
Sunday, August 7, 2016

FIRST GLIMPSE OF PRECIOUS BABY PANDA IN THE ARMS OF HIS LOVING MOM - He was born at a Belgium Zoo, as part of a program to increase the endangered Panda population

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  • As we look at these images we can't help but notice the similarity between animal and human maternal gestures of love.  Animals are so much like us. 
  • Scientists keep fighting against our "anthropomorphizing" animals, as they call it - telling us not to see human qualities in them. 
  • Scientists are just denying the obvious when they downplay animal intelligence, sensitivity, and kindness - many of the qualities many humans themselves appear to be lacking.
  • Scientists have a vested interest in their insistence on characterizing animals as dumb creatures, as it helps them justify all the excruciating torture they inflict on them in experimental labs.
  • Millions of animal victims are being tortured in labs at this moment, including dogs, cats, and primates - mostly to benefit industry. 
mother and baby panda
The public were finally able to catch a glimpse of the furry family as they decided to venture into their new cave at the Pairi Daiza animal park in Belgium.
Continue reading and see more images of mom and adorable baby panda

  • New mother Hao Hao has proven hesitant to share her little baby, known only as P, with the world since its June birth
  • However visitors to Pairi Daiza animal park were finally able to meet the tyke after he ventured into their new cave
  • Cub was born two months ago after a successful mating programme between six-year-old Hao Hao and Xing Hui
  • The pink, blind, hairless cub weighed just 171 grams when it was born after emerging as 'a little pink sausage'
The healthy male cub was born in two months ago following a successful mating programme between six-year-old Hao Hao and her mate Xing Hui

Hao Hao with her young baby
mother and baby panda

The zoo, which has hosted Hao Hao and Xing Hui since 2014 under an arrangement with the Chinese authorities, cooperated with experts from the animals' native China to treat the mother by artificial insemination

The zoo has hosted six-year-old Hao Hao and her mate Xing Hui for the past two years under a deal with China.

Pairi Daiza worked with experts from China to artificially inseminate Hao Hao.

It is an important step in the survival of the endangered species that numbers fewer than 2,000 worldwide.

Pairi Daiza said Belgium had become the third country in Europe to see the successful reproduction of pandas after Austria and Spain

Pandas are known for their struggle to reproduce but Belgium is the third country in Europe to see the birth of a cub, after Austria and Spain.
And conservation work is paying off. A World Wildlife Fund survey found there are almost twice as many pandas living wild now than there were in the late 1970s.

Mother and son together at their new cave



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