
Monday, May 25, 2015

CHARACTER ASSASSINATION IN AN ERA OF CORRUPTION AND MASS MANIPULATION - The online 'shaming' of Israeli official who committed suicide after black woman instigates mass media campaign accusing him of racism - The world campaign of character assassination against Israel

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Ariel Runis killed himself after becoming the target of thousands of online accusations of racism instigated by African-American woman - Lee Lenoir Yurista who complained  about discrimination at an immigration and border control office in Israel.
Ariel Runis z"l
Ariel Runis

"I am not angry at the woman who, judging by her pictures, has already gotten over that 'harsh blow' she experienced,” he wrote. “I am unable to. Be well!!”
In his suicide post, Runis wrote that each of the 6,000 “shares” the complainant's post received was “a sharp arrow in my flesh.” He explained that he felt that his name would now forever be associated with the stain of alleged racism.
A year ago Runis founded an NGO dedicated to coexistence between Israel's Jews and Arabs.

This could be interpreted as a a warning to Israel itself:  that unless it sobers up from its binge of political correctness, it may also end up by self-destructing.
We live in an era of widespread manipulation and indoctrination, and too many of us are both victims and perpetrators.  In other words, mindless members of the herd mentality.
This manipulation can have deadly consequences for individuals - particularly children - who are exploited by online criminals . 
In the case of  Israeli official Ariel Runis, who killed himself as a result of a hateful online shaming campaign accusing him of racism, we'll never know why this campaign became such a tragic tipping point in his life. 
Israel itself has become the target of a relentless campaign of character assassination.  The media, governments, organizations and individuals have joined the herd of Israel bashing that has reached a pathological point.  
If something goes wrong in the world, it only takes seconds for someone to accuse Israel of being behind it.  Israel cannot do anything right.  Even the best acts of Israeli benevolence are distorted to make them appear malevolent.  If Israel was an individual, this mass media attitude would be clearly defined as criminal bullying.
The accusation of "racism" is a very good example of how wickedly adept anti-Israel and anti-Semites are at finding the spot that hurts the most in the Jewish psyche.
That accusation is frequently used, not as a means of calling attention to any wrongdoing, but to exert influence and control so as to psychologically destroy the target.  
What could hurt more to a Jew than being accused of the sin that cost the lives of millions of Jews for 2000 years.
There is no way to stop the mob mentality that has taken over the web.  Censorship is not the answer, although there are cases where legal action against defamation may be appropriate. 
It is disturbing because it goes along with two other forms of manipulation:  Media and political.
There have been several cases lately where reputable members of the media have been found to have been telling lies. 
MSNBC Brian Williams comes to mind, but that is because he is well known. 

But there are hundreds like him who lie and distort with impunity, sometimes with full knowledge and enthusiastic endorsement of their bosses. 

Lying and distorting is an accepted journalistic procedure, it seems, if it is done for a "good cause," such as bashing Israel. 
A longtime AP correspondent in Israel - Matti Friedman - exposed how AP and many other 'reputable' media organizations are engaged in covering up the truth about Israel and in distorting facts.  He said:

Matti Friedman

"I gradually began to be aware of certain malfunctions in the coverage of the Israel story – recurring omissions, recurring inflations, decisions made according to considerations that were not journalistic but political.  
"We sought to hint or say outright that Israeli soldiers were war criminals, and every detail supporting that portrayal was to be seized upon.

"Neo-Nazi rallies at Palestinian universities or in Palestinian cities are not — I saw images of such rallies suppressed on more than one occasion. Jewish hatred of Arabs is a story. Arab hatred of Jews is not."

The other form of manipulation is political.  Again, the tip of the iceberg has turned out to be Hillary Clinton, who favors policies according to the amount of donations to her foundation or political campaigns.  The third largest donor to the Clinton Foundation is Saudi Arabia, and it is not the only top Muslim donor.
There are thousands of politicians like Hillary who receive funds and favors from questionable sources, often from foreign donors, risking being charged with treason.
So when you see your municipal government, your state senator, or your congressman favoring legislation that is Muslim-friendly, you may have good reason to suspect that money changed hands. 
Many Democrats - notoriously pro-Muslim and pro-Palestinian - have been beneficiaries of Muslim largesse.  Among them are Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and John Kerry.
Your university, the one where you are sending your children to learn and to think independently, is all too often the beneficiary of Muslim donations that have the implicit or explicit intent to manipulate the curriculum and extra-curricular activities to make students see Islam more favorably and to condemn Israel.  Professors who think along those lines are hired and given tenure.   And so the hatred against Israel is cultivated to grow exponentially. 
How did Islam - an ideology of oppression, conquest, slavery and violence - end up being a liberal cause can only be attributed to media manipulation.  Any criticism of Islam, you may have noticed, is attributed to "racism" or "Islamophobia," as they call it.
And how did Israel, a tiny but civilized nation of victims of genocide, re-established after 2000 years of exile and Muslim occupation, and surrounded by corrupt, bellicose and intolerant Muslim nations, become the country everyone loves to hate?  Again, media manipulation did the job.
So in a way the incident that prompted Mr Runis' suicide is a symbol of what the world is trying to do to Israel itself:  demonize, demonize and demonize until the victim is unable to cope anymore and gives up.  It's character assassination that goes beyond breaking the spirit and kills the body as well.
This suicide is a warning to Israel itself:  that unless it sobers up from its binge of political correctness, it may also end up by self-destructing.

Israel comes down hard on any secular or religious Jew that may appear to show bias or animosity against Arabs - particularly if he is a government employee - although the government is shockingly tolerant of Arab racism, violence, and incitement.  

Any Arab or Arab-sympathizer's complaint against Israeli police or military is thoroughly investigated, and if found guilty, the perpetrator is severely punished.  If a Jew files a complaint against Arabs for similar crimes, he is ignored.

 Continue reading - including additional articles on Mr Ariel Runis, on Muslim donations to US top politicians and presidents, black racism, the private financing and organizing of the Ferguson riots, articles exposing systematic media bias in reporting from Israel, and a denunciation of pro-Arab leftist authorities in Israel who openly discriminate against Jews.
FIVE DEMOCRATS RECIPIENT OF MUSLIM DONATIONS - Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, and Barack Obama
Photo:  Former president Jimmy Carter in warm embrace with Hamas terrorist leaders.
Muslim Brotherhood Inside American Colleges
Media For Hamas
as exposed by former AP correspondent Matti Friedman
and here
More on the media and Israel on this blog


The unshakeable grip of leftist pro-Arab authorities on Israel - The pogrom by Israeli police against Jews in Amona, and the ongoing war of the Israeli left against the Jews - Videos exposing the truth behind the leftist pro-Arab agenda.
This post has very good links to articles about Israeli issues that the media never covers

Mass manipulation in public protests:  Black activists were paid to protest at Ferguson

(Ultra-leftist and anti-Israel billionaire George Soros has been funding this and many other anti-establishment demonstrations.)
ferguson americaLocal black activists held a sit-in protest at the office of MORE (Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment) in St. Louis to press their claim that groups led by whites have collected tens of thousands of dollars in donations off of the Black Lives Matter movement without paying the Black participants their fair share.
During the sit-in, one of the Black activists threatened the white representative for MORE, saying, “We gon’, we gonna just **** you up.” (Expletive deleted.)   Apparently much of the money raised by MORE didn’t reach the local protesters.

In response to this protest MORE released a list of names and amounts paid out to protesters and protest groups who agitated and harassed police night-after-night in Ferguson last fall and winter climaxing in the torching and looting of dozens of local Ferguson businesses.
The list of over 80 groups and individuals was posted on Twitter by an irate protester.

Read more
kkk - The long history of Democrat racism and of Republican efforts to expand Afro-American civil rights 
 - Also, how Jews even gave their lives in the struggle for Afro-American civil rights, only to be paid back with vicious black anti-Semitism
Read more
The History of Black Anti-Semitism in America
Anti-Semitism has had a long history among African Americans. In the 1920s, for instance, the “buy-black” campaign of the black-nationalist leader Marcus Garvey was explicitly targeted against Jews, and Garvey later spoke admiringly of Adolf Hitler.

In February 1948 the black writer James Baldwin acknowledged how widespread anti-Semitism was in his community, writing: “Georgia has the Negro and Harlem has the Jew.”

Mr Ariel Runis' suicide

Senior PIBA Official Kills Self after Web Shaming 

Ariel Runis, a senior official in the Population, Immigration and Border Authority (PIBA), fatally shot himself Saturday evening. A message he left on Facebook and another message to a friend indicate that he was agitated because of a Facebook post that accused him of treating an African-American woman unfairly because of her skin color. 
Lee Lenoir Yurista

The woman, a mother of three, who came to the PIBA offices in Tel Aviv to renew a passport, published a post in which she claimed that a female official did not allow her to make us of a special fast lane for people with babies, while offering that service to white women who came before and after her.
She said that she complained to Runis, the office manager, who allegedly brushed her off rudely when she made an accusation of racism.

The post was shared by over 6,000 people, and the incident was covered on a popular mothers' website – Mamazone. The compainant was also interviewed on Channel 10 – where the Interior Ministry denied her version of events and said that had tried to cut to the front of the line in the fast lane.

A complaint was also filed to PIBA's ombudsman, who contacted Runis.

In his suicide post, Runis wrote that each of the 6,000 “shares” the complainant's post received was “a sharp arrow in my flesh.” He explained that he felt that his name would now forever be associated with the stain of alleged racism.

He described his career: at 47, he was a retired Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) officer who wrote a book following his experiences working with Arabs and Druze in southern Lebanon, before Israel withdrew from Lebanon. A year ago, he founded an NGO dedicated to coexistence between Israel's Jews and Arabs. “Me? A racist? All of my activity was erased with a single stroke,” he mourned.

Runis also noted that the date was precisely the 15-year anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon. It is possible that the anniversary of the traumatic event was a factor in his emotional state.

"I am not angry at the woman who, judging by her pictures, has already gotten over that 'harsh blow' she experienced,” he wrote. “I am unable to. Be well!!”

The woman who wrote the post removed it when she heard what had happened. “This morning I awoke to some of the worst news I have ever heard. I am sorry with my entire soul for the loss of a life. For years I experienced discrimination in Israel. The only time I told my story, a man was hurt. No one is more sorry than I am. If I could, I would keep silent this time, too.”

Former Shin Bet commander Yuval Diskin published a post in which he said that he knew Runis well: “I know his values, too. No epithet can hurt a man like Ariel more than 'racist.'”
"A dear friend and respected manager could not handle an unbridled attack that crossed every red line, against PIBA employees and civil servants,” wrote PIBA DIRector Amnon Ben Ami.

"PIBA employees are not racists, Nazis or evil, as many of us hear every day,” he added, and demanded a public discussion of the “daily mudslinging” that PIBA employees experience.

Runis Was Victim of
Soviet-Style PC Terror Machine
Ex-Member of the Knesset (parliament)  Moshe Feiglin says PIBA official shot himself because he realized he was up against a tribunal like the one that terrorized Soviet citizens.
MK Moshe Feiglin
Ex MK Moshe Feiglin
Ex-MK Moshe Feiglin wrote on Facebook Monday that he thinks Population, Immigration and Border Authority (PIBA) official Ariel Runis killed himself because of a sinister threat most people are not aware of – and not just because of a Facebook post by a woman who accused him of racism.

“I read the letter written by Ariel Runis z”l, and then read it again,” wrote Feiglin, “in an effort to understand what brings a good, successful man like that, a person who contributes to society, a man who is head and shoulders above the rest, to commit suicide over such a trifle.”

"It isn't the post that killed Ariel – a Shin Bet veteran. He isn't a little girl, whose classmates mocked on the Internet. There is something much deeper here. Ariel is a victim of lethal political correctness – and of himself,” wrote the former Likud MK, who has founded a new movement. “And he more than hinted at this in his letter.”

The post by the accuser – an African American woman named Lee Lenoir Yurista – was not written by her, Feiglin said – and Runis knew it.
"He understood that someone wrote that post for her. He understood that someone made sure to promote and get those 6,000 shares. There are people out there who know how to wait and recognize opportunities, who knows how to pull the strings and produce the interview with Rafi Reshef (on Channel 10) and the entire 'media festival.'”
Like a Soviet general

Runis “knew well how this works – he wasn't stupid – he knows how things work, behind the scenes. And he hinted broadly that under other circumstances, he himself would have 'enlisted' to such a campaign.” The PC machine mistakenly targeted one of its own, Feiglin added – and the man couldn't stand it.

Feiglin said that Runis reminds him of a heroic Soviet general, who suddenly finds himself facing a tribunal and knows that there is no way back.
“He was a victim of the system, and enslaved to it at the same time. He had no other identity but the one that is now being taken from him. He could have withstood any other epithet, but 'racism'? Only suicide will clean him from this stain now.”

"He did not have the most important thing – a family – which is also not in the relevant set of values. He had no other anchor in the world, except the identity that he chose, and which is now denied by the entire world around him. What is left to live for?”

Feiglin advised his followers to look at the responses to his post. Many of them would be legitimately critical, he predicted – but they would be followed by a wave of concentrated character assassination. “Watch and see how the monster that (mistakenly) killed Ariel awakes.”
'A sharp arrow in my flesh'
The complainant, a mother of three, who came to the PIBA offices in Tel Aviv to renew a passport, published a post in which she claimed that a female official did not allow her to take advantage of a special fast lane for people tending to babies, while offering that service to white women who came before and after her.

She said that she complained to Runis, the office manager, who allegedly brushed her off rudely when she made an accusation of racism.

The post was shared by over 6,000 people, and the incident was covered on a very popular mothers' website – Mamazone.
Yurista was also interviewed on Channel 10 – where the Interior Ministry denied her version of events and said that had tried to cut to the front of the line in the fast lane.

A complaint was also filed to PIBA's ombudsman, who contacted Runis.

In his suicide post, Runis wrote that each of the 6,000 “shares” the complainant's post received was “a sharp arrow in my flesh.” He explained that he felt that his name would now forever be associated with the stain of alleged racism.

He described his career: at 47, he was a retired Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) officer who wrote a book following his experiences working with Arabs and Druze in southern Lebanon, before Israel withdrew from Lebanon.
A year ago, he founded an NGO dedicated to coexistence between Israel's Jews and Arabs. “Me? A racist? All of my activity was erased with a single stroke,” he mourned.

Runis also noted that the date was precisely the 15-year anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon. "I am not angry at the woman who, judging by her pictures, has already gotten over that 'harsh blow' she experienced,” he wrote. “I am unable to. Be well!!”



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