
Monday, November 17, 2014

THE PALESTINIAN FLAG OF 1939 WAS JEWISH AND HAD A STAR OF DAVID ON IT - The word PALESTINIAN was always used in official reference to Jews. - Picture of this flag is additional evidence of current case of Arab identity theft

Palestine Mandate Jewish Flag
Before the reconstitution of the State of Israel the word Palestinian always referred to the Jews who either lived in the land the Romans had renamed "Palestine," or who intended to return there.
The original name of the land was Judea and Samaria.  By renaming it Palestine the Romans intended to erase all historical memory of the Jews.  It didn't happen.
After the Romans came the Muslim as conquerors and invaders.  They established themselves there and built a mosque on top of the sacred Temple Mount, where King Solomon's Temple used to be before destroyed and ransacked by the Romans. 
While Jerusalem had a significant Jewish population all along,  much of the land remained underpopulated for centuries.  It was swampy, it was desert.  
But then came the Jews to reclaim the land.  And Arabs from today's Egypt, Syria, Iraq arrived looking for jobs.  These are the Arabs who - without a distinctive identity to separate them from other Arabs - appropriated the denomination Palestinian for themselves.   
They are Arabs with a stolen identity. Watch video further on with "Palestinian" leader acknowledging that half of Palestinians are Egyptians and the rest Saudis.

The Factual Israel website has uncovered another piece of evidence of how the word Palestinian was unequivocally used to refer to Jews.  Here is their article:


This a Larousse French dictionary from 1939. In the appendix it lists all the then current flags of the world in alphabetical order. You’ll notice that for Germany at that time the flag was the Nazi one replete with swastika which proves that this was pre-1945 ( before 1945) ! .
Now, alphabetically, look for the Palestinian Flag. YES , there is one. What does it look like?

Surprised? Oh, but you thought (Mandate Jewish) Palestine was an Islamic Arab-,Turkish-, Circassian Sovereign State that the bad Jews took over , right?

From 1920-1948 a ( class ‘A’ Mandate) State of Palestine existed as per international law but it was, as all of its major institutions, Jewish. Until the 1960s, name “Palestine” resonated as something Jewish to peoples ears. The 4,000 year old Jewish homeland or “Land of Israel” or the “Holy Land” were all synonymous!!
The British as legal Mandatory over the Mandate managed or mismanaged the state partially with Jewish Auxiliary until Jews regained official sovereignty in 1948, by declaring independence.

The U.N. did not recreate Israel as some people claim.
Click on this page

 and see the original article as shown above, and additional articles and videos such as:
The Legal Case for Israel Video by Professor Eugene Kontorovich
Origin of a People, Who are the Palestinians?
What is Palestine? Who are the Palestinians?
Faisal–Weizmann Agreement – When the Arabs asked the Jews to return to Israel
The Root Cause of all the conflicts in the Middle East


Arab genocidal acts and threats against Jews date from before there was a modern state of Israel, way before there was even talk of an 'occupation'

By:  - Jewish Press 

So-called Palestinian people are an invention.  They are all descendants of Egyptians, Saudis, and such. 
Palestinian leader himself says so.  Watch video.
The facts:  The people who call themselves Palestinians are simply Arabs (Muslims) who came to this area from several Islamic regimes. This is not my opinion but rather what their leaders clearly say. Take a minute and watch this!
Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad Slams Egypt over Fuel Shortage in Gaza Strip, and Says: "Half of the Palestinians Are Egyptians and the Other Half Are Saudis"


Following are excerpts from an address by Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad, aired by Al-Hekma TV on March 23, 2012. Fathi Hammad : Is Egypt incapable of supplying fuel for 1.5 to 2 million people in the Gaza Strip?
If you do not point your compass toward Palestine, Al-Aqsa, and Jerusalem, in order to uproot the Zionist enemy, the US will trample you underfoot. It will besiege you with its conspiracies and will finish you off. Therefore, you must hoist the banner of Jihad, the banner of "there is no god but Allah."
Brothers, there are 1.8 million of us in Gaza. In Egypt, there are about 90 million people. We equal merely two percent of the Egyptian population. [Supplying us with fuel] would not burden you at all.
At Al-Aqsa and on the land of Palestine, all the conspiracies, throughout history, have been shattered - the conspiracies of the Crusaders, and the conspiracies of the Tatars. At Al-Aqsa and on the land of Palestine, the Battle of Hattin was waged. The [West] does not want this noble history to repeat itself, because the Jews and their allies would be annihilated - the Zionists, the Americans, and the imperialists.

Thus, the conspiracy is very clear. Al-Aqsa and the land of Palestine represent the spearhead for Islam and for the Muslims. Therefore, when we seek the help of our Arab brothers, we are not seeking their help in order to eat, to live, to drink, to dress, or to live a life of luxury. No. When we seek their help, it is in order to continue to wage Jihad.
Allah be praised, we all have Arab roots, and every Palestinian, in Gaza and throughout Palestine, can prove his Arab roots - whether from Saudi Arabia, from Yemen, or anywhere. We have blood ties. So where is your affection and mercy?
Personally, half my family is Egyptian. We are all like that. More than 30 families in the Gaza Strip are called Al-Masri ["Egyptian"]. Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.
Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians. We are Arabs. We are Muslims. We are a part of you.
Continue reading...


Allah Akbar. All praise to Allah. Allah Akbar. How can you keep silent, oh Muslims, when the people of Gaza are dying? You watch from the sidelines without providing them with the simplest thing, which you give to the West for the most meager price.
Excerpts compiled by
The Palestinian occupation claim has absolutely no basis – not historically, religiously or nationally.  
It is the occupation claim that Muslims use to justify terrorism and murder. Fatah, Hamas, PLO – they are all the same, just one wears a suit with the bomb covered and the other screams Itbach El Yahud (slaughter the Jew). Not slaughter the Zionist or the Israeli, but the JEW!

The Lies Must Stop, IMMEDIATELY!  An Arab Palestine State, country or land NEVER existed and was NEVER occupied by Israel!  I take down this blog if anyone can give me a year when Israel occupied anything from an Arab country called Palestine!

This is a religious war the Muslims call Jihad!

There are no rules when it comes to Muslim wars; lying, terror, beheading and torture are all fair game and of course whining to the U.N. when they lose. Don’t tell me it all started with Israel!

  • In 1929 the Arabs did not slaughter the Jews of Hebron because of the State of Israel!

  • When the Mufti teamed up with Hitler in 1940, it was not because of State of Israel!

  • When the Hadith calls the Jews sons of monkeys and pigs, it is not because of Israel!

  • When Mohammad slaughtered the Jews of Medina because they would not accept his new book, it was not because of the State of Israel!

  • Jews forced to pay Dhimi tax in all Islamic regimes was not because of the State of Israel!

  • When Egyptian born Yasser Arafat started the PLO with the goal of destroying Israel in 1964 (3 years before any settlement ever existed) it wasn’t because of the State of Israel!
Photo shows the Mufti of Jerusalem during WWII reviewing his own Nazi Muslim SS militia that committed gruesome war crimes in Eastern Europe at the service of Hitler.
Read more and get links to additional information about the Arab close collaboration with Hitler and the Holocaust

WAS THIS BECAUSE OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL? I can go on and on but I think you got the point!

This is a war between fundamentalist and violent Islamic fanatics who actually believe that their rule and law should take over the world and the free world, who believe that all humans are created equal. 
Clarification: Most of you reading this blog are punishable by beheading according to Sharia law! 
Muslims Are Occupiers Of The Entire Middle East
Tell Me Again How You Believe The Jews Are Taking Over Everything!
Islam violently conquered and occupied the majority of the Middle East and destroyed and tortured other religions and people along the way.
Read The Greatest Genocide - 250 million non-Muslims killed by Islam

This past Wednesday evening Rabbi Yehuda Glick was gunned down by a Muslim terrorist who was upset that Yehuda wanted Jews to have the right to pray on the Temple Mount!
All He Wanted Was To Pray On The Temple Mount. The Chutzpah is unbelievable!

The Muslims build a mosque on the place where the Jewish Temple stood and then attempt a murder when Jews demand to pray there?
Truth is, we shouldn’t be surprised. Dishonesty is nothing new when it comes to Islamic wars.
It is called Taqiyya and what it means is a Muslim is allowed to lie in order to justify his actions.

There is not a single Islamic regime that offers freedom or equal rights to minorities and not even to their own women!  A world where stoning, whipping and beating is part of the culture and Jihad, along with a fantasy of paradise with virgins that is promised to those who murder, is not a partner for peace but rather a recipe for death!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Forget about the fact that Israel NEVER occupied an Arab country called Palestine.  During the years between 1948-1967, when the entire West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem were under Arab control, was a Palestine State declared?  Did that stop the Islamic terror?


It was during those years that the arch terrorist Yasser Arafat put together the PLO terrorist organization.
Yasser and Gaddafi – Match Made in Hell!

This was three years before the Six Day War. There were no settlements and there was no occupation. Everything the Arabs are demanding today was already in their control in 1966, so why did they continue to terrorize Israel?  Because this has nothing to do with land and everything to do with radical Islam!

You’re Still Not Convinced? Let’s pretend for a second that this IS about land, and a people who call themselves Palestinians are just trying to regain land that was once theirs.
Let’s pretend their struggle is against a people who came from afar and occupied their Palestine.
Let’s say you truly feel for these “Palestinian” people and you will fight to the death to have their land returned.  
Now reread this paragraph and understand that the occupiers of 80% of what was British Palestine were the Hashemites who currently occupy what is called Trans-Jordan.  
As if it is not bad enough that they occupy the poor Palestinians’ land, they actually do not allow Palestinians to have equal rights in their country.
Why, you ask?  Because Palestinians make up over 70% of Jordan’s population and if they gave them rights, it would become a Palestine democracy!

Above:  This Is The map Of Palestine Before The Hashemite Occupation

In 1922 the Hashemites, that had absolutely no connection to this area, came over and forcefully occupied the entire area east of the Jordan River. This area was called Trans-Jordan and is where these foreigners declared their country!

If this conflict was really about land, don’t you think the Palestinians would be fighting for 80% of the land that was occupied from them instead of the small 20% that is called Israel?
You’re still not convinced that this has nothing to do with land or an occupation?  Last night a Muslim terrorist shot rabbi Yehuda Glick.

The Muslim terrorist was NOT a Palestinian and was not from Gaza or the West Bank; he was an Arab living in Jerusalem with full and equal rights.  How did he know what was going on at the Begin Center in Jerusalem that evening? Simple, he was an employee at the Israeli restaurant that is located in the Begin Center!

Mutaz Higazzi was the terrorist’s name and he lived in Jerusalem – had rights, had a job and had no reason to shoot Yehuda Glick except for the fact that Yehuda is a Jew who was demanding his right to pray on the Temple Mount.

Mutaz was not the first Jerusalem Muslim to take advantage of his rights.  Just a week ago another Jerusalem Muslim ran his car into a crowd of innocent random Israelis waiting for the light rail in Jerusalem and murdered a 3-month old little baby girl.  
Once again, the terrorist had rights, had a job and had no reason to murder little Chaya Zissel except for the fact that she was Jewish! 
So Is Peace Possible?
If you’re asking if Israel is willing to have Muslims stop killing us, the answer is of course!
If however you are confusing blackmail with peace and are referring to when Muslims threaten Israel and say unless we give up our land and even our capital they will continue to murder us, the answer is an absolute NO!

Any Muslim who calls themselves Palestinian and fabricates history in order to justify terrorizing Israel, cannot be a peace partner of any sort.
The peace process will start when Muslims give up the physical idea of Jihad and stop with the fictitious story of an Arab Palestine State pre-Israel. Is Peace Possible? 
My Muslim neighbors from Bethlehem are already at peace with me, but if you’re talking about a complete peace deal, you tell me – would you make peace with this kind of ideology?
Video below:  (Moderate) Palestinian Authority Cleric:  Kill all Jews - Allah will make Muslims masters over Jews

More Palestinian Media Watch YouTube videos
Source for "The Jewish Arab conflict is not about land" article above (except for a video transcript, as specified): 
By the same author: 
Facts that probe Jerusalem was never a Muslim Holy city
Such as:
No one who disputes the fact that King David was the first to make Jerusalem a capital city.
  • No one disputes that David’s son Solomon built the first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

  • No one disputes the second Temple was also built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
  • No one disputes the fact that the Romans ransacked the Temple, slaughtered the Jews and kicked them out of Israel.
  • No one disputes that Muslims forcible conquered and occupied Jerusalem and built their mosque on the place of the Jewish Temple

    More articles by Israel Shield
    The map below puts the conflict in geographical perspective.  Israel fills the headlines.  Israeli occupation and oppression of Arabs is a regular allegation.  However, when you look at the map, you see how the Muslim invasion and occupation has taken over so much of the area.  Israel is the tiny region in red.  The ones in green are all Arab countries.   There are more Muslim countries all around, such as Iran, Turkey, and sub-Saharan Muslim African countries. 

    Non-green areas also have large Muslim populations.  Those were lands conquered by Muslims and forcibly converted to Islam.  Millions of their inhabitants were murdered or turned into slaves.  To this day some Arab countries still own African slaves.
    Black sympathies and even devotion to Islam are so incongruous.  Islam is the religion of the slave owner, oppressor and occupier. 

    Read more about Arabs slave trade

    The Arab slave trade -
    Arabs own slaves today
    Black Islamic slavery and racism - African Muslims owning Africans


    The Nazi-Arab collaboration in the Holocaust

    The Mandate for Palestine and the British betrayal

    'Allah Gave Israel to The Jews, There's No Palestine' - says Jordanian Muslim scholar
    Muslim scholar in Jordan attacks 'Palestinians' for distorting Koran, Jews given Israel 'until Day of Judgement.'
    Read more
    Even the Koran admits Jerusalem belongs to the JewsIsrael is mentioned eight times in the Koran and there is not a single mention that it belongs to Arabs or Muslims. Whenever there is a reference to the Land of Israel and to whom it belongs, the Koran points to the Jewish people.
    Muslim scholar admits Israel belongs to the Jews

    Palestine Post (now known as Jerusalem Post) May 16, 1948


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