
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

THE NEFARIOUS MAN BEHIND ANGELA MERKEL'S MADNESS - The powerful influence of EU creator, Austrian Count Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, and how his vision of Europe without national borders and with the European race replaced by Africans and Middle Easterners is being applied today

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The German people brought chaos and bloodshed onto Europe through their aggressiveness during World War I and II.  And they are now bringing violence, intolerance, and the end of nation states through their passivity in face of Angela Merkel's EU, and her replacement of Europeans with Muslims. 
 Via Bare Naked Islam
The world watches in astonishment how Angela Merkel's open borders policy and her welcome for millions of Muslim migrants unleashes the end of European civilization, the end of the German nation, and the end of Europe, and we ask ourselves how could this be happening.
Some opt for a simplistic answer:  Germany and Europe are atoning for their crimes during the Holocaust.  But this is not so.  Germany and Europe have been continuing their war against the Jews by proxy, through direct funding and moral support for genocidal Palestinian Authority.  
Merkel loves arch-terrorist
Palestinian chief Mahmoud Abbas
Hundreds of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) created and funded mostly by Germany, operate in Israel, dedicated to scrutinizing and undermining Israel, inciting Arab violence, and demonizing Israelis under the cover of 'humanitarian work' for Palestinians.  
Germany and EU countries continue to pour billions of euros to make sure Israel is partitioned and weakened to the point when, they hope, one day it may be dismantled. So there is no German regret for killing millions of Jews.  

Whatever is behind Angela Merkel's madness in promoting the replacement of the German people with a Muslim population has nothing to do with  guilt over the Holocaust.  There is something much more sinister at work.  One of them is an ideology that predates Nazism:  that of Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi. 

Coudenhove-Kalergi 1926.jpgRichard Nikolaus Eijiro (November 16, 1894 – July 27, 1972)  was the son of an Austrian aristocratic father and a Japanese mother.  

You may have never heard of this man, but he was very important in the 20th century in promoting two basic ideas: 

(1)  European integration, a precursor of the European Union that has been eroding nation states' sovereignty and popular democracy, and replacing it with a dictatorship by a non-elected EU bureaucracy in Brussels.


He served as the founding president of the Paneuropean Union for 49 years, the preliminary ideological foundation of the European Union.  He proposed Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" as the anthem for the European Union, and a number of symbols to celebrate it.   He wrote numerous books promoting his ideas. 
(2)  The end of the European race, and its replacement with a blending of white, black, and Middle Eastern population - as we are witnessing now with the importation of millions of migrants from Africa and the Middle East into Europe.
Continue reading and watch related VIDEOS

Comparing Muslim migrant numbers to the total population of a country, such as Germany, is misleading.  What really counts is the comparison by age.  Germany is an aging country, so if you get millions of young Muslim men, they are now very close to outnumbering Germans in the same age and gender bracket. 
Furthermore, Germans are not having enough babies to replace themselves, while Muslims have large families, often with multiple wives, and a dozen children. At some point in one or two decades, they will become the majority.  
VIDEO explaining how the age of migrants is key to the replacement of the German people.  This video is from 2015, and things have much gotten much worse since then.  So far the political opposition is a pathetic fraction, and Merkel will be re-elected. 
2015 - Germany Crosses the Demographic RUBICON:
20-35's a MINORITY by 2020
Richard Nikolaus Eijiro aimed for a world divided into only five states:
-  a United States of Europe that would link continental countries with French and Italian possessions in Africa;
-  a Pan-American Union encompassing North and South Americas;
-  the British Commonwealth circling the globe;
-  the USSR spanning Eurasia;
-  and a Pan-Asian Union whereby Japan and China would control most of the Pacific.
He believed that individualism and socialism would learn to cooperate instead of compete, and urged that capitalism and communism cross-fertilise each other.
Although his ideology was excoriated by the Nazis, and he spent the war years in exile, it is rather interesting that the creators of the European Union were men with a Nazi background.  Watch video listing the Nazi pedigree of the most important leaders behind the establishment of the European Union. 
Somehow his ideology and that of the Nazis converged at some point after the war in their shared vision of crushing nation states for the sake of a super-state.
SHOCKNG VIDEO by author and economist Rodney Atkinson:
The NAZIS and FASCISTS who founded the EU and their influence today
HIS NAIVE IDEOLOGY - Although his father was a virulent anti-Semite who blamed the persecution of the Jews on the victims themselves, his son, Count Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, tried to attract Jewish money and support by making the absurd claim that racism - and anti-Semitism in particular - would end when all  races had blended into a single brown mix.
His association with prominent European Jewish leaders has been used to link his ideology to the Jews - an unfortunate and unfair notion. 

The mass of the Jewish people have nothing to do with the wealthy elite that supported his cause.  Sympathizers of the Nazi movement grab onto that association and today's war against the European race,  as another piece of ammunition against the Jews.
In fact, a Europe with a Muslim majority is not in the interest of the Jewish people, who are being chased out of Western Europe in the thousands by Muslim anti-Semitic violence.   They could not possibly support the end of European civilization and its replacement with Angela Merkel's Eurabia.
Those Jews who do support it are Jews in name only, whose loyalty is not to Judaism or to their countries, but to the socialist Marxist dogma that has failed everywhere, from the Soviet Union to Cuba, to China, to Venezuela. 
The impossibility of Richard Nikolaus Eijiro's vision of doing away with individual races to promote peace is evidenced by the thousands of instances where people  wage war and  genocide on those of their own race because of some ideological, religious, economic, or land ownership dispute.  The soil of all the world continents have been repeatedly drenched with the blood of men slaughtered by their own brothers. 
Experience shows that the more diversity within a population, the more tension there is -  and the more inter-ethnic violence.  Real life trumps absurd idealism every time.  
VIDEO of German Green Party parliamentarian celebrating the end of the white race in Germany
Source for biographical information on Richard Nikolaus Eijiro

Germany did not want Jews in Europe, now they don't want them in their ancestral Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria
Photo shows 'moderate' Palestinian militia making their usual Nazi salute.
Palestinian Media Watch
Western funding of terror in Israel
- For decades Germany has been giving MILLIONS of Euros to fake 'humanitarian' organizations in Israel dedicated to incite antisemitism and terror, and to delegitimize Israel
- What goes around comes around

 VIDEO - The Nazis and the Palestinian Movement
The Palestinian active role in the Holocaust.
Image result for otters and science news angela merkel greets Abbas

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