
Friday, July 22, 2016


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  • A video purporting to show the shooter, dressed in black, firing 20 shots has been posted on TwitterA gunman shouting 'Allahu Akbar' opened fire at children in McDonald's before rampaging through a shopping mall, killing at least eight people.
  • Munich is in lockdown as a major police operation is ongoing around the city's Olympic Park, with the force warning people to stay in their homes and avoid public spaces.
  • A ninth body has been found tonight and investigators are looking into the possibility of it being the attacker.
  • Terrified shoppers were seen running for their lives from the Munich Olympia Shopping Centre, in the district of Moosach, after hearing gunshots.
  • Witnesses said that the gunman screamed 'I'm German' and 'Allahu Akbar' before shooting at children who were enjoying a meal at McDonalds. 
There was once a placid and prosperous country in central Europe named Germany.  The people were happy.  Having recovered from engaging in an orgy of Nazi violence that engulfed much of the world, they had settled down to be  good world citizens. 
Except that they never got over a certain antipathy against Jews, so after having murdered six million of them, they contracted out the Arabs to continue an uremitting war against the state of Israel.   
That was then.  Communist East German authorities host, fund and support terrorist Jew killer Yassir Arafat.
This is now.  Angela Merkel looks tenderly at arch terrorist Mahmoud Abbas, financial mastermind of the Munich Olympics massacre of Israelis in 1972, and current terror inciter-in-chief in the Palestinian Authority.
Germany coddled Palestinian Arabs who killed Jews, and Communist Germany gave them shelter, weapons, and money during the Cold War.   
The now united Germany, continues to fund and support organizations that demonize Israel and undermine the Jewish State under the guise of humanitarian work.   
That was then.  Nazis enforce boycott of  Jewish stores. 
Today Europe boycotts products from the Biblical Jewish heartland
It wants the land to be given to the descendants of the Muslim invader
for the creation of an Islamic terror state.
The Germans are not alone in this, and just as they once had plenty of collaborators among neighboring countries in rounding up and killing Jews, today Germany and its neighbors in the European Union finds common cause in labeling and boycotting products from the Biblical lands of Judea and Samaria in Israel.
They generously fund anti-Israel organizations, while demanding the partition of the land of Israel for the creation of another Arab terror state on Jewish land. 
One interesting historical fact is that Palestinians were close collaborators of Adolf Hitler.  The Palestinian leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, lived in Berlin, discussed the extermination of Jews with Hitler, and worked closely with top Nazis in the implementation of the Final Solution.  His goal was not only the genocide of European Jews, but of Middle Eastern Jews as well.   

He created a Muslim Bosnian Nazi SS division responsible for gruesome crimes in eastern Europe.  He never paid for his crimes, fled Berlin, and went on to train Yassir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas for their own Nazi war against the Jewish State of Israel.
Escaped German Nazi criminals helped to train Arab Nazis, and eventually Germany resumed its old collaboration with them.  These Arab Nazis renamed themselves 'Palestinians'.
Photo shows the 'moderate' militia of the Palestinian Authority making a routine Nazi salute. 

 VIDEO - The Nazis and the Palestinian Movement
The Palestinian active role in the Holocaust.

Europeans didn't want Jews in Europe, so they killed them.  Now they don't want Jews in their own ancient land of Judea and Samaria either.  So Europeans want them out of there.  Juden raus.  Let the Arabs take over your land.  While they fund Arab Nazis to do the killing.
Supporting Palestinians made Europeans feel so good inside that they extended their love to all Muslims, and under Angela Merkel's leadership they opened their arms wide and invited millions of them to settle in their cities, no questions asked.   Maybe they thought that by admitting 'refugees' they could expiate their historical sins against the Jews.  Not surprisingly, they decided to be generous to those who had been massacring Jews for centuries:  the Muslims.
REFUGEES WELCOME, said the signs as hordes of Muslim men, mostly of military age, descended from overflowing trains. 
No long after that those same 'refugees' would be engaging in a still ongoing wave of brutal rape of European women and children, organized crime, and acts of terror.
Muslims also engage in violent acts of anti-Semitism against European Jews.  The productive and patriotic Jews are leaving Europe in droves and emigrating to Israel and other countries in the West.  Europe keeps its Muslims.
You can't unscramble the omelette now, and Germans will have to live indefinitely with an ever growing population of Muslims with terrible manners and customs, who not only make unending demands from their hosts, but who also engage in crime and violence as well.  
People leave the Olympia mall in Munich, southern Germany, Friday, July 22, 2016 after several people have been killed in a shootingNow the new generations of Germans know what it's like to live in fear of terror.  It's how Israelis feel every day looking over their shoulder, never sure who among the Arab public will start shooting or stabbing, or blowing themselves up. 
The suffering of innocents is tragic.  But in democratic states voters bear a certain amount of responsibility for government policies, and for decades Europeans were happy and proud to target Israel for constant criticism, boycotts, and indirect terror through their Arab allies. 
What goes around, comes around.
Something to keep in mind:  One sinister possibility is that an opportunistic leader will take advantage of the mood of fear and despair among the public and revive Nazism, which never quite went away.  The Nazi Party is illegal now, but support for far right movements is growing exponentially, and one of them, once in power, could morph into the new Nazi Party. 
News from the latest Munich massacre
The Nazis and the Palestinian Movement,
by Professor Francisco Gil White

Palestinian Media Watch
How Europe funds Palestinian terror and hate in Israel
disguised as humanitarian aid
How Germany funds Palestinian terror and hate in Israel,
disguised as humanitarian aid.

How Britain, Germany, and other European countries are funding terror and corruption in the Palestinian Authority.  Scandal breaks open.  Report by Daily Mail.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
- The machete attack against Kay Wilson and Kristine Luken. 
 - The murderers and all other terrorists receive salaries paid for by British, European, and US taxpayers through generous funding of the Palestinian Authority
-  Related articles on Palestinian terror, some of them including disturbing images. 

April 10, 2016
MUSLIMS IN GERMANY AGAIN MAKE THE NAZI SALUTE while chanting "Adolf Hitler!" and their war cry Allahu Akbar 
 - Nazism and Islam, an alliance dating back to the Nazi years in Europe, when a Muslim Nazi SS army unit committed crimes against humanity 
 - Today the eulogizing of Hitler and his genocidal ideas continues among Muslims, including the Palestinians
VIDEO - Muslim anti-Semitism, A Special Kind of Hate
 - Pat Condell 

How Germans had prior knowledge of the upcoming terror attack on Israeli athletes and coaches at the 1972 MUNICH Olympics but refused to increase security or give warnings.  German Neo Nazis conspired in this massacre.  The German government did nothing to help catch the Arab perpetrators.



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