs”: You support pluralism, tolerance and diversity. You support gay rights, access to abortion and gun control.
He was also pro-Palestinian, with the belief that Israel was the big bully: Most progressives in the US view Israel as an aggressor, oppressing the poor noble Arabs who are being so brutally denied their freedom
Most troubling was that even when he became eyewitness to Palestinian bloodlust and brutality against Israel, he felt little sympathy for the Israeli victims. In fact, he felt hostility, and as leftists tend to do, he blamed Israel for being victimized by stabbings and suicide attacks.
Stuart finally snapped out of his trance, but that was only when it became personal. Until then, he believed Israeli citizens deserved everything they got, no matter how sickening; much like Europe and the West, where nothing it gets is sickening enough because they “deserve it.”
The propagandist, victimhood narrative has stuck on like crazy glue, and it’s rooted in guilt, namely the past sins of colonialism. Stuart says of Western liberal that “they see it as a white, first world people beating on a poor, third world one.”
Eventually, Stuart came to realize that lying jihadists are governing the Palestinian territories, that the Arab states surrounding Israel have been seeking its obliteration since the Jewish state was born in 1948, and that maneuvers by Israel — deemed to be bullying, apartheid-driven and murderous — are actually defensive. Israel is the bullied, not the bully.
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