
Saturday, November 29, 2014

WORSENING HUMANITARIAN CONDITIONS IN SYRIA - Spreading disease, including FLESH EATING MAGGOT DISEASE, afflicting the population - The US and UK accused of underfunding aid to needy Syrians, while they continue to give disproportionately high amounts of aid to Palestinians

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The results of the West's instigated "Arab Spring" have left the Middle East in much worse conditions than it was before it was unleashed.
Syrian children drink water from a pump on October 28, 2014 in Douma, as the UN health body said it is launching a campaign in Syria in a bid to help people ...

In Syria:
  • Cases of myiasis or flesh-eating maggot disease in Syria.
  • Also rising cases of polio
  • Tuberculosis, typhoid, and scabies are now endemic
  • Hygienic and sanitary conditions are significantly substandard
  • The conflict has killed 195,000 Syrians.
  • Oxfam accuses the US of failing to fund humanitarian aid to Syrians in need.
  • Britain also under fire for only providing meager aid to Syrians.
  • An estimated 9 million Syrian refugees have fled their homes since the start of the Arab Spring and as a result of the conflict that has raged since.
  • In the meantime humanitarian aid continues to pour in disproportionate numbers on Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. 
  • Palestinians are the largest recipients of international aid PER CAPITA in the world (see figures at bottom of page).
Three cases of myiasis have been reported near Damascus, marking the first appearance of the flesh-eating maggot disease in Syria, UN health experts said Friday.

Myiasis, an affliction caused when flies lay their eggs in wounds, is not lethal for humans, but its appearance says a lot about worsening living conditions in war-ravaged Syria, the World Health Organization said. 

Photo above:  children drinking water from a pump in Duoma, Syria
The WHO has already issued an alert about the reappearance of polio in the north of the country, where tuberculosis, typhoid and scabies have again become endemic.
“Three cases of myiasis, otherwise called screw flies, were reported on November 19 in Syria,” WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier told AFP.
The cases were spotted in Douma, a rebel bastion northeast of the capital held by a Salafist group, which has been under government siege for more than a year, with residents facing dwindling food and medical supplies.
“This disease is not so much a danger in itself, but should rather be seen as an indicator for very bad water supply, sanitary and hygienic, as well as socioeconomic circumstances in besieged and hard-to-reach areas,” Lindmeier said.
He pointed out that neighbouring Damascus, which usually has a daily supply of around 350,000 cubic meters of water, “has lost two thirds of its drinking water supply”.
The UN health body said it was launching a hygiene promotion and water rationalization campaign in Syria in a bid to help people avoid behaviors that can lead to myiasis and other water and hygiene-related diseases.
The multi-sided Syrian conflict has killed more than 195,000 people since it began three and a half years ago as an uprising against President Bashar Assad’s regime.
How the US is falling short as Syria humanitarian crisis rages
While the Obama administration struggles to decide on military intervention against the Islamic State in Syria, it is also running the risk of ignoring the humanitarian crisis in the country.
On Tuesday, an Oxfam Briefing Paper accused the international community of failing Syria on three fronts, citing insufficient aid, meager resettlement offers and continued arms transfers.
The report warns that only half of the $7.7 billion in humanitarian appeals for the country have been funded.
Oxfam criticizes several countries in the paper, but special attention is paid to the United States, which it says is neither contributing enough aid nor accepting enough refugees.  Their figures are based on the proportion to the countries' income, not the actual amount contributed.
Read more

A Syrian refugee family at the Al-Nihaya camp in the eastern Lebanese town of Arsal
Britain's response to Syria's humanitarian crisis woefully inadequate, says coalition of leading charities

In an open letter to David Cameron published by The Independent, more than 30 organisations attack the Government for accepting around 100 Syrians - despite committing to welcome many more.
Read more

Syrian refugees: 
An estimated 9 million Syrians have fled their homes since the outbreak of civil war in March 2011, taking refuge in neighbouring countries or within Syria itself.

The following chart illustrates the disproportionate international amount of humanitarian aid PER CAPITA for Palestinians in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza.

Palestinians are still the top recipients of international aid PER CAPITA
That goes to show that international generosity to Palestinians is NOT based on actual humanitarian need, but on the desire to destroy Israel via Arab terror. 
The world - particularly big donors such as Europe and the US governments - have subcontracted the killing of Jews and the destruction of Israel to the Arabs.
To all that humanitarian aid to Palestinians, add the enormous US MILITARY aid and sales to Israel's enemies, such as Egypt, that have been pouring in for many decades now . 
Then you'll get the picture.


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