
Monday, November 21, 2016

MUSLIM MIGRANTS BURN DOWN CONFERENCE HALL IN GERMANY over a dispute about food - German authorities say at least half of migrants suffer from mental illness - The connection between Islam and mental illness, confirmed by European psychologist

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  • When Muslim violence occurs in Israel, EU countries immediately blame it on the "occupation".  When terrorists strike in Europe, they blame it on ISIS and a "distortion of Islam". 
  • However, violence is a way of life in Muslim nations, part of old traditions, and exacerbated by a religion that mandates violence against Infidels and against those who violate its precepts.  Violence becomes embedded in the ethos of a community.
  • European psychologists have found that Islam itself promotes mental illness due to its sanctioned abuse against women and children, and the use of violence to settle disputes at all levels.  Add to that widespread inbreeding.  
  • New studies in genetics prove that some characteristics in temperament are inheritable.  Culture does produce genetic changes that are carried over into future generations, no matter where they live.  That may explain why German-born Muslim children have turned schools into places now too violent for other students and educators.
A refugee camp in Germany was burned down by migrants amid claims they were angry they had not received a wake-up for Ramadan breakfast, it has been reported
Two Muslim men charged after migrants burned a conference hall down in Dusseldorf, injuring 26 people and causing €10 million in damage, during Ramadan because of a dispute about food.
Continue reading, see more images, and read article explaining why there is so much mental illness among migrants (at least half of them are afflicted, admit German authorities).

Two Muslim men have been charged for setting fire to the hall, which was being used as an asylum centre, in an attack that lit a hundred-metre high pillar of smoke that could be seen from across Düsseldorf. 
The large fire ripped through the centre - home to 280 refugees - completely levelling the building, which had been previously used as a conference center. 
The large fire ripped through the centre - home to 280 refugees - in an exhibition hall in the western German city of Dusseldorf on Tuesday
“It was triggered by a dispute about food during Ramadan,” a spokesman for the state court said of the criminal act, which left 26 people injured.
'During this time of Ramadan, there was one group that wanted to strictly observe the fast, and another that insisted on the usual timetables and usual servings,' said Ralf Herrenbrueck, spokesman for the prosecutors service.
'This had led on several occasions to disputes and altercations with officials of the German Red Cross,' he said in an interview with public broadcaster WDR.  'It got to the point where threats were made over what would happen if things didn't change, and that one threat was obviously implemented.'
German Red Cross employees confirmed that the arson attack on June 7 happened as a result of inflamed tensions during the Islamic month of fasting, in which Muslims are ordered by their religion to fast during daylight hours.

Ordinary lunchtime meals in the asylum centre were cancelled during Ramadan, to the dismay of non-Muslims, with hot food served only early morning and late evening. A spread of cold food was put out during the day for migrants who weren’t fasting.
Investigators said an argument over food is believed to have preceded the fire.  They said Muslims who weren't observing dawn-to-dusk fasting during Ramadan had complained about what they said was a small lunch.
More than a hundred refugees were evacuated from the centre as the blaze started to take hold
Olaf Lehne, district head of the German Red Cross, revealed migrants were also angry that chocolate spread and confectionery was not available in enough quantities at the buffet in daylight hours. “There isn’t enough Nutella, Gummibears, and chocolate!” they had shouted.
According to the German newspaper Express, two Moroccans living at the centre said Iranian security staff at the facility had 'deliberately' not woken those observing Ramadan ahead of their scheduled breakfast time.   The newspaper reports the two men as saying that a plan was then formed to start a fire.
The centre had been on fire since midday but the fire service brought the flames under control during the afternoon
Witnesses reported that there had been recurring tensions between migrants in the Red Cross-run facility.  
Since the start of the year, police had been called 89 times to the 65,000 sq ft hall, formerly part of the city's congress centre, reports said.
Police and prosecutors said one of the two 26-year-olds originally arrested was seen pouring flammable liquid onto a mattress and setting fire to it, while the other told fellow residents: 'We had to do it so that things change.'
Prosecutor Ralf Herrenbrueck told ZDF television that both suspects have told authorities they are North African.

The two men who have now been charged by the state prosecutor are Algerian Adel D., with aggravated arson and dangerous bodily harm, and Moroccan Mohammed B., who called on other migrants to start fires, with acting as his accomplice to both offences.
A monthly tracker of public attitudes towards key issues last week showed Germany has now overtaken the United Kingdom as the most concerned nation in Europe on the subject of immigration, a significant development for a nation which has long prided itself on their openness to migrants.
Since the start of the year, police had been called 89 times to the 65,000 sq ft hall, which was formerly part of the city's congress centre, reports said



German authorities  admit that at least half of migrants suffer from mental illness. IBTIMES
  • They attribute it to trauma caused by war, and that may be true as a contributing factor in some cases.
  • However, mental illness is the result of Muslim culture itself, as it has been proved by European psychologists who have worked with Muslims for years. 
  • The Muslim way of life is rife with violence, and Islam mandates violence at all levels:  domestic, communal, and in relation with other religious and ethnic groups.     
On this article read how:
 - Early indoctrination advocating supremacy, violent conquest, gruesome punishments, as well as the forced suppression of normal sexuality and rational secular thinking produce inheritable detrimental effects on the genome, according to the science of EPIGENETICS
 - Widespread child abuse, inbreeding and backwardness aggravate the situation even further
-  European psychologist who has studied Muslim mental illness, explains why they often act as psychopaths. 



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