
Tuesday, May 19, 2015


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Edgar Davidson has sent this list of questions to a couple of news outlets.  He's not holding his breath waiting for an answer.  

Simple questions relating to the Middle East
that are never asked

By Edgar Davidson
  • Why are Western countries expected to take in unlimited Muslim "refugees" while far wealthier (and under-populated) Muslim countries like Qatar, Saudi, UAE, Bahrein, etc never are despite them sharing the same religion, language and culture as the "refugees"?
  • Why is it a cause for celebration when Americans, Brits or Arabs kill Islamic terrorists, but a 'war crime' when Israel does it?
  • Why is the only country in the Middle East that is not an apartheid state (Israel) the only one that is accused of being an apartheid state?  (Other Muslim states officially discriminate against non-Muslims.)
  • How is it that the people who call Israel an 'apartheid' state also generally insist that every single Jew must leave 'Palestinian territory'?
  • Why are antisemitic activists who are dedicated to the destruction of Israel always called "Pro-Palestinians" rather than what they really are?
  • Can you identify a single pro-Palestinian activity (as opposed to anti-Israel activity) that has ever been carried out by any Western "pro-Palestinian" activist?
  • Why are anti-Zionist organisations like Yachad, J-Street and the New Israel Fund still referred to as being 'pro-Israel'.  (They all agitate against pro-Israel policies.) 
  • Why are bigoted, brainwashed Westerners who go to "Palestine" to throw rocks at Israelis called "peace activists"?
  • Why are scorecards of 'civilians killed' mandatory for conflicts involving Israel (as in "2000 Palestinians killed, only 10 Israelis"), but never used in any other conflict in the world (did you ever see the number of dead British or US civilians mentioned when those countries mount attacks against Arab countries)?
  • Over 140 countries in the United Nations were either created, or achieved independence, after 1945. Why is it that only one - Israel - has its legitimacy questioned?
  • Why do people who routinely reject Israel's claim to its own capital city Jerusalem never question Britain's claim to the Falkland Islands (a mere 13,000 miles away)?
  • (To all British politicians) Why do you insist that Muslim colonisation of British cities is a great success for multiculturalism, whereas allowing Jews to live in their own capital city Jerusalem is an obstacle to peace?
  • Why does Iran need 'peaceful nuclear energy' when it has the second largest reserves of oil and gas in the world (enough to meet its own population's energy demands for over a million years)?
  • Why is Turkey still occupying Northern Cyprus?
  • (To all politicians) If - as you insist -  Islamist terrorists who declare that they are killing in the name of Allah are not Muslims, then what religion are they?
  • (To all politicians) If - as you insist - Islam is a "Religion of Peace" then why do you also tell cartoonists they must not draw Mohamed as it will incite Muslims to kill them?
  • (To David Cameron and every single LibDem and Labour politician)  If, as you always say, every penny reduction to the Foreign Aid budget will lead to more African children starving to death, how do you justify the £20 million of the budget every year being paid to the Palestine Authority as salaries for convicted terrorists?
  • If  poverty and discrimination are reasons youngsters in the West turn to terrorism,  how come only Muslims (and never Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, non-Muslim Africans, non-Muslim blacks, Charedi Jews, gypsies and indeed every other poor, minority group) have actually become terrorists?
The proverbial elephants in the room that everyone pretends not to see: 
Muslim terrorism and Muslim anti-Semitism. 

Source -

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