
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

SATIRE - ISRAELI PM THANKS THE US PRESIDENT - He could not have achieved electoral victory without Obama's help -- It was increased White House animosity against the PM that backfired and helped Netanyahu win

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In fact, it was the White House's years of hostility against Israel and Netanyahu, its enabling of Iran's nuclear development, and its overt intervention in Israeli elections through an army of aides sent to assist the opposition topple the PM that actually tipped the election towards Netanyahu's victory.

Israeli Election Results Great,
Says Obama Through Gritted Teeth

SATIRE by PreOccupied Territory
Gary Varvel:  White House response to Netanyahu's win 
Netanyahu, for his part, took a gracious tone, telling Obama the victory could not have been accomplished without his efforts.

Obama grimacing
Washington, March 18 – The stunning re-election of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu yesterday prompted insistence from US President Barack Obama that he welcomes the outcome as a democratic expression of the wish of the Israeli public. 

He also added that he hopes to move forward with Mr. Netanyahu in shoring up the historic ties between the two nations and moving toward a comprehensive regional peace agreement, a sentiment the president expressed with barely concealed rage.
Netanyahu’s Likud party garnered 30 seats in the 120-member Knesset, giving him the largest faction and first crack at forming a coalition government.
Obama and many of his allies in the left-leaning Democratic Party had hoped – and in many cases actively campaigned – to oust the incumbent Netanyahu in favor of Labor Party Chairman Isaac Herzog, who they hoped would be a more pliable leader.
Obama and Netanyahu have an uneasy relationship even beyond their ideological differences, but the president said he would be happy to continue working with the Israeli prime minister, then clenched his jaw and kicked the lectern. Aides said he suffered only minor bruising as a result.
Obama monitored the progress of Israeli elections through most of the day Tuesday, asking for frequent updates from staff regarding exit polls, and, with a serene smile, when he might know whether Israel had “finally decided to kick that chickensh*t out of office,” staffers reported.
Initial exit polls became available at about 3 pm Eastern Time, and they showed Likud leading Herzog’s Zionist Union alliance by an average of 2 parliament seats.
Aides noted that the president slowly balled his hands into fists upon hearing the news, then took several deep breaths and asked to be kept informed as “the real, you know, accurate, reliable numbers” came in, “not those fake polls.”
As the official count more or less confirmed the exit poll results, the president was seen muttering and pacing, at one point slamming down his coffee mug so hard it cracked. He apologized for the mess and quickly explained it must have slipped.
Late last night Obama realized he would be forced to call and congratulate the winner, and repeatedly found himself having to go to the bathroom, tie his shoes, look for a pen, and check possible incoming messages from Michelle or the two girls, all of whom had already gone to sleep.

He also turned the making of a simple cup of instant coffee into an elaborate ritual, as if waiting for further news to come in to the effect that all the earlier reports had gotten it all wrong.
Finally he strode to his desk and lifted the receiver, clutching it so tightly that his knuckles turned white. As he spoke, with his voice calm, a vein bulged in the president’s forehead.
Obama let out an audible sigh when told the line to Netanyahu’s phone was busy.
Netanyahu called back ten minutes later; when informed the prime minister was on the line, the president whirled around and punched the wall, possibly breaking his ring finger and jeopardizing his golf game.
Grimacing, with his other hand he took the receiver to offer congratulations to Netanyahu.
Netanyahu, for his part, took a gracious tone, telling Obama the victory could not have been accomplished without his efforts.




THE US PRESIDENT'S LOVE AND SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL - And how the White House regards US interference in Israeli elections as just another form of American aid - helping Israelis make up their minds

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White House ‘Surprised, Deeply Disappointed’ By Netanyahu's Victory
 by John Nolte - Breitbart
AP Photo/Susan WalshAlthough the Obama White House is, as expected, too petty and childish to congratulate the Prime Minister of one of our closest allied countries for his smashing victory last night, reports are starting to surface that might help to explain Obama’s unconscionable behavior. According to the Jerusalem Post, the White House appears to be in the first stage of grief — denial and isolation: 
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Privately, the White House is expressing deep disappointment with the result of Tuesday’s elections, which they believe reinforces some of the greatest points of tension inflaming the relationship between Washington and Jerusalem. Netanyahu’s comments on the eve of the polls, apparently backing away from his support of a Palestinian state, particularly irked the president’s team. 
Senior US officials were caught by a genuine sense of surprise with word of Isaac Herzog’s trouncing, as they had been relying on the same local polling data available to the public, two such officials told The Jerusalem Post. Other officials declined to characterize the White House reaction, reinforcing a generally muted and controlled response.
Some in the White House have moved into the second stage of grief – anger:
After several hours of public quiet, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest expressed “deep concern” with Netanyahu’s pre-election warning that Arab citizens were being bused to the polls “in droves,” risking right-wing power in the Knesset. 
“Rhetoric that seeks to marginalize one segment of their population is deeply concerning and it is divisive, and I can tell you that these are views the administration intends to communicate directly to the Israelis,” Earnest said aboard Air Force One, congratulating the people of Israel for holding the poll.
That’s rich coming from a White House run by a man who pours gasoline on every racial lie he can glom on to, a man who made Al Sharpton his go-to guy and race, a man who once told Hispanics that voting against Republicans is the same thing as “punishing your enemies.”

The most bitter pill for Obama is explained in the one honest post-mortem the mainstream media produced today. Bloomberg’s Eli Lake correctly notes that yesterday’s election in Israel was a humiliating referendum against Barack Obama and for his nemesis, Bibi Netanyahu:
The experts who said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was vulnerable before yesterday’s national election insisted that the vote was a referendum on him. His overwhelming victory shows that it was equally a referendum on U.S. President Barack Obama. Netanyahu gave voters a choice between whom to trust more with their nation’s security. The result was clear.  
Netanyahu’s political instincts were correct. In re-electing him, a large plurality of Israelis agreed that Obama is not to be trusted. The question now for Obama is whether he thinks Netanyahu was bluffing or telling the truth in his pre-election interview. I suppose it all comes down to a matter of trust.
In short, Obama is pouting. He’s always happy to congratulate the world’s bad guys, but it’s Netanyahu he sees as the real bad guy. And this “bad guy” just cleaned Obama’s clock in front of the whole wide world.



IS WHITE HOUSE USING TAX DOLLARS TO TOPPLE ISRAELI PM Netanyahu in next elections - White House not only works on partitioning Israel to create an Islamic Arab state, but now it appears to be connected to conspiracy to finance and influence who is going to be Prime Minister


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