
Monday, July 18, 2016


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If Donald Trump is not able to finish his term as president for any reason, this is the man who would succeed him, and many in the liberal wing of the GOP would be relieved because ideologically Pence is in many regards Trump's opposite.   
He may be financially conservative, but the USA has more urgent existential problems, such as out-of-control illegal immigration and terror, and Pence has a record of being soft on both.
Pence's conservative positions on homosexuals and abortion are a non-issue because existing federal legislation on those two items cannot be reversed.

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No wonder Trump had last-minute jitters over announcing him as a running mate.  His gut told him that Pence was the wrong guy.  But it seems that Pence was the choice of those in the party who want to water down Trump's message to make him more 'electable'. 
Trump needed a VP so right wing that his presence alone would have been a deterrent against anyone trying to cut Trump's tenure short.

VIDEO:  5 reasons why Mike Pence was Trump's worst pick for Vice President

Three of Christopher Wilson's five reasons are crucial:  (1)  Pence has been pro-Amnesty for illegal immigrants.  (2) Pence is for free trade.  (3)  He's a globalist regarding the Muslim problem, and reluctant to name the enemy.  He is against a moratorium on Muslim immigration, and has held Ramadan dinners with Muslims.

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