
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

OBAMA LOST IN THE ISRAELI ELECTION - Or rather his minions in the Labour Party did, the ones financed and organized by the White House - Though tired of Netanyahu, Israelis voted for him out of disgust with the Labour Party's subservience to a foreign government and its nefarious agenda for Israel

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This election was not about issues.  
It was about Israel's independence and self-respect. 
The results should be seen as a vote against White House interference in Israeli internal politics, and against the left-wing Labour Party's subservience to the president of another nation and his anti-Israel agenda.  
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu
A few items to consider: 
  • Polls were consistently wrong, favoring the left.  Polls everywhere can be deliberately manipulated.  This is just one more instance of shame for the polling industry.
  • The left used the race card to bring out the Arab vote, but cried foul when the PM pointed out that leftists were busing Arabs to the polls.
  • Leftists have denounced their own compatriots for daring to live on ancient Jewish land across the Green Line - while whitewashing the genocidal ideology and terror in the Palestinian nationalist movement. 
  • The left stressed economic issues in this campaign, dismissing legitimate fears of Jews who face Arab violence EVERY DAY - from stone and firebomb throwers, to attacks with knives, guns, and vehicles. 
  • All that in addition to ever increasing threats from domestic jihadists, and from those in Gaza, in Sinai, in the Palestinian Authority, in Syria and in Lebanon.
  • And the looming threat of a nuclear Iran, enabled by White House policies.
  • The most important issue in this campaign was the brazen interference by the White House, that sent a team of experts to assist the Labour Party, and may have funded activities aimed at toppling Netanyahu with taxpayers' money.
  • This made the Labour Party subservience to a foreign government with a destructive agenda for Israel all the more repulsive to many voters.
  • Israel was as usual awash in foreign money financing pro-leftists, pro-Arab NGOs - some of them outright subversive organizations - trying to erode security and the rule of law in Israel.  This money significantly increased in the months and weeks leading to the election.
  • Netanyahu - out of sheer despair - seemed to have had a sudden moment of enlightenment when on the very last day he announced that there would be no Palestinian State on his watch, because every piece of land Israel has abandoned - such as Gaza and Sinai -  has been filled with Jihadists that threaten the whole region. 
  • Palestinian statehood is just a ruse to dismantle Israel.  Syrians, Iraqis and all other Muslim states in the region already have a state - but they are dysfunctional, oppressive and intolerant states, mired in conflict and carnage.

Images of Election Day in Israel,
and odds and ends from the web

Drudge's big page headline along with this picture of president Obama reads: 
Drudge -


Senator Ted Cruz has been at the forefront exposing White House interference in Israel's elections

Continue reading and see more election day articles and photos

Sen. Ted Cruz (R Texas)
“What does it say about the President of the United States when he’s more concerned about undermining and attacking the prime minister of Israel than he is standing up to the mortal threat a nuclear Iran poses?”
The American nonprofit OneVoice Movement – under scrutiny by a U.S. Senate panel over possible links to a campaign to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – quietly filed paperwork that would allow it to engage in political activism after two leading Republican lawmakers questioned its use of government funds, has learned.
President Obama and PM Netanyahu
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., sent a letter Jan. 29 to Secretary of State John Kerry asking whether the group ­– as a recipient of almost $350,000 in recent grants from the Obama administration’s State Department – had violated its tax-exempt status when it began backing the virulently anti-Netanyahu Victory 15 campaign in Israel earlier that month.
Cruz also publicly asked whether Obama – who’s had a well-documented adversarial relationship with Netanyahu – had “launched a political campaign against” the Israeli leader in the run-up to the election which was held on Tuesday.
Read more

The leftist media say they're sorry for what they call "lower prospects for peace" between Jews and Arabs.

What they are really bemoaning is the lesser likelihood of the partition of Israel for the creation of a Jihadist state, which would bring the eventual dismantling of Israel through terror.

The Fatah party's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Balata.
Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade
The armed wing of the "moderate" Fatah faction in the West Bank
responsible for countless acts of terror
A writer and his TV
Novelist Jack Engelhard has been watching TV, and he writes: 

A bride votes in her wedding dress in Holon (Photo: Reuters)
Bride in her wedding dress votes in Holon
Here’s the lady from Egypt. She says that Egypt is unhappy with the results – Bibi winning – and that Egypt still considers Israel an enemy.

Yes, she admits, al-Sisi and Bibi speak on the phone all the time, but until Israel “makes peace with the Palestinians there can be no friendship.”
The expert from Jordan says the same thing. They all want the peace process.

Bedouin women vote in Rahat (Photo: AP)
Bedouin women vote in Rahat

So how’s the peace process going between Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS? Not much luck, from what my TV says, every morning.
In fact, Egypt has been arresting, hanging and clobbering these Muslim fanatics wherever they can be found. Same deal with Jordan.

Soldiers vote at a remote outpost (Photo: IDF Spokesman Unit)
IDF soldiers vote at a remote outpost
But Israel – Israel is expected to make peace with exactly the same type of people Egypt and Jordan are bombing to smithereens.

Not to mention the peace process between Egypt and Hamas – the terror group Egypt has blockaded and officially declared, well, a terror group.

A ballot and a grin in Jerusalem (Photo: Gil Yohanan)
Voting and smiling in Jerusalem
Closer to home, a member of Congress gave my TV his own views. He’s a Democrat, so I already knew what he had to say. I listened anyway.  So he says it’s bad. 

Frankly, so did some Tel Aviv (left wing) Israelis. Now, they say, there won’t be peace. Israel needs to share the land “with the Palestinians.”

Which Palestinians?

Another patient is wheeled to the ballot box at Soroka (Photo: Soroka Spokesman)
A patient votes at a hospital in Be'er Sheva
The Hamas Palestinians?

The Fatah Palestinians?

The Hezbollah Palestinians?

The Islamic Jihad Palestinians?  

You think if you give it to one the others won’t want it too and can you imagine the fireworks when they get to quarreling?  They don’t get along wi
th one another, fat chance they’ll suddenly sing Hatikvah.
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Holding the baby in Tel Aviv.
A Tel Aviv baby's first lesson in democracy

Voting in the Kiryat Arba settlement on the outskirts of Hebron (Photo: EPA)
Voting in Jewish Kiryat Arba, across the Green Line

Elderly woman voting in Kibbutz Nir Am near Sderot (Photo: Herzel Yosef)
Elderly woman voting at Kibbutz Nir Am, on the Gaza Belt

And another casts her ballot in Tel Aviv. (Photo: Asaf Mirom)
Another bride in Tel Aviv

Voting at the 'children's ballot box' in Givatayim.
 Voting at the children's ballot box at Givatayim
Likud party supporters react joyously after hearing exit poll results in Tel Aviv this morning 
Likud supporters reacting to poll results
Israeli supporters of the Zionist Union party react to exit poll figures outside the party's headquarters on March 17, 2015 in the city of Tel Aviv. (photo credit: AFP/THOMAS COEX)
Defeated Labour supporters -  Time for reflection (AFP)
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
The international conspiracy to topple PM Netanyahu - The 'too little too late' PM fighting for his political life after years of appeasing the White House, the Arabs, and the Jewish pro-Arab Left
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Brazen White House interference in sovereign nations
Friday, January 30, 2015
IS WHITE HOUSE USING TAX DOLLARS TO TOPPLE ISRAELI PM Netanyahu in next elections - White House not only works on partitioning Israel to create an Islamic Arab state, but now it appears to be connected to conspiracy to finance and influence who is going to be Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu
PM Benjamin Netanyahu 

Israel's legal right to Judea and Samaria (West Bank). 
Time to say it PM Netanyahu.
Read more

Dry Bones, Kirschen, cartoon,Obama, Bibi, Netanyahu, elections,

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