
Thursday, February 5, 2015

THE NEWS IN CARTOONS - February 5, 2015 - How the White House obfuscates the definition of TERROR and TERRORIST, and other news and issues

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Some of these cartoons are amusing but misleading. 
They portray ISIS as the ultimate evil but they fail to note that ISIS acts faithfully according to the teachings of the Koran and the Hadith, the two most sacred books of Islam. 
There is no religious difference between Saudi Arabia, for example, and ISIS. 
Some reasons for the media and Western governments' distinction without a difference between ISIS and ISLAM:
  • The US government  can characterize Saudi Arabia and certain other Muslim countries as "moderate" because their atrocities generally do not get reported on the media.   
  • Their Sharia law operates quietly and brutally without attracting attention because those are already established states, while ISIS is in the process of expanding its territory.
  • ISIS seeks publicity for their savagery, which helps it expand and subjugate other populations through terror.
  • Political interests in the West deliberately deceive the public about "moderate" Muslim countries and "moderate" Islam. 
  • Those political interests also seek increased Muslim immigration.  The hoax of so-called moderate Islam is key to this plan. 
  • Saudi Arabia carries on weekly beheading sessions at public squares every week. 
  • That country's sharia courts also order the stoning of women, the mutilation of lawbreakers and, most recently, ten years in prison and 1000 lashes for a blogger who dared to suggest more freedoms in Saudi Arabian society.
When Muhammad in the 7th century, and then subsequent Muslim leaders, expanded into Asia, Africa and Europe, they were as ruthless as ISIS is today. 
The largest genocide ever committed has been perpetrated by Islam, with at least 250 MILLION non-Muslims murdered in the most horrible way:  tortured to death, mutilated, burned alive, decapitated, and so on.  These punishments for not submitting to Islam are all sanctioned by the Koran and the Hadith.
The "moderate" Jordanian parliament, which today expresses major outrage at ISIS burning alive a captured pilot, had a moment of silence a few weeks ago TO HONOR TERRORISTS that had beheaded four rabbis at a Jerusalem synagogue - and sent letters of condolences to the terrorists' families. 
Palestinians, who are also characterized by the world as "moderate" Muslims, and even as "victims," have a long history of association with Nazism. 
"Moderate" Fatah, that rules the Palestinian Authority, posts daily anti-Semitic and genocidal propaganda by their political and clerical leadership on their own media. 
Please read these recent articles with references
to ISIS and Saudi Arabia's shared ideology:
No religious difference between ISIS and Saudi Arabia. 
They both follow exactly the same religious texts, says a professor who has studied this subject in depth.

ISIS shows verse of the Koran to justify burning captured Jordanian pilot alive. 
What Islam's sacred texts teach in detail about conquest, war and punishment

Jordan's hypocritical outrage

The greatest genocide - 250 million victims - by Islam

 The US liberal media

Obama Media
Nate Beeler -

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The United Nations was set up in 1945, at the end of World War 2. It was not intended to be an association of all the countries in the world. Its "Never Again" mission was, in the wake of that war, to preserve world peace, to guard against the rise of totalitarian mass movements like Nazim and Fascism. Its failure to confront Islamism is a failure of its ability to carry out its basic goal.
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