
Thursday, January 15, 2015

THE WEST IS DOOMED - France mobilizes for the right to draw cartoons! - while govts and Church re-affirm support for Islam - The French send aircraft carrier "to fight terror," but they can't send a single police car to Muslim enclaves within France - Western leaders' CHOREOGRAPHY OF DECEIT - Leaders were not really at the march, but on an isolated street for photo ops

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In response to a new wave of terror in France, the government has bravely decided to send an impressive aircraft carrier to the Mideast "to fight terror". 
In the meantime French police don't dare to get even close to self-ruled Muslim enclaves all over France - the No-Go-Zones, teeming with criminal gangs.
There are events that become emblematic of their time. 
Our moment was that march in Paris. 
What was it about?
LONDON: A demonstrator holds a pen in symbolic  support of the Paris victims in a solidarity gathering at London's Trafalgar Square today
Waving pens and pencils
Marches are for the powerless.
Start instead enacting policies to effectively defend the West.
Was the Paris march against terror? 
No.  Arch-terrorist Mahmoud Abbas, with the blood of thousands of Jews on his hands, was invited and given a place of honor at the head of the march.  Pictures show him smiling at the sheer stupidity of his hosts. 
Was it for a firmer stance against terror? 
No.  Israel has been battling Islamic terror for decades, but France demands its surrender and partition for the creation of another Muslim terror state - for "peace". 
Not only that but the French government told Israeli PM Netanyahu to stay home and NOT attend the Paris march because his presence made them "uncomfortable".
Was it against Islam's ideology of intolerance and violence? 
No.  Western leaders wasted no time in bending over backwards to defend - once again - Islam, the religion of peace.
Was it against the Islamization of the West? 
No.  Angela Merkel made it very clear that those who protest against Sharia Law are racists, and within hours she was joining a Muslim march against "Islamophobia", and later telling the world that "Islam belongs to Germany".
Was it against Muslim immigration? 
No.  Merkel and her counterparts in Britain and other parts of Europe have re-affirmed that Muslim immigration to their countries will continue undisturbed.

So, what was the impressive Paris "unity march" all about? 
That remains unclear. 
About unity for the defense of Islam?   
The presence of Mahmoud Abbas seems to indicate that was one of the motives.
Or unity for the right to draw cartoons without getting shot? 
This appears to be the most likely motivation for the march. 
The cries of "Charlie, Charlie," by the masses, their pencil-waving, the outpouring of grief over cartoonists (but not over Jews who were not even guilty of drawing Mohammed), seems to indicate that the march was indeed motivated by support for cartoonists' freedom to draw  -  but not by condemnation of Muslim terror per se.
In other words, the French can tolerate Muslims killings of civilians and routinely destroying property (and even justify it at times), along with their relentless intimidation of the entire population - as long as they don't try to silence cartoonists.
The French and the international leadership that participated in the march might as well have been waving white flags.
At this moment the French government is spending enormous amounts of money policing vulnerable places in France, particularly tourist attractions, but there is no mention - none whatsoever - of implementing a change to their immigration policies or to policing their resident Muslim criminal enclaves. 
The real march is on: 
Muslims coming to the West to live, and eventually to dominate. 
The West is doomed.
The reality 
it was all staged on an isolated street
They were not leading
They were performing according to a predetermined choreography.
Francois Hollande reviews the troops during his visit on the French nuclear aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle
A decisive-looking leader, sharp military, an impressive nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. 
A few bombings here and there against ISIS.  

French President Francois Hollande welcomes Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at the Elysee Palace before attending a unity rally “Marche Republicaine” on January 11, 2015 in Paris in tribute to the 17 victims of a three-day killing spree by homegrown Islamists. (Photo credit: AFP/ DOMINIQUE FAGET
 France is with you all the way, Mahmoud. 
Keep up the resistance against those Jews.

Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel shakes hand with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during a solidarity march (Marche Republicaine) with Heads of state i...
German chancellor Merkel and Palestinian chief Abbas
Sure, killing Jews in Israel is not terror.  Good job!
BY STUBBORNLY IGNORING THE PUBLIC OUTCRY AGAINST THE ISLAMIZATION OF THE WEST and the role of Islam in terror attacks, our leaders, media and elites will help empower the extreme right and unleash disaster
Includes links to websites exposing Islam and the Islamization of the West

France tells Israeli PM to stay home because his presence makes the government "uncomfortable"
And the US President invites Nazi-saluting, anti-Semitic guest to the White House, right after the Paris massacre. 

The No-Go Zones - Muslim enclaves in France - See maps
And Satire for a Two-States Solution for France

Memorials: A blood-stained banner bore the faces of the cartoonists and contributors murdered in the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris at the 12th PEGIDA rallyJanuary 12 - Angela Merkel asks PEGIDA to cancel its march against the Islamization of Germany.
PEGIDA went ahead.

Chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, Aiman Mazyek (left) and  German Chancellor Angela Merkel (right) were among thousands at a Muslim community rally, less than 24 hours after a record 25,000 people attended a right-wing protestMerkel joins "tolerance rally" sponsored by Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and declares that Islam belongs in Germany 
This after condemning non-racist PEGIDA march against the Islamization of Germany.
Photo of Merkel with German Muslim leader:   Daily Mail

German cathedral dims its lights in support of .... Islam
but not of the hundreds of thousands of Christians victims of Muslim persecution
US after the massacre in Paris: 
Nancy Pelosi names Muslim Brotherhood-linked Muslim Congressman to House Intelligence Committee
The Islamization of British schools scandal - By Bruce Bawer

Obscured by the Paris headlines
Muslims slaughter 2000 civilians in Nigeria

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