
Sunday, May 24, 2015

ANCIENT CITY OF PALMYRA HAS FALLEN TO MUSLIM FORCES OF ISLAMIC STATE - Hundreds slaughtered, mostly women and children - ISIS says it can buy its NUKES from Pakistani sources - White House blames CLIMATE CHANGE for Jihadism - And as ISIS approaches ISRAEL, President Obama demands Israel give up its nukes and much of its territory for "peace"

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Ancient site: Islamic State militants overran the famed archaeological site at Palmyra, just hours after seizing the central Syrian town
Ancient site: Islamic State militants overran the famed archaeological site at Palmyra, just hours after seizing the central Syrian town  
  • State TV reporting victims are believed to be government loyalists
  • Follows execution of 300 pro-government soldiers in historic settlement 
  • ISIS releases videos of latest beheadings
  • Black ISIS flag hoisted over an ancient citadel after taking over city
  • ISIS is also threatening Israel and Jordan
  • President Obama blames climate change for the surge in jihadis
  • ISIS says it can buy nuclear weapons from Pakistani sources
  • Saudi Arabia accused of supplying ISIS through private channels
  • An while Iran develops nuclear bombs, and Saudi Arabia announces it will buy nukes from Pakistan, President Obama thinks he can bring peace to the region by pressuring Israel to give up its own nuclear deterrent and partitioning the country to create a chaotic Palestinian State.
  • When Palmyra was a multicultural city - thousands of Jews lived there

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    Daily Mail  -  Islamic State militants have executed at least 400 mostly women and children in Syria's ancient city of Palmyra.
    Eye-witnesses have reported the streets are strewn with bodies – the latest victims of the Islamic State's unrelenting savagery - on the same day photographs of captured Syrian soldiers have emerged. 
    It follows the killing of nearly 300 pro-government troops two days after they captured the city, now symbolised by a black ISIS flag flying above an ancient citadel. 
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    Takeover: ISIS raised their flag over an ancient citadel in Palmyra while state television is reporting they have killed hundreds of women and children

    ISIS has also strengthened its position in neighbouring Iraq with Jihadi fighters killing more than 500 people when they captured the city of Ramadi, last week.
    Syrian state television announced the most recent massacre, quoting residents inside the city, which is known as Tadmur in Arabic.
    'The terrorists have killed more than 400 people.. and mutilated their bodies, under the pretext that they cooperated with the government and did not follow orders,' Syria's state news agency said. 
    Archaeological jewel: The city is home to a UNESCO World Heritage site. Jihadi fighters have been stalking homes and shops looking for survivors, using loudspeakers to warn residents not to shelter any troops
    Archaeological jewel: The city is home to a UNESCO World Heritage site. Jihadi fighters have been stalking homes and shops looking for survivors, using loudspeakers to warn residents not to shelter any troops

    It added that dozens of those killed were state employees, including the head of nursing department at the hospital and all her family members. 
    Harrowing pictures have also emerged of Syrian army troops captured during the fierce fighting as the city fell. The 20 soldiers, in military clothing, look disheveled as they kneel before cameras.
    Officials say the Syrian army is deploying troops in areas near to the ancient town in apparent preparation for a counter-attack to retake the city from the Islamic State group.
    Jail break: This picture shared on several pro-ISIS Twitter account claims to show prisoners celebrating with their liberators after being freed from the notorious Tadmur prison by ISIS fighters in the city of Palmyra
     Jail break: This picture shared on several pro-ISIS Twitter account claims to show prisoners celebrating with their liberators after being freed from the notorious Tadmur prison by ISIS fighters in the city of Palmyra

    Chappatte Cartoons's photo.

    Chappatte Cartoons's photo.



    Gruesome scenes

    Palmyra theater
    Palmyra was an ancient Semitic city. Dating back to the Neolithic, 7500 BC.   Palmyra was first attested in the early second millennium BC as a caravan stop for travelers crossing the Syrian Desert.

    The city was mentioned in the annals of the Assyrian kings and might be mentioned in the Hebrew Bible.

    Roman emperor Aurelian defeated Palmyra in 272, and destroyed it in 273 after a failed second rebellion. Palmyra became a minor city under the rule of the Byzantines, the Muslims and their vassals. After being destroyed by the Timurids (Sunni Muslims) in 1400, Palmyra remained a small village under the rule of the Ottomans until 1918, then the Syrian kingdom, followed by the French mandate. 

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    The lost Jewish treasures of Palmyra
    During Palmyra’s height during the Roman era, the city became home to a substantial Jewish community, as testified in Jewish texts.  It’s clear that there was a serious Jewish community. According to the Talmud some of the locals converted to Judaism.  But most significantly, etched into the doorway of a house in central Palmyra, northeast of its main colonnaded street, were the four opening lines of the Shema, one of the central Jewish prayers, verses from the book of Deuteronomy. Scholars have debated whether it was an entryway to a synagogue, but now they lean toward it having been a private home.
    Three views of the Shema inscription found in a doorway in Palmyra, taken in 1884 and printed in Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis. (S. Landauer)
    Evidence of Jewish inhabitation of Palmyra tapers off after the 4th century, Vainstub said, when the re-inhabited city was a shadow of its former glory. Centuries later, after the Muslim conquest, Palmyra began its slow decline into obscurity.
    In 1400, Turkic Muslim conqueror Tamerlane sacked the city and razed it, effectively ending centuries of Jewish inhabitance in Palmyra.
    Read more
    The White House reacts to ISIS

    White House:  Climate change causes Jihad
    This ignoring 1400 years of Muslim bloody conquest across Europe, Asia and Africa

    Raymond Ibrahim - Obama's policies to empower ISIS exposed

    The Benghazi Syria weapons connection
    How arms got into ISIS jihadists’ hands — with Clinton and Obama’s full knowledge.

    Mideast reacts to ISIS

    Saudis supplying ISIS through private channels

    ISIS approaches Israel

    Iran threatens Israel with 80,000 missiles

    Obama pressuring Israel to give up its nuclear weapons - to make the world more peaceful. 
    In this the White House concurs with Islamic Iran, which recently demanded Israel give up its nukes.

    ISIS closer to buying its own nuclear bomb

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