
Monday, July 25, 2016

JOURNALISM MALPRACTICE - How the media deliberately distorts headlines to turn Muslim terrorists into victims

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Israelis have been complaining about distorted media headlines for years, to no avail.  Whenever a Palestinian is shot while attacking Jews, the mainstream media headlines invariably go something like this:  Palestinians shot by Israelis.  Only further down in the report you realize that they were shot as police tried to stop them from slaughtering Jews.
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So, if the media can get away with ongoing anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian headlines, then why not apply the same 'journalistic' method to other countries victims of Muslim terror?  Here is the latest example - via Bare Naked Islam

 CONTINUE READING, including images of media headlines turning terror news  upside down

The real facts:  Syrian migrant detonated a backpack bomb inside a restaurant, after being turned away from a crowded music festival in Ansbach, Germany.  He injured 11 innocent people. He had previously failed in his request for asylum.  It is reported he had links to ISIS - like so many other Middle East migrants who arrived in Europe in recent months. 
BREAKING! MUSLIM Suicide Bomber blows himself up outside a Wine Bar in Ansbach, at least 10 injured


Of course, some key questions remain:
-  What moved Angela Merkel to invite millions of semi-illiterate Muslims with anger management issues into Europe, no questions asked?
-  If this Syrian migrant failed his request for asylum (probably based on his suspect background) why wasn't he immediately repatriated instead of letting him run loose in Germany?
-  If this man with a bulky backpack raised suspicions at the music festival entrance, why was he allowed to walk away without being interrogated and searched by police?
-  Why is Angela Merkel still in power?


Saturday, July 16, 2016
says writer Daniel Greenfield 
 - Incidence of Muslim rape of European women and children is reaching epidemic proportions, particularly in Germany and Sweden
-  Merkel's life trajectory from Communist Party member, to unleashing the demographic and cultural destruction of Europe.
**HIGH RES** Three decades earlier: German Chancellor Angela Merkel (then Kasner) 1972 at a training camp for East German civil defense
Massacre in Nice -  The BBC initially puts the blame entirely on the truck - not on the Muslim deliberately killing 84 people and injuring many others. 
Journalism 101:  First paragraphs should condense the news in a nutshell - not distort it.

BBC: Dozens of people have been killed, including children, after a lorry ploughed into a large crowd watching a fireworks display marking the end of the French national holiday for Bastille Day
And the victims into killers. 
Examples of distorted and outright false news headlines to make it appear as if Israelis instead of Palestinians have gone on a terror rampage, while Palestinians are the innocent victims. 

the media watchdog

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