
Sunday, March 15, 2015

SATIRE - THE US PRESIDENT'S LOVE AND SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL - And how the White House regards US interference in Israeli elections just another form of American aid - helping Israelis make up their minds

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SATIRE by Zbiegniew Zwgstkstwig

obama and netanyahu

I was invited to an informal meeting with  a couple of top White House officials, whom I will call Irving and Jamal.  
"We want to dispel once and for all the notion that this administration is hostile to Israel," said Irving, as a form of introduction. 

"There are allegations that the president is helping Iran develop nuclear weapons that could threaten Israel. 
"On top of that," said Irving, "there has been too much misinformation characterizing the president as bullying the Israeli government and not caring enough for Israeli security."
"That's the impression many people in Israel have," I said.
"Wrong.  You're totally wrong," said Jamal with great emphasis.  "It's true that the president has been rather forceful at times in making certain demands for peace, but this is because he cares so deeply for the future of the state of Israel and the Israeli people." 
"Is that why he sent an army of White House aides to meddle in the upcoming Israeli elections," I asked, rather sarcastically.  

Irving did not even blink.  "Of course," he said.  "Sometimes - as the president has stated - Israelis don't know what's good for them.   

"Obama knows what's best for Israel, so we are helping Israelis see the light and vote for candidates who agree with the president's vision, and who promise a swift partition of Israel along the 1967 lines and the division of Jerusalem.  For peace, naturally." 
"Isn't that interference in the affairs of a sovereign country," I asked. 

"No.  Not at all," said Irving.  "Consider it an extension of American aid - of a psychological kind in this case," added Irving.   "Israelis are in urgent need of White House guidance."
"I don't mean to question the president's policies," I said.  "That would be a racist thing to do.   But you have to admit that he hasn't been successful in managing his own country, even when he had a majority in Congress." 
"America is more divided than ever along racial lines, and its southern border is for all practical purposes nonexistent.  So why should Israelis even consider that president Obama's ideas will bring peace and harmony to Israeli-Arab relations and security to Israel?"
"You'll just have to trust him, Zbiegniew," said  Jamal, in a tone I found rather chilling.
"Once Israel returns to the 1967 borders there will be a major change in the whole Middle East," said Irving. 
"It's the Palestinian conflict that irritates Arabs and makes them start wars and insurrections just to vent their anger against Israel.
"Once there is a Palestinian state you'll see how peace returns to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, North Africa, and so many other Muslim lands now engaged in carnage."
"Wow!"  That was all I could say.
"Exactly.  That's the president's vision.  It's awesome, said Irving.  He'll probably get a second Nobel Peace Prize for facilitating the creation of  the Islamic State of Palestine.   An amazing man."
"But how can shrinking Israel down to indefensible borders result in anything but the obliteration of the country," I asked.
"That's the wrong way of looking at it, interjected Irving.  Size does not matter when Israel has such strong military plus nukes to defend itself."
"But Israel won't be eager to mass invade a sovereign Palestine, when Iran or Turkey may come to its defense and start a major conflagration.  And a nuclear attack is out of the question," I argued. 
Then I added:  "There are ways of bringing a country down to its knees  by a terror war of attrition, for example.  I'm thinking of rockets, tunnels, massacres, shooting down passenger airplanes, that sort of thing."  

"Not if the Arabs promise to live in peace with Israel.  Muslims  love peace and they always keep their word," said Jamal, with a straight face. 
"And there is something else, added Jamal.  If the worst comes to worst, the Jews of Israel will be forever remembered as we now remember Holocaust victims. 
"Historians will hold a place of honor for Jews who sacrificed themselves and their country in the name of peace.  There will be a commemorative day dedicated to them each year." 
"That's exactly what I thought," I gasped with dismay, and staggered out of the meeting without saying another word.  
Copyright Zbigniew Zwgstkstwig
Continue reading and see more cartoons and video

2009 Dry Bones cartoon - Withdrawal from Occupied Territories - and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gives Obama a History Lesson

Negotiating With Hamas Cartoon
When Benjamin Netanyahu's sacrilege made Nancy Pelosi cry
CHANGE IN US MIDEAST PRIORITIES from fighting terror to having US consulate staff roaming over the Israeli countryside in an armed convoy threatening Israelis with big guns over the safety of olive trees - The US making the world a safer place.
Let Muslims have their own state(s) in the Hexagon - France has capitulated - Officials admit they have lost control over growing terror threats - France now fragmented into No-Go Zones or Muslim statelets - Solution: Partition France for "peace"

See more cartoons and satire on this blog


The facts behind the satire:



Obama:  "Israel doesn't know what its own best interests are."

PM Netanyahu:  "I think everyone knows that the citizens of Israel are the only ones who can decide who will faithfully represent the vital interests of the state."

Brazen White House interference in Israeli elections. 
White House sends army of experts to help the opposition topple PM Netanyahu.  Who is paying for this?

White House not only works on partitioning Israel to create an Islamic Arab state, but now it appears to be connected to conspiracy to finance and influence who is going to be Prime Minister

March 13, 2015 - Bipartisan Senate panel probes whether the Obama administration funded effort to oust Israeli PM Netanyahu  -


The following video - DAYLIGHT, THE STORY OF OBAMA AND ISRAEL, is from March 2012.  Much has happened between the White House and Israel since then, and it has all been for the worse.

However, this video is still relevant because it gives background to the increasingly toxic relationship between President Obama and PM Netanyahu.

Watch the contrast in words between Obama, the candidate for the presidency, and Obama the president.

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