
Friday, July 22, 2016

AIR CONDITIONERS WORSE THREAT THAN ISIS, says US Secretary of State John Kerry - Knowing that the White House has a sharp focus on the real enemy should make Americans feel a lot safer

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Actually, the liberal class is a worse threat to civilization than Muslim terrorists.  They are the ones who actually OPEN THE DOOR WIDE to people who support oppression, intolerance and terror, and invite them to settle in  your neighborhood.  And liberal authorities are the ones threatening law-abiding and patriotic citizens with lawsuits and jail for speaking out the truth about Islam.
The irony is that as the most recent terror attack unfolds in Munich, we realize that Germany - the same country that unleashed Nazism in Europe - has unleashed racial and religious strife, rape, crime, and constant terror and fear on European citizens by importing millions of Muslims migrants.  Following Germany's example, the US and Canada are trying to catch up, ensuring the repetition of Germany's policies and disastrous results.

JOHN KERRY-STATE DEPARTMENT-AP-JOHN DHARAPAK_0Jihad Watch:  Stop laughing. Kerry is right. Watch for the next mass shooting by your air conditioner. Remember all those manifestos your air conditioner issued, vowing the imminent destruction of the U.S.
Secretary of State John Kerry said in Vienna on Friday that air conditioners and refrigerators are as big of a threat to life as the threat of terrorism posed by groups like the Islamic State.
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The Washington Examiner reported that Kerry was in Vienna to amend the 1987 Montreal Protocol that would phase out hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, from basic household and commercial appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, and inhalers.
“As we were working together on the challenge of [ISIS] and terrorism,” Kerry said.
“It’s hard for some people to grasp it, but what we–you–are doing here right now is of equal importance because it has the ability to literally save life on the planet itself.”
Kerry said that most of the substances banned in the Montreal Protocol have increased the use of HFCs and claimed that the coolant was thousands of times more potent than CO2.
He added that the increase of HFCs has lead to the trend of global climate change.
“The use of hydrofluorocarbons is unfortunately growing,” Kerry said.
“Already, the HFCs use in refrigerators, air conditioners, and other items are emitting an entire gigaton of carbon dioxide-equivalent pollution into the atmosphere annually. Now, if that sounds like a lot, my friends, it’s because it is. It’s the equivalent to emissions from nearly 300 coal-fired power plants every single year.”…

News story originally appeared on the Washington Free Beacon


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