
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

NOT ONE SINGLE AMERICAN FLAG ON STAGE AT THE DEMOCRAT CONVENTION - Deemed too offensive? - But there was one big Palestinian flag on display among the audience

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The following article comes via BARE NAKED ISLAM
A Daily Caller reporter was at the Convention and could not see any American flags. 

No American flags on stage
See more images, including one showing the undignified place for some US flags that some Democrat ordered
UPDATE - Ashamed, the Democrats finally got a few flags, not many, to put on the podium, in a far corner, almost out of sight, where it would not offend certain members of the audience too much.

No American flags among the audience either.
Oh, here they are, half wrapped in garbage bags.
Ready to be dumped somewhere?
But, wait, here is a flag at the Democratic Convention. 
Only that it's the Palestinian flag. 

Donald Trump at the Republican Convention. 



Shamed into getting a few flags - but look where they went:  in a corner   The post-American globalist mindset that loves everything un-American and anti-American that wants to run the country. 
God protect America.

AND IF YOU'RE WONDERING WHERE: The flags were placed far to the left and right of the podim
The Democrats

Donald Trump could have spared a few extra flags
The Republicans.



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