
Monday, January 5, 2015


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Instead of shining a light on widespread Muslim persecution of Christians and other minorities, the Church appears to side with the perpetrators.  Cologne Cathedral goes dark as a sign of solidarity with Islam during popular demonstrations against the Islamization of Europe.
Tens of thousands marched today again against the Islamization of Europe
 Pegida-Demonstranten in Dresden: Trotz bundesweiter Kritik an Pegida hat das...
Photo:  Spiegel
Cologne Cathedral
On a previous article  today I referred to how the Church refrains from speaking out against Muslim persecution of Christians in order to maintain its alliance with Islam for the  destruction of Israel. 
Destroying Israel is to the Church of greater importance than speaking out in defense of Christians being massacred by Islam in the Mideast and in Africa.
Some of the greatest defenders of Islam in Europe are Christian churches, even as they watch how European Islam limits and abuses the human rights of non-Muslims.
European churches also watch as their flock dwindles, and church buildings are sold at an alarming rate to be turned into mosques.  

Christianity is dying in Europe and Christians are being massacred in the Middle East and in Muslim Africa. 

But to Christian churches the greatest concern is to organize anti-Israel campaigns aimed at demonizing and isolating that country.
So the irony is that while the Church wages its ideological and anti-Semitic crusade against Israel and the Jews, Christianity itself is shrinking.  
Many Europeans - Christians or not - are waking up to the fact that they are losing their countries and their civilization to Islam.  For many years they were forced to keep silent, afraid to be accused of racism - although Islam is an ideology, not a race. 
Supporters of the Pegida movement, including some holding lanterns glowing in the colours of the German flag, gather for another of their weekly protests on January 5, 2015 in Germany

But as Muslim crimes and rapes and abuse of social services increase, as well as intimidation and violence against non-Muslims, there is now the beginning of a movement to salvage whatever culture and freedoms Europeans still have. 
However, without a moratorium on Muslim immigration and a strengthening of laws protecting free speech, their effort is doomed.
But how do you reason with this?
Or this?

Cologne Cathedral goes dark in solidarity with Islam

(Reuters) – One of Germany’s most famous landmarks, Cologne Cathedral, will be plunged into darkness on Monday evening in protest at a march by a growing grass-roots anti-Muslim movement through the western German city, cathedral authorities said.

The illumination of the world famous Cologne cathedral goes out during a rally called 'Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West' (PEGIDA) in ...

The rise of the group, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA), has shaken Germany’s political establishment, prompting Chancellor Angela Merkel to say in her New Year address that its leaders were racists full of hatred and citizens should beware being used.

PEGIDA’s last weekly rally in the eastern city of Dresden attracted some 17,000 people, and the movement plans further marches in other cities, including through the center of Cologne on Monday night with a rally by the cathedral.
PEGIDA is made up of an astonishingly broad mix of people, ranging from those in the middle of society to racists and the extreme right-wing,” Cathedral Dean Norbert Feldhoff told Reuters.
"By switching off the floodlighting we want to make those on the march stop and think. It is a challenge: consider who you are marching alongside.”
Dresden’s famous Semperoper opera house also extinguished its lights in protest during the last PEGIDA march in the city.
An opinion poll on Thursday found one German in eight would join an anti-Muslim march if PEGIDA organized one in their home town.

Many people are concerned about the numbers of asylum seekers entering Germany, which surged to about 200,000 in 2014, four times the number in 2012. Net immigration has also hit a two-decade high….
Europe sells off its churches - Christianity's future in Europe is dim.
This does not deter them from attacking Israel and mounting vicious campaigns of boycott and divestment.
The  agenda behind the Church's bizarre alliance with Islam and its unconditional support for Palestinian terrorists.
The largest genocide in the history of mankind
A conservative estimate is that Islam has killed at least 250 million non-Muslims throughout history, and victimized many more - and counting.
Searching for Moderate Islam -
It only exists in the imagination of multiculturalists - There is only one Islam.  By Daniel Greenfield.
Muslim persecution of Christian - News archive
Muslim persecution of Christians
The toll all over the Muslim world

Jihad Watch 
The Religion of Peace
The Religion of Peace - The Myths of Islam
Creeping Sharia
Political Islam - Dr Bill Warner
The Arab Slave Trade - which goes on to this day
Tundra Tabloids
Gates of Vienna
The Muslim Issue
Money Jihad
Bare Naked Islam (graphic violence)


The following photos of January 5 rallies in Germany from the Daily Mail:

Cologne Cathedral (left) was plunged into darkness last night as the authorities switched off the power at famous landmarks to show ttheir disapproval at anti-immigrant protests

PEGIDA has sought to distance itself from the far-right, saying in its position paper posted on Facebook that it is against 'preachers of hate, regardless of what religion' and 'radicalism, regardless of whether religiously or politically motivated' 

The rallies, attended by opponents of Germany's immigration and asylum policies, have become an almost weekly event in the east German city of Dresden in recent months 

 PEGIDA has sought to distance itself from the far-right, saying in its position paper posted on Facebook that it is against 'preachers of hate, regardless of what religion' and 'radicalism, regardless of whether religiously or politically motivated' 
The blanket of darkness which descended across Germany was said to be a sign of solidarity against protests by the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West

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