
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

NEWS IN CARTOONS - January 10, 2017 - OBAMA screws Israel, signs tons of Exeutive Orders, and tries to provoke war with Russia - This is his version of smooth transition - Also, OBAMA BUILDS A WALL, a tall and massive wall around his new mansion in DC

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Passing the torch:  it's hard to let go.  So hard that Obama will be staying in Washington to carry on a plan to undermine the new president that only he knows about.

 With Obama’s Approval, Russia Selling 130 Tons of Uranium to Iran 
The agreements had been kept secret for almost a year, and were publicized only because the Trump administration indicated it was planning to go public with them.

We Democrats want you to keep may legacy, or else

Obama's parting gift to the American people
At least half of that may be the cost of the Obama family vacations.

Obama waited until after the election to unleash a virulent attack on Israel.  His administration was behind the UN Resolution that condemned Israel for building apartments in ancient Judea and Samaria, the Jewish Biblical Heartland.  The implications for Israel's very legitimacy as a country could be enormous.

After leaving the Middle East in flames, the Obama administration wants to bring chaos to the only place where people can still live with relative peace:  ISRAEL


 Israel has been the Jewish homeland for thousands of years. 
Muslims arrived in the area as an invading force from the Arabian peninsula in the 7th century.


The ongoing problem of pilots flying while drunk.

 This is when he thought Democrats would win thanks to vote fraud through the practices of multiple voting and non-citizens voting with no required ID - He wanted no one to question the results.  


The Democrat Party is in shambles - thanks Obama.

Polls that allege Obama has around 50% approval rating, are the same that predicted Hillary would win by a large margin. 

Still a few days left to screw the country.

The old Republican and Democrat establishment - otherwise known as The Swamp - fights back


Dear human, your services are no longer needed.

 NEVER TRUMP, to the very end

 Enough of those baby tantrums! 
A grown up comes to the Oval Office.

 Obama provoking Russia in the last weeks of his presidency. 
Putin ignores him.



 Dry Bones, Chicago,Murders, President, America,Trump,

 Dry Bones, Obama, President, America,Sanders, hackers, emails,Russia,





 TIMES HAVE CHANGED - Even Santa needs extra security in the skies.



 Jesus gives his followers bread and fish

FLASHBACK .... AND THEN YES, YOU RE-ELECTED OBAMA.....  And almost elected Hillary 




Dry Bones, Israel, Obama, UN, Aleppo, refugees, Security Council, President, America, settlements,Palestine, veto,



Antonio Branco

Rick McKee

Michael Ramirez
Dana Summers

Lisa Benson
Ben Garrison
Gary Varvel

Ken Catalino

Chip Bok

Bruce Plante

Larry Wilmore

Dry Bones (Israeli cartoons)

Israel Hayom

Israel National News

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Colonel Richard Kemp

Anne Bayefsky (Human Rights scholar)
Adam Milstein
Red Brasco
Noah Pollak
Andreas Fagerbakke
Wake Up America
Bare Naked Islam  
Stand with Us 
Zvi Lando

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