
Monday, August 8, 2016

PAKISTAN - Thousands of homeless dogs poisoned by Muslim government authorities

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Thousands of homeless dogs have been poisoned by Pakistani authorities in Karachi and other cities.  They were given meat laced with poison, and must have suffered from excruciating pain as they died. 
RT  (h/t Jo Pi) Dog corpses were lying along the streets in Karachi, and the city employees have been disposing of them. “At least 700 dogs have been killed in two areas of Karachi’s south in the last couple of days,” Sattar Javed, a spokesman for the municipal authority, confirmed to Reuters. 
 IRAN TORTURES STRAY DOGS TO DEATH by injecting them with an acid that corrodes their insides while the animal is still alive.  They say it's the cheapest way to kill them  - Muslim hatred of dogs endorsed by religious texts - Muslim animal abuse in Europe - Links to articles of Muslim abuse of animals for fun
Islam regards dogs as impure, and as a result they suffer from extreme cruel treatment in Muslim countries.  Children sometimes burn them alive for fun.  Now Muslims in the West are on a campaign to ban dogs from the streets and other public places.  Read more news about Muslim hatred for dogs here:


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