
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

WHITE HOUSE CLAIM OF HAVING STOPPED IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM IS SHOCKINGLY INACCURATE - The facts show Iran is happily advancing its nuclear program while enjoying a lessening of sanctions

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In the aftermath of President Obama State of the Union address:
President Barack Obama was less than forthcoming with the nation Tuesday when he said that “for the first time in a decade, we’ve halted the progress of [Iran's] nuclear program and reduced its stockpile of nuclear material.”
These claims are not supported by any of the facts on the ground in Iran.
Iran, in fact, has bolstered the most controversial aspects of its nuclear infrastructure, while at the same time dragging out negotiations with Western nations.
Meanwhile, key economic sanctions on Tehran have been rolled back, allowing the Islamic Republic’s economy to rebound.
Contrary to Obama’s claim that the program is “halted,” Iran has actually made significant progress in all areas of its nuclear weapons infrastructure.
This includes building new nuclear reactors, which give Tehran an alternate plutonium path to a nuke, enriching uranium, and continuing critical work on ballistic missiles.
The below chart, provided by The Israel Project, outlines precisely how Iran has continued to make great progress on the nuclear front.

iran not halted

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