
Tuesday, January 6, 2015


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  • Sailor Gutzler walked away from a plane crash that killed her parents, sister and cousin.
  • Her father, a pilot, taught her survival skills.
  • With only a t-shirt and shorts on, no shoes, and a broken wrist, she tried to make a torch.
  • Unable to do so she went for help, after trying in vain to revive her parents
  • She walked nearly a mile in the middle of the night through a thorny and cold Kentucky forest to find help.
  • Finally she sighted a light in the distance and found a house. 
'Her voice was quivering': When police arrived, Sailor was so shaken she didn't make any sense
Sailor Gutzler -  You can't stop me
Relatives told NBC News that 7-year-old Sailor Gutzler, who walked away from a Kentucky plane crash that killed four family members, used survival skills learned from her father to make her way safely to a home nearly a mile away from the crash site. 

Her father, Marty Gutzler, was a flight instructor. A pilot for 30 years who had taught his kids survival skills. Sailor had apparently paid close attention because relatives say she used the plane’s burning wing to light a branch to find her way out of the dark woods,” NBC’s Gabe Gutierrez reported.
Before she struggled through the thick brush, the child tried to wake up her dead relatives, thinking they might be asleep.
Sailor tried to rouse the family members to no avail. She told Larry Wilkins, whose door she ended up at after her desperate walk to safety, but they 'wouldn't wake up', according to ABC News.

The second grader, who had a broken bone in her wrist, freed herself from the plane that came to rest upside-down in a densely wooded area, wearing shorts and a t-shirt and missing her shoes and one sock.

'Her voice was quivering': When police arrived, Sailor was so shaken she didn't make any sense
Although she was unable to light the torch, she managed to make her way through nearly a mile of dense forest as she tried to find help for her family.
Bloodied and traumatized, she used the burning wreckage to fashion a makeshift torch to guide her way through the Kentucky forest until she saw a light on in a house. She reportedly employed survival skills her dad taught her to stay alive.
“She’s in a place she doesn’t see any lights. She walked through thorns, briars, a 12-foot ditch, a creek bed, and continues to walk in that environment with no shoes on until she sees a light in a house,” said Lt. Brent White of the Kentucky State Police. “To say it’s a miracle is an understatement.”
'She literally fell out of the sky into a dark hole and didn't have anybody but her own will to live and get help for her family,' White told the Associated Press. 'Absolutely amazing.' 

Forty minutes after air traffic controllers lost contact with the plane, police received a call from Larry Wilkins, who said a little girl had appeared on his doorstep “dressed for Florida” in the frigid 38-degree temperatures, saying that her family had been killed in a plane crash.
The home of Larry Wilkins sits nestled in the woods - the Sailor walked to his home for help 
The Wilkins' home, where Sailor got help.

“She indicated to us that she believed her family was deceased but that she hoped they were just sleeping,” Lt. White said. “I was literally just struck by how calm she was able to be and the ability for her to give us this information.”

The family was returning home to Nashville, Illinois, after a Florida vacation. Sailor was treated and released from the hospital the next morning.
Family spokesman Kent Plotner asked for prayers for the family, especially for Sailor. “We are devastated by this loss, but are confident that they rest in God’s loving arms,” he said in a statement.
Tight-knit: The family of four are from Nashville, Tennessee, and were on Florida on vacation. Pictured: The family present Mr Gutzler with a plane cake on his birthday
Sailor (right) with her parents and sister. 
With reports and photos from:

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