
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

ONGOING HORRIFIC SLAUGHTER OF DOGS AND CATS FOR FOOD IN CHINA - Animals are often cooked alive because of the belief that stress hormones from the tortured animals make the meat taste better

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See how dogs and cats, often stolen pets, are packed in tight cages, skinned alive, and then stunned before being cooked. 
Pictures of other dogs being cooked alive
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Chinese customers browse cats and dogs in cages beside the road, then select one to be drowned and cooked.
  • Chinese street vendors caught on camera selling dog and cat meat
  • Animals are kept in cages and customers choose which they want
  • The animal is drowned in a river and then butchered by the roadside
  • Traders said they started drownings to avoid 'distressing customers

  • Horrible: Dogs and cats are kept in cages in order for customers to pick the animal they want, after which it is 'humanely' drowned by being shoved in a bag and thrown in a nearby river
    The brutal practices of China's street trade in cat and dog meat has been revealed in a shocking report on local television.
    Chinese street traders caught on TV selling fresh animal meat, proudly explained that the animals are 'humanely' drowned by being shoved in a bag and thrown in a nearby river. (Or in a bucket, as in the following picture.) 
    Disturbing pictures, including those of dogs being boiled alive because to SE Asians they taste better that way

    Not bothering to walk to the river, this street vendor prepares to drown the cat in a bucket for a customer
    Getting ready to drown cat in a bucket
    Live dogs and cats are kept in cages, in order for customers select the animal they want, after which the can take it home alive or pay to have it killed, skinned and cooked in front of them.
    After a customer has chosen an animal, the cat or dog is put in a bag and thrown in the river to drown.  
    Street food: The cat, as in this picture, is then skinned, butchered and cooked in front of the customer
    Trader Ming She told local TV: 'We want to prove our customers that what we sell is fresh unlike some of the shops in town, but with no facilities to kill what we sell out of view, the best and most humane thing to do is to throw them in the water.'
    He said that the animals died quickly in the sacks and added: 'It is a painless death, which nobody complains about.'
    After ten minutes in the water, the animal is skinned and can be butchered in front of the customer or even cooked fresh and eaten straightaway.
     Disgusting: A female vendor prepares to cook two dogs, hanging by their necks from a nearby tree
    At least here they kill the animals first.  Skinning and then boiling or burning dogs alive is still being practiced in China and SE Asia.
    Following the report on local TV, Foshan city council  announced that it planned to crack down on the market, as the meat could be 'unhealthy'.
    Council spokesman Guang Kang added: 'It may seem as if the meat is fresh because it is alive, but the source of these animals is unknown and many of them could be diseased or unhealthy for other reasons and we would advise people to stay away from them.'
    He added that inspectors would be visiting the market and closing down the illegal traders which were damaging the reputation of the city.
    In South East Asia they boil cats and dogs alive -
    They believe the more an animal suffers, the better it tastes due to stress hormones -
    Some dogs are burned alive.
    Dogs and cats skinned
    and then boiled alive in China
    Petition site: 
    Stop Koreans/Chinese from BOILING DOGS AND CATS ALIVE

    Stop Koreans/Chinese from BOILING DOGS AND CATS ALIVE - Fulfill the UN Millennium promise!In S.E Asia, they are still boiling alive, cats and dogs. UN Secretary - General Ban Ki Moon states "We must not fail the billions who look to the international community to fulfill the promise of the Millennium Declaration for a better world."
    A better world? - To create this, stop Chinese and Koreans from deliberatly torturing animals for Dog Torture Soup! The torture for satisfaction, food and money. It is all on the black market. That is very very very bad.
    The Koreans love Dog Torture Soup. Dog torture soup does not belong in a world that recognizes the UN Millennium Goals. Dog torture soup was developed 2,000 years ago by a sick society based in fear, bitterness, anger and resentment. The old resentment is so ingrained now, and projected onto the dogs. We have all seen the photos of dogs boiling alive.
    Dogs and cats DO NOT DESERVE the heinous crime of such a painful death. 
    I have spoken to young Koreans who say, that "yes, the dogs should be killed with EXTRA PAIN because it makes the meat taste better."

    These people need education. There is a sickness in your society. Until you fix it, you will fail in the UN Millennium goals of real education.
    Please work with UNESCO to educate young Koreans and young Chinese, that torturing animals for tasty and tender flesh, is barbaric and does not belong in the Millennium Development goals of an educated society.

    If the UN still allows this torture to and under the "Culture" Banner of UNESCO, it is as to say that culture=torture=culture=torture, just as bullfighting is legal and part of culture in some countries in Europe.

    Read more - Petition Site

    China dog-eating celebration goes on despite protestsAlso dogs, rabbits and other animals STILL BEING SKINNED WHILE ALIVE in China fur farms.  Animals electrocuted, strangled and skinned alive: The true face of China's fur farms
    Read more, link to video

    China - Dogs beaten to death, cooked and eaten

    China - Angora rabbits have fur plucked every three months, in excruciatingly painful process

    Thailand - Dog slaughter - They use their skin for industrial products

    Indonesia - Dogs and cats roasted whole

    China - Dogs' skin taken while animal is still alive - it's used to make industrial products

    Japan serves bullfrog at a restaurant while the animal is still alive and twitching

    Thailand dogs stolen to make golf gloves out of their skin

    China - At least ten tigers slaughtered (some by electrocution)
    and butchered as entertainment for wealthy businessmen and other officials.

    Indonesia - The gruesome animal market. 
    Dogs and other animals roasted whole.

    Taiwan - Animals force-fed to win contest sponsored by Taoist temple.

    Indonesia - The horrors of the Surabaya zoo

    How fur is harvested in Asia

    China - the life of torture endured by angora rabbits in China - fur plucked by hand

    Japan - The cruel slaughter of whales and dolphins

    Japan - fun family park where you can swim with dolphins and eat dolphin meat afterwards
    Clandestine SE Asia traffic of health pills made out of aborted babies.  Some eat the babies' remains themselves
    WASHINGTON, May 10, 2012 — China’s one child policy, baby trafficking, and sex trafficking of North Korean women aren’t the worst human rights violation happening in the country. Aborting innocent and healthy unborn children and eating them to boost one’s stamina and sexual health is. 
    Dead baby pills: This is ground baby powder which tests discovered is 99.7 per cent human last year. South Korean officials have stopped 17,000 dead baby pills being imported since last August
    Pills made out of babies
    South Korean customs officials recently seized thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh arriving from China. Since August 2011, South Korean officials have intercepted more than 17000 pills smuggled from China.
    South Korean officials became aware of a horrific practice of eating aborted fetuses after Seoul Broadcasting System showed a documentary on Chinese doctors who performed abortions and then ate the fetuses. One Chinese doctor on the documentary took out fetuses from his refrigerator   

    The Daily Mail revealed further details about the practice:
    Read more


    The above articles focus on some Asian countries. 
    But there is extreme animal abuse perpetrated everywhere, including in the West.

    VIDEO - From Farm to Fridge
    This is how animals are tortured before they reach your supermarket or favorite fast food restaurant.

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