
Thursday, March 19, 2015

DEVOTED DOG MOTHER DUG A HOLE BENEATH A METAL CONTAINER TO PROTECT PUPPIES FROM AN OUT OF CONTROL FOREST FIRE in Valparaiso, Chile - All puppies survived. They and their mom, named Blackie, were to be adopted.

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A few days ago I posted the story of another mother dog in Chile who saved her puppies from a house fire, and deposited them one by one inside the fire truck for safety. READ HERE

Now here is a similar story of canine motherly devotion and intelligence.

Brave: The dog, now named Blacky, dug the hole and hid her puppies from the forest fire near the city of ValparaisoDaily Mail - Proof that a mother's love knows no bounds: Dog saves her litter of puppies from a forest fire by digging a hole for them to hide in as flames lick around them in Chile 

  • Devoted mum, now nicknamed Blacky, saved lives of her nine puppies
  • She dug hole for pups to shelter in beneath a metal container
  • Amazed locals rescued dogs, and have now offered to adopt them 
  • Huge forest fires near city of Valparaiso have devastated area 
  •  Proud: The nine puppies were only a week old when their devoted mother saved their lives by digging the hole
    Proud: The nine puppies were only a week old when their devoted mother saved their lives by digging the hole
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    Shocking footage shows the intense blaze that ripped through the forest as firefighters struggle to contain the fire near the city of Valparaiso.
    As firefighters battled the flames, residents told them they had seen a dog leading the puppies away from the blaze and then bury them under a metal container to protect them from the flames. 
    Intense: At least one person was killed and thousands more evacuated as the fire spread, fanned by strong windsThe rescuers went in search of the animals and soon found all nine puppies alive and well.
    Footage shows volunteers digging frantically and rescuing the tiny pups from underneath the metal container where they had been hidden.
    The canines were rescued over the weekend reported local TV station Telemundo. One of the men involved in the rescue mission said: 'They were all alive and healthy.' 
    Saved: Locals dug deep beneath the metal container to rescue the puppies, much to the delight of onlookers
    Saved: Locals dug deep beneath the metal container to rescue the puppies, much to the delight of onlookers
    A number of big-hearted residents have now come forward offering to adopt the puppies as well as their mother. 
    Offers: A number of big-hearted locals have come forward offering to adopt the adorable puppies as well as their mother
    The adorable puppies
    The area around Valparaiso has been devastated in recent days by the intense forest fire.  At least one person was killed and thousands more evacuated as the fire spread and was fanned by strong winds. More than 500 hectares were burned since the blaze started last Friday, and at least 19 firefighters have been injured, five of them seriously.
    Officials said they would bring charges against the owner of an illegal landfill site, where the fire is believed to have started.
    Forest fires are common in Chile at this time of year, and have been particularly savage this year after a hot, dry summer.   In 2014, a fire in Valparaiso killed 13 people and destroyed more than 2,000 homes. 


    Love: A heroic mother dog saved her ten-day-old puppies from a house fire in Santa Rosa de Temuco, Chile on ThursdayA similar story of heroic rescue: 
    Mother dog, also in Chile, saved puppies from house fire and deposited them inside a fire truck one by one to keep them safe while she made more rescue trips to save her other puppies. 
    Read more


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