
Friday, March 20, 2015

IN DEFENSE OF THE US PRESIDENT AND HIS ATTITUDE TOWARDS ISRAEL - Widespread criticism reveals lack of understanding of how his policies are shaped by his upbringing and his love for Islam

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A tongue in cheek commentary
By Zbiegniew Zwgstkstwig
Obama Netanyahu
I've been observing with concern the surge in criticism of the US president over his attitude towards Israel, and in particular towards Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

obama-evil-eye 2
With Israeli PM Netanyahu
Hyperboles abound.  They say that the relationship has gone from strained to explosive.  A pundit even dared to call the president's administration anti-Semitic. 

I think it's time to put things into perspective and to explain why the president gives the impression of being anti-Israel.

As most things, one has to start at the beginning:  President Obama's own childhood. 

He was not a child of privilege like the Bush kids, or what people call an "all American kid". 

Barack Obama: President Barack Obama's father, Barack Obama, Sr., was born in Kenya. The president's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born in Kansas. President Obama was born in Honolulu— The first U.S. president born in Hawaii.
With his dad
He was born in 1961 to an American mother who loved Africa and the third world, and a Muslim African father. 

His first love was for Kenya, the land of his father, and for Muslim Indonesia, the land of his stepfather and his home during his younger years.

Growing up abroad his education was provided mostly by Muslim teachers, while surrounded by Muslim culture.  That was how he bonded with Islam and its values from very early on.
In ceremonial Muslim garb

As Aristotle said, Give me a child until he is seven, and I will show you the man.

In other words, first impressions and first indoctrinations  last a lifetime.   

During an interview president Obama recited in Arabic the opening lines of the Muslim call to prayer, describing it as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset." 
With his best friend,
Islamist president
Erdogan of Turkey

Mr Obama's upbringing and his deep and loving connection to Islam and to the Muslim world is something that people often fail to take into consideration. 

They unfairly expect him to think and behave like the "all-American guy" that most US politicians claim to be.   He is not an all-American guy, and his compassionate heart has always been with the third world. 
With Iran's Hassan Rohani

This explains much of president Obama's foreign policy, from his presidential initial outreach to Islam and constant defense and support for the religion of peace, to his solidarity with the third world, to his extraordinary efforts to conclude an agreement with Iran that will allow it to develop nuclear weapons, and to his unconditional and unswerving support for the Palestinians,

Another issue to consider is how animosity towards Israel and the Jews is part of the Muslim culture, going back 1400 years.   Hate and contempt for the Jews is part of the Koran and the Hadith, both familiar to the US president through years of education in a Muslim country.   
With Palestinian Chief Abbas
Although Islam is the religion of peace, Prophet Mohammed ordered the slaughter of 1000 Jews in only one day.  And Muslim massacres of Jews followed after that for many centuries - to this day. 

These events shock us here in the West, but in the Muslim world they are seen as condoned by Islam's doctrine and fully justifiable. 

Islam regards Judaism as subservient to Islam.  The very idea of Jews ruling over Muslim Palestinians is EXTREMELY offensive to Islam, and it is at the heart of Muslims' rejection of Israel. 
It elicits a disgust so profound that neither historical facts nor international law could ever convince a true Muslim of Israel's right to exist.   

Muslims who endorse the Two States Solution  see it as a just a stage towards the eventual dismantlement of Israel.

 Meeting the Saudi king
Those who expect President Obama to have a more favorable attitude towards Israel are being unfair to the president.  

Although the president is a Christian, his alma mater is Islam.  We cannot expect him to betray the ideology and the culture that nourished his soul during his impressionable childhood years.

We should be more understanding and patient with president Obama.  We should withhold the name calling and unreasonable demands for friendlier policies towards Israel, and more cautionary ones towards the Muslim world. 

America was proud of electing 
an Afro-American President
Those unreasonable demands are most unfair because American voters knew who they were electing the first time. 

And if they didn't, they had four years to inform themselves, and when they did they still voted for president Obama a second time. 

President Obama has good reason to believe that he was given the mandate not only to revolutionize US foreign policy, but to transform America as well. 

That is why he is welcoming folks from all over the Muslim world to come to America as immigrants or refugees. 

America will never be the same again.  And president Obama hopes that neither will Israel.


Images such as this one,
contrasting the Israeli and the US leaders,
are completely unfair to the US president. 

 It's true that PM Netanyahu fought in several wars to defend his country,
but president Obama has had to deal with his own personal struggles
 while trying to find his identity.  
Obama found his calling in seeking to effect profound and lasting change to the United States of America - first while working as a community organizer, and then as a twice-elected president of the country. 
And this was totally unjustified:
Mark Levin to Obama:
'Anti-Semitism Reeks from Your Administration'
Mark Levin is a lawyer and host of a popular radio talk show.
He uttered those charged words during an interview


This video is totally offensive

Obama reacts to Netanyahu's victory
(a video using a clip of a movie and made-up subtitles with a completely imagined conversation between the president and his aides)



And this 2012 video is absolutely devastating.
Can't a politician change his mind anymore, and break a few promises?  What's wrong with that?

"Daylight - The Story of Obama and Israel"
Obama ran as a pro-Israel candidate.
But he switched once he was in office.

NOTE:  A glitch could make the video start in the middle
Please slide the cursor back to the beginning.

 Americans have forgotten,
so why can't Israelis do the same?



President's Obama official biography:

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's biography

Reasons for president Obama's antagonism towards Israel

Muslim anti-Semitism

Islam's history of genocide 
250 million non-Muslims murdered by Muslims
It started with the prophet Muhammad ordering the decapitation of almost 1000 Jews in a single day.
The sharp increase in Muslim Somali immigration and from jihadist areas into the USA

The Obama administration is compassionately seeding (their words) Muslim and other third world immigrant groups all over America -  Ten things to know

Staggering number of Muslim immigrants into America

And how the White House regards US interference in Israeli elections just another form of American aid - helping Israelis make up their minds


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