
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

ADORABLE CAT FAMILIES - Busy moms and their kittens, and some dads too

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A house is not a home without a cat, or two, or three...
What a delight: A family of Turkish Angora cats make a striking contrast to the leopard print blanket they¿re using as a bed

See more images of cat parents and their cute babies

The stairway to seven: Mum, dad and five kittens pose on the steps in another of these charming pictures

Mix and match: It¿s goodnight from this cosy family group who cuddle up together while sound asleep

Snuggle up, everyone: They all love to get as close as possible to their mum, but it is easy to spot which one is the ¿black sheep¿ of the family

Now whose paw is this? Oh, it¿s mine. A simple catnap gets so complicated when you all get into a tangle like this

Has she got nine legs? Or is that really a fluffy grey Chartreux cat with a litter of five identical youngsters?

All look at the camera and say Kit-e-kat: This lot are very alert and will be up to all sorts of mischief as they grow

Proud parents: Mum and dad watch as their very well-behaved brood feed from six tiny saucers

Lie back and think of England: A tired mother rolls over and submits to the inevitable as her hungry kittens pile in to have their supper

Ginger snaps: Five marmalade coloured kittens settle down for the night as their contented mother watches over them



 - Writer debunks the myth that cats are bird killers
- But the outdoors can be dangerous for your pet 
 - Read how to leash train your cat.



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