
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

VIETNAM CRUSHES THOUSANDS OF SMUGGLED CATS and kittens to death. Previous report said they had been buried alive - Cats and dogs are raised to be tortured and murdered to be eaten in China, Vietnam, S. Korea and other countries in S.E. Asia - Often dogs and cats are boiled alive because they find them tastier that way

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'Delicacy': Three tonnes of cats, many stolen pets, would have been sold to restaurants in HanoiThousands of kittens CRUSHED to death with a dumper truck in mass execution just hours after they were rescued from dinner table in Vietnam.

  • Cats were being smuggled from China to the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi
  • Police found three tonnes of them crammed into bamboo cages last week
  • Were going to be sold to restaurants where they're considered a delicacy
  • The cats were crushed to death and buried to prevent 'spread of disease'
  • Continue reading

    A previous report indicated that Vietnamese authorities have buried thousands of seized cats -- many believed to have been alive at the time -- after the felines were smuggled from China to feed the nation's illegal cat meat trade.
    A truck containing three tons of live cats crammed into bamboo crates was impounded last Tuesday in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi, with police initially undecided how to deal with the animals.
    But on Wednesday a police officer told AFP they had been buried in accordance with Vietnamese law on smuggled goods.

    'Appalling': The cats were crushed to death and buried by the Binh Minh waste company to stop them 'spreading disease'

    The cats initially appeared to have had a lucky escape when a police officer in Hanoi's Dong Da district stopped the truck which had come to the capital from a town near the Chinese border in north-east Vietnam.
    Pictures of the cats crammed into the pitifully small cages triggered a wave of offers from regional and international animal welfare groups to treat and find homes for the surviving cats.
    Brigitte Bardot offered financial help for the cats via the US embassy but it now appears that all the surviving cats were killed inside their cages shortly after the interception of the truck.
    Le Duc Chinh, who investigated the seizure of cats for animal welfare group the Asia Canine Protection Alliance (ACPA), said environmental officials told him all the cats had to be destroyed and buried in case they spread disease.
    Illegal: Local activist hopes Vietnam will follow Thailand's lead and ban the killing of animals which are not livestock

    This is how they smuggle them.  Many arrive already dead.  To be eaten as a delicacy.

    Cruelty: Thousands of cats were crammed into bamboo cages as they were smuggled from China to  Vietnam

    A waste treatment company was hired and used a dumper truck to crush the cats in their bamboo cages before burying them in a the Kieu Ky waste treatment area near the centre of Hanoi, watched by police, Mr Chinh said.
    'The cats were buried and covered with lime because of concerns that they might spread disease in the capital,' he said. 'Many of the cats had died during the long trip from China.
    'I was appalled and asked them why they did this to the surviving cats, but the officials insisted they were following the law which says they should destroy animals immediately if they do not have health check certificates.' 
    He denied claims that some of the cats were buried alive, adding: 'I checked with waste company Binh Minh who buried the cats. They said they killed all the cats and then they buried them.'


    In South East Asia they boil cats and dogs alive
    They believe the more an animal suffers, the better it tastes due to stress hormones
    Some dogs are burned alive.

    Horrific slaughter of cats and dogs for food continues in China. 
    These animals are at a public park and are drowned before being prepared for a meal.

    China dog-eating celebration goes on despite protests
    Also dogs, rabbits and other animals STILL BEING SKINNED WHILE ALIVE in China fur farms.  Animals electrocuted, strangled and skinned alive: The true face of China's fur farms
    Read more, link to video

    China - Dogs beaten to death, cooked and eaten

    China - Angora rabbits have fur plucked every three months, in excruciatingly painful process

    Thailand - Dog slaughter - They use their skin for industrial products

    Indonesia - Dogs and cats roasted whole

    China - Dogs' skin taken while animal is still alive - it's used to make industrial products

    Japan serves bullfrog at a restaurant while the animal is still alive and twitching

    Thailand dogs stolen to make golf gloves out of their skin

    China - At least ten tigers slaughtered (some by electrocution)
    and butchered as entertainment for wealthy businessmen and other officials.

    Indonesia - The gruesome animal market. 
    Dogs and other animals roasted whole.

    Taiwan - Animals force-fed to win contest sponsored by Taoist temple.

    Indonesia - The horrors of the Surabaya zoo

    How fur is harvested in Asia

    China - the life of torture endured by angora rabbits in China - fur plucked by hand

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