
Saturday, November 29, 2014

KURDS IN KOBANE SURROUNDED BY ISIS - Thanks to Turkey's informal collaboration with ISIS and the US reluctance to give proper military aid to Kurds - The West, Turkey and the Arabs hoping for the defeat of the Kurds, even if it is through genocide

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The West's abandonment of the Kobane and the Kurds
The most recent assault began when a suicide bomber detonated his explosives while driving an armoured vehicle across the border, Kurdish officials have said. Above, the aftermath of a truck bomb in Kobane
Aftermath of suicide bombing attack in Kobane

  • It was no long ago when we saw the pictures of  the Turkish army and their tanks across the border with Syria and within view of Kobane, doing nothing but waiting for ISIS to massacre the Kurds.   
  • Turkey has been accused of being a secret ally of ISIS. 
  • Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran fear the 30 million Kurds because of their demands for an independent country.  The US has allied itself with those countries and their desire to keep the Kurds oppressed and under occupation.
  • The US - with the world's most powerful military - has engaged in only a mild and sporadic bombing of ISIS buildings and vehicles, in what is nothing but a show to pretend to be helping the Kurds, while denying the Kurds proper weapons to defend themselves.
  • If the Kurds are massacred, it will be the direct result of the US deliberate inaction to protect them. 
  • An intensive US bombing campaign on ISIS in Kobane would have driven them back in a matter of hours.   But the US does not want to defeat ISIS or protect the Kurds.
  • The US government has also done nothing while Yazidis, Christians, and other minorities have been tortured, raped and massacred by ISIS - becoming de-facto indirect collaborationists with ISIS.
  • The US's government's hope is for ISIS to topple Assad in Syria - at any cost.  He is the last secular tyrant still holding on to power after the Arab Spring uprising. 
  • The US government has favored the Muslim fundamentalist takeover of Middle East countries, while turning its back on long-time secular  allies of the US. 
  • The US gave its full support to the Muslim Brotherhood rule after the toppling of Mubarak in Egypt, but has shunned the subsequent secular rule by general Al-Sisi.

Daily Mail - Islamic State militants attack Kobane from Turkey for the first time - indicating besieged Syrian town is totally surrounded 

  • Suicide bomber drove car across border from Turkey, officials have said
  • Turkish government denied claims that its territory had been used for raid 
  • Clashes today have killed at least eight Kurdish fighters, said monitors 

  • Militants from the Islamic State launched an attack on Kobane from Turkey for the first time today - indicating that the Syrian border town is now totally surrounded. 
    The clashes, which killed at least 30 fighters, began when a suicide bomber detonated his explosives while driving an armoured vehicle across the border, Kurdish officials have said.
    Nawaf Khalil, a spokesman for Syria's Kurdish Democratic Union Party, said the terror group 'used to attack the town from three sides. Today, they are attacking from four sides'. 
    Turkey denied the fighters had used its territory for the raid. 
    A Turkish government statement today confirmed that one of the suicide attacks involved a bomb-loaded vehicle that detonated on the Syrian side of the border.
    But it denied claims that the vehicle had crossed into Kobane through Turkey, which would be a first for the extremist fighters.
    It said: 'Claims that the vehicle reached the border gate by crossing through Turkish soil are a lie.
    'Contrary to certain claims, no Turkish official has made any statement claiming that the bomb-loaded vehicle had crossed in from Turkey.
    'The security forces who are on alert in the border region have ... taken all necessary measures.'
    It is understood that a total of four suicide bombers blew themselves up amid the clashes, which killed at least 30 fighters. 
    Witnesses reported seeing thick black smoke rise over Kobane during the attack. 
    The sound of heavy gunfire echoed through the surrounding hills as armored vehicles took up positions on the border. 
    The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said heavy fighting also took place southwest of the town where the Islamic State group brought in tanks to reinforce their fighters.
    Mustafa Bali, a Kobane-based activist, said that Islamic State group fighters have taken positions in the grain silos on the Turkish side of the border and from there are launching attacks toward the border crossing point. 

    He added that the U.S.-led coalition launched an airstrike Saturday morning on the eastern side of the town.
    He said: 'It is now clear that Turkey is openly cooperating with Daesh,' using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State.
    The Islamic State group began its Kobane offensive in mid-September, capturing parts of the town as well as dozens of nearby villages. 
    The town later became the focus of airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition against the militants.
    Kurdish slowly have been advancing slowly in Kobane since late October, when dozens of well-armed Iraqi peshmerga fighters joined fellow Syrian Kurds in the battles. 
    The fighting has killed hundreds of fighters on both sides over the past two months. The Observatory said the latest fighting killed at least eight Kurdish fighters and 17 jihadis. 

    Who truly deserves a state:  the Kurds of the Palestinians?

    The alleged secret deal between the US and Muslim countries for the killing of the Kurds by ISIS

    US aid ending up in ISIS hands

    More on the Kurds on this blog

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