
Monday, March 16, 2015

DOG SAVED FROM BEING KILLED FOR FOOD BY VIETNAMESE, WINS CRUFTS AWARD for transforming the life of the autistic son of the woman who saved him - The story of a dog named "Miracle"

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The adoption of a few of these tortured animals saves individual dogs but does not stop this inhumane industry in all the countries involved.   
Perhaps there is a need to link advocacy against such cruel practices with economic boycotts. 
Activists could call for the boycott their tourism industry, sport delegations, anything that will bring attention to the plight of these wonderful creatures. 
Adoption is not enough. They will just breed more animals to torture and eat.

Amanda adopted Miracle after seeing his photograph on a Soi Dog Facebook post - he has now made a full recovery
Crossbreed Miracle was destined for the dog meat restaurants of Hanoi 
  • His truck was intercepted by animal welfare charity Soi Dog Foundation
  • Scotland-based dog lover Amanda Leask, 45, adopted the hound 
  • He has now developed a strong bond with her autistic son Kyle, six  
  • The special bond between a severely disabled boy and his dog has been recognised at Crufts.  
  •  Rescue dog Miracle beat off 200 other entrants to scoop the prestigious Friends For Life award.

  • Continue reading this moving story

  • Miracle was saved from a slow and painful death by the animal welfare charity Soi Dog FoundationThe crossbreed was saved from Thailand's illegal dog meat trade a couple of years ago and adopted by Amanda Leask from Strathglass, Scotland, and her six year old son Kyle. 

  • Miracle was snatched from the streets of north east Thailand and loaded onto a truck with hundreds of other stolen dogs, all destined for the dog meat restaurants of Hanoi in Vietnam.
    Luckily for Miracle, the truck carrying him to his death was intercepted by agents working for the Phuket-based animal welfare charity Soi Dog Foundation.   The dogs were taken to a purpose-built shelter in Thailand, where they were then put up for adoption.
    Crossbreed Miracle was destined for dog meat restaurants of Hanoi in VietnamMiracle (left) was hanging over the crowded pet cages.  Notice the terrible physical condition in which these dogs are due to maltreatment and neglect.  They are not regarded as sentient, intelligent and loving  beings -  just as meat.

    Amanda Leask spotted Miracle’s photo shortly after he’d been rescued on a Soi Dog Facebook post. Devastated by his plight and the hopelessness of his situation, she enquired about adopting him
    Already an owner of three rescue dogs from Soi Dog, Amanda very soon had her fourth.  And while Miracle quickly got to work returning the favour to his new owner by creating a powerful bond with her son Kyle that transformed the young boy's life. 

    Kyle was born with cerebral palsy, and was later diagnosed with autism.  His condition means that it is incredibly difficult for him to communicate with his family.  After learning that autistic people can develop extremely close relationships with canine pets, Amanda decided to adopt some dogs. 

    Kyle and Miracle have since developed a close bond, which Amanda says reveals an unspoken mutual understanding. 

    Amanda (pictured here with Miracle and Kyle) says there is an 'unspoken language' between the hound and her disabled sonShe said: 'They’ve both faced so much hardship in their lives, it’s like there’s an unspoken language between them.  When Kyle gets upset because he can’t convey what he wants to, Miracle will go and lay at his side for Kyle to touch and stroke.

    'Miracle seems to automatically know when Kyle needs him.  If Kyle simply wants some attention, Miracle will go over and shower him with kisses, and it works the other way too.  Kids can build up confidence in dogs where they seek solace, and Miracle gets this in abundance from Kyle. He seems so much happier in the presence of Miracle. It’s like they’re soul mates.'

    Six year old Kyle has developed an incredibly close bond with his canine companion Miracle The unique bond between man and dog is still yet to be explained fully but Amanda says the amount it has helped Kyle is unlimited. 

    Miracle won £1,500 for his Crufts Eukaneba Friends for Life award, and Amanda will share the money between Soi Dog and the Autistic Society.

    Source  -

    From the Soi Dog Foundation Facebook page:  Frosty's story

    'Frosty nearly strangled himself in a desperate attempt to escape the tiny cage he was imprisoned in with six other dogs.

Scattered around the jungle, our undercover investigators found several more tiny cages, all crammed with frantic dogs. This is the reality of the dog meat trade in Asia. Please CLICK THIS LINK to help stop it:

Frosty and every other dog found that day was destined to be tortured and slaughtered for their meat and skin. Thanks to people like you, Frosty and thousands just like him have been rescued from this vile, cruel trade. 

Sadly, some of the other dogs found that day had already died. Their bones broken from being brutally slammed into tiny cages, they succumbed to heat exhaustion and suffocation. They had had no food or water for days and were so tightly packed together, they were unable to move.

Much progress is being made in ending this trade but we MUST keep the pressure on and for that, we need YOU.  Will you please CLICK THIS LINK and make your voice heard?

Frosty is one of the lucky ones. He has now been adopted and will leave us shortly for the happy new life he deserves.  As you read this, thousands of other rescued dogs dream of the same. Please take action TODAY to help us end this barbaric trade.

CLICK THIS LINK to sign the petition against the dog meat trade and SHARE with everyone you know:'Frosty nearly strangled himself in a desperate attempt to escape the tiny cage he was imprisoned in with six other dogs.

    Scattered around the jungle, our undercover investigators found several more tiny cages, all crammed with frantic dogs. This is the reality of the dog meat trade in Asia.

    'Frosty nearly strangled himself in a desperate attempt to escape the tiny cage he was imprisoned in with six other dogs.

Scattered around the jungle, our undercover investigators found several more tiny cages, all crammed with frantic dogs. This is the reality of the dog meat trade in Asia. Please CLICK THIS LINK to help stop it:

Frosty and every other dog found that day was destined to be tortured and slaughtered for their meat and skin. Thanks to people like you, Frosty and thousands just like him have been rescued from this vile, cruel trade. 

Sadly, some of the other dogs found that day had already died. Their bones broken from being brutally slammed into tiny cages, they succumbed to heat exhaustion and suffocation. They had had no food or water for days and were so tightly packed together, they were unable to move.

Much progress is being made in ending this trade but we MUST keep the pressure on and for that, we need YOU.  Will you please CLICK THIS LINK and make your voice heard?

Frosty is one of the lucky ones. He has now been adopted and will leave us shortly for the happy new life he deserves.  As you read this, thousands of other rescued dogs dream of the same. Please take action TODAY to help us end this barbaric trade.

CLICK THIS LINK to sign the petition against the dog meat trade and SHARE with everyone you know:'
    Please CLICK THIS LINK to help stop it:

    Frosty and every other dog found that day was destined to be tortured and slaughtered for their meat and skin. Thanks to people like you, Frosty and thousands just like him have been rescued from this vile, cruel trade.

    Sadly, some of the other dogs found that day had already died. Their bones broken from being brutally slammed into tiny cages, they succumbed to heat exhaustion and suffocation. They had had no food or water for days and were so tightly packed together, they were unable to move.

    Much progress is being made in ending this trade but we MUST keep the pressure on and for that, we need YOU.

    Will you please CLICK THIS LINK and make your voice heard?

    Frosty is one of the lucky ones. He has now been adopted and will leave us shortly for the happy new life he deserves. As you read this, thousands of other rescued dogs dream of the same. Please take action TODAY to help us end this barbaric trade.

    CLICK THIS LINK to sign the petition against the dog meat trade and SHARE with everyone you know:
    See More

    Soi Dog Foundation

    Continue reading

    Caged: This raccoon dog is one of hundreds held at a Chinese fur farm, where they live just a few months
    INSIDE CHINESE FUR FARMS WHERE THEY SKIN DOGS ALIVE to make coats to be sold in the West - VIDEO

     Animals are often cooked alive because of the belief that stress hormones from the tortured animals make the meat taste better
    China dog-eating celebration goes on despite protests
    Also dogs, rabbits and other animals STILL BEING SKINNED WHILE ALIVE in China fur farms.  Animals electrocuted, strangled and skinned alive: The true face of China's fur farms
    China - Angora rabbits have fur plucked every three months, in excruciatingly painful process

    Thailand dogs stolen to make golf gloves out of their skin

    China - At least ten tigers slaughtered (some by electrocution)
    and butchered as entertainment for wealthy businessmen and other officials.

    Indonesia - The gruesome animal market. 
    Dogs and other animals roasted whole.

    Taiwan - Animals force-fed to win contest sponsored by Taoist temple.

    How fur is harvested in Asia

    China - the life of torture endured by angora rabbits in China - fur plucked by hand

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