
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

PALESTINIAN TERRORIST ATTACKS JEWS TRAPPED INSIDE BUS - Palestinians celebrate with cartoons and the hashtag "Je suis couteau," I am knife - How Western governments and the Church do NOT regard Palestinians killing Jews as terror, and treat terrorist Mahmoud Abbas with reverence.

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Give them a state?
  • A Palestinian man stabbed 17 people on a Tel Aviv bus, seriously wounding 4 of them.
  • Israeli police described it as a terror attack, while it was praised by Palestinians
  • Supporters are now taking to Twitter with 'I am knife' hashtag 
  • The tweets are often accompanied by a graphic showing a bloody knife
  • 'Moderate' Fatah has officially honored a previous Muslim killer of 8 Israelis.
  • Western leaders don't regard the murder of Jews by Palestinians as terror
  • Terrorist Mahmoud Abbas, who routinely eulogizes terrorists who kill Jews, was a guest of honor at the recent Paris march against terror in France, while the Israeli PM was told to stay home because he made the French "uncomfortable".
  • The Vatican has always strongly sided with the Palestinians.  Recently Pope Francis justified Muslim terror against those who offend Islam. 
  • The Orwellian morality of our times.  Perpetrators of terror are treated as heroes, while the Jewish victims are called "Nazis".
  • This attack on bus passengers is the latest in a series of attacks to hit Israel in recent months, in which babies and rabbis praying at a synagogue have been singled out for murder.

  • A injured man is taken to hospital by ambulance crews after being attacked in the vicious assault
    DAILY MAIL - A hashtag that states 'I am knife' has begun trending on Twitter as hardline users take to social media to heap praise a Palestinian man who stabbed 11 people on a bus in Tel Aviv.
    The messages are an attempt to reappropriate the hashtag of solidarity - #JeSuisCharlie - which swept the world in the wake of the terrorist massacre at the Charlie Hebdo magazine offices.
    However, the tweets - often accompanied by illustrations which depict the Palestinian flag and a bloody knife - are being posted in support of the stabber, who was shot by a prison officer after injuring 11 people in a brutal act of violence.

    'Despicable': Ofir Gendelman, the Israeli Prime Minister's Arab media spokesman, described the image as 'despicable' and called into question how moderate the party is

     Notice the pile of skulls have the Star of David on them.  This image was posted on 'moderate' Fatah's Facebook page a few weeks ago by the Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas with the words "lingering on your skulls".  The image was removed after world-wide outrage. 
    The new version of the above poster:
    Trending on social media, the hashtag translated as "#IAmKnife," in praise of weapon used to attack Israelis in Tel Aviv on Jan. 21, 2015.
    And the genocidal creativity continues...
    This tweeter catalogues the recent explosion in use of everyday weapons used to try and murder Israelis.

    See more Palestinian cartoons here: 
    In other news:
    Abbas’ terror-hypocrisy continues:  
    'Moderate' Fatah Palestinian faction praises killers of 8:
    Murder of 6 at bat-mitzvah celebration in 2002 was “heroic operation”.
    Killer of 2 was “brave lion” and “heroic Martyr”
    “Our Martyrs are torches on the path 
     to victory and freedom”

    Read more

    Hours after the stabbing, Fatah incites for more terror
    The Palestinian Authority (PA)'s ruling Fatah party has uploaded a number of posts encouraging incitement against Israelis and Jews in the past several hours.
    Read more:

    But the world supports and finances the Palestinians - precisely because they are a threat to the State of Israel and to Jewish lives. 
    The Palestinians are the greatest per capita recipients of foreign aid in the world, vastly surpassing truly needy groups.
    The West has contracted out the Palestinians to do the bloody work that would be too distasteful for Europeans to do themselves, after the Holocaust.
    The Palestinian chief Mahmoud Abbas was a guest of honor at the recent Paris March for Unity in the aftermath of the Muslim terror attacks in that city.
    Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel shakes hand with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during a solidarity march (Marche Republicaine) with Heads of state i...
    Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, delighted to see Abbas at the Paris march. 
    To Europe the murder of Jews by Palestinians is NOT regarded as terror.
    French President Francois Hollande welcomes Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at the Elysee Palace before attending a unity rally “Marche Republicaine” on January 11, 2015 in Paris in tribute to the 17 victims of a three-day killing spree by homegrown Islamists. (Photo credit: AFP/ DOMINIQUE FAGET
    French president Hollande told the Israeli PM to stay home because his presence at the march would make the French government and participants "uncomfortable". 
    (The Israeli PM attended anyway.)
    But Hollande issued a warm invitation to terrorist Mahmoud Abbas.
    Killing Jews, to Hollande, is not terror.
    The moral failure of supporting terrorists while condemning Jewish victims should outrage the Church.  On the contrary.  Christian churches have been leading international anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian campaigns.  Protestant churches specialize in campaigns of boycott and divestment against Israel. 
    Pope Francis has met several times with terrorist Mahmoud Abbas, while strongly criticizing Israel. 
    The Vatican took many years before recognizing the state of Israel. 
    Popes have made it very clear that they side with the Arab killers, not with the Jewish victims.
    Pope John Paul II met twelve times with terrorist Yassir Arafat.
    Christian support for Muslim terrorists that kill Jews
    Pope Francis tells reporters that he justifies Muslim terror that killed French cartoonists.
    The Vatican rushes to "clarify".
    ORWELLIAN HISTORICAL FALSIFICATION now deeply embedded in our culture -
    Read more

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